Free Upgrade

I had an email to unlock my free upgrade. Although it is free it is asking me for my credit card details so I am thinking it is spam even though it looks very genuine.

Best Answers

  • Gjoksi
    Gjoksi Defender of the month mod
    Answer ✓


    Did you receive an offer from to upgrade from Total Security to Premium Security for free?

    If so, those messages are legit, so nothing to worry.

    They contain special offers and product recommendations.

    Also, as @Alexandru_BD once told "the offer to upgrade to Premium Security for FREE is legitimate, however, please note that this has been offered only for eligible Total Security users under specific criteria, so this is a more personalized offer and has NOT been sent to the entire userbase.".

    Also, your credit card details are needed for the automatic renewal process.

    Check out part 7.2. Automatic Renewal from this article:


  • Korimako
    Answer ✓

    Thank you so much for replying. I feel now that yes it is genuine.


  • I have received the free upgrade email today.

    Thanks for relieve my doubts.