Bitdefender now includes Cryptomining Protection

Alexandru_BD admin
edited March 2024 in News and Blogs

With the advent of cryptomoney, a relatively new cyber threat has emerged – cryptojacking, in the form of cryptomining malware. This malware strain piggybacks on your device’s processing power to mine cryptocurrency without your knowledge, taking a significant toll on your device’s performance and potentially paving the way for other, more severe security risks.

Recognizing this threat, Bitdefender Total Security now encompasses a cutting-edge cryptomining protection feature.

Read the full article on our blog:

And don't forget to leave your thoughts on this one here. What do you think about this new feature? Are you cryptomining yourself? Have you ever experienced cryptojacking? Tell us in the comments below.

Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user


  • @Alexandru_BD ,

    I think that this is a GREAT addition to a great product. While I haven't personally been a victim or done any cryptomining, I have worked on malware removal cases where it was an issue for the user.

    Have a great day.



  • TaxiMagicien42
    TaxiMagicien42 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited February 2024


    I think it’s great to have this new protection module. I think it’s important in today’s digital world.

    The configuration is as always quite simple since, it was done automatically.


    Windows 11 Famille 23H2

    AMD Ryzen 5 5600X 3.70 GHz

    Bitdefender Ultimate Security Individual

  • Hi!

    A major improvement to your product !

    It s already installed

    All the best ! 😀

  • How to enable?

  • TaxiMagicien42
    TaxiMagicien42 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Hello @Jenwren

    You can find the answer to your question in this Bitdefender support article. 


    Windows 11 Famille 23H2

    AMD Ryzen 5 5600X 3.70 GHz

    Bitdefender Ultimate Security Individual

  • I'm confused - shouldn't Bitdefender prevent cryptojacking malware from being installed in the first place?

    Thank you

  • TaxiMagicien42
    TaxiMagicien42 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Good morning @Gdnaybr

    As you can see, this is now the case.


    Windows 11 Famille 23H2

    AMD Ryzen 5 5600X 3.70 GHz

    Bitdefender Ultimate Security Individual

  • Hello @@Gdnaybr and thanks for joining us here.

    To answer your question, it's important to mention that the protection technologies available in Bitdefender already cover/detect conclusive cryptojacking (as in cryptomining files with malicious code embedded). Cryptomining Protection extends the coverage to Cryptomining activities that do not necessarily embed malicious code (so the traditional layers will not pick them up) but can be dropped/running on the system without the user knowing. This is what the new feature actually brings to the table.

    I hope I managed to clarify this aspect.



    Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user

  • When I open up the Protection Features in my Bitdefender Total Security, the Cryptomining Protection option does not show up. It's not there.

  • @Machisen ,

    Welcome to the Bitdefender Forums. The Protection features page actually scrolls there are so many Protection components. The Antivirus component is at the top left. Refer the images of my BDTS Protection components, paying close attention to the blue scroll bar at the right side.

    I am guessing that you scrolled down. If not, please post back.

    I hope this helps. Have a great day.



  • Alexandru_BD
    Alexandru_BD admin
    edited March 2024


    To add here, make sure you have the latest Bitdefender version installed, you can check this here, then restart your device and the feature should be displayed afterwards. 😉



    Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user