Excluded Folders Constantly Getting Scanned

I added my games folder E:\Games to my excluded list since I naturally don't want the slowdowns when launching and playing Games.

The on-access scanner keeps going crazy and trying to scan my files in that folder making my big games take ages to load (Crysis, Call of Duty 4).

I know I can run Bitdefender in "game-mode" but an excluded folder SHOULD BE EXCLUDED.

I have added the path, chosen to exclude from On-demand and On-access scanning, but I can still see the status window checking the files when I launch games from that directory...

I tested using Game-mode and my games load instantly...

*angry face*

Any thoughts?


  • I have exact same problem. seem like "exception not working" is a very common problem. BD still scan my excluded folder both on-access and on-demand.

    @ereetos: for me, call of duty 4 doesn't take ages to load, only Crysis

  • I have the same problem! I want to exclude directories with log files and scans from document scanning software

    (large tiffs and 100000+ log files) and vba scripts blocked by Bitdefender. Bitdefender ignores all exceptions settings.

    I contacted the german support and received the following answer on 14. August 2008:

    "Wir haben alle Informationen die Sie an uns gesendet haben, analysiert und wir

    werden zielgenau die Angelegenheit erledigen.

    Unser Team arbeitet bereits an der Problembehebung,und sobald es verfügbar

    ist, werden wir es durch den automatischen Update einsetzen."

    On the 4th of July (40 days ago) leoliver received the reply

    "The issue that you have reported has been acknowledged by our team and is

    currently being worked on for a fix. As soon as we will have reached a

    solution, you will be notified via email. The fix will be done by means of

    automatic update and won't require any additional action from your part."

    This is no exact translation of the German reply, but has the exactly the same meaning.

    Is it such a monstrous problem to tell a software to ignore a certain path or extension;-)

  • I have exact same problem. seem like "exception not working" is a very common problem. BD still scan my excluded folder both on-access and on-demand.

    @ereetos: for me, call of duty 4 doesn't take ages to load, only Crysis

    yeahh crysis will pretty much take so long i just reboot and turn on game-mode...

    this is terribly annoying.

  • I have the same problem! I want to exclude directories with log files and scans from document scanning software

    (large tiffs and 100000+ log files) and vba scripts blocked by Bitdefender. Bitdefender ignores all exceptions settings.

    I contacted the german support and received the following answer on 14. August 2008:

    "Wir haben alle Informationen die Sie an uns gesendet haben, analysiert und wir

    werden zielgenau die Angelegenheit erledigen.

    Unser Team arbeitet bereits an der Problembehebung,und sobald es verfügbar

    ist, werden wir es durch den automatischen Update einsetzen."

    On the 4th of July (40 days ago) leoliver received the reply

    "The issue that you have reported has been acknowledged by our team and is

    currently being worked on for a fix. As soon as we will have reached a

    solution, you will be notified via email. The fix will be done by means of

    automatic update and won't require any additional action from your part."

    This is no exact translation of the German reply, but has the exactly the same meaning.

    Is it such a monstrous problem to tell a software to ignore a certain path or extension;-)

    yeah i dont know what the hold up is...