Identity Theft Protection - Social Media - Add New Option

There is no option to show that a user does not have one or more of the social media accounts listed. Therefore, a user can never achieve 100 percent score on the recommended actions. Each social media account listed needs an option to show if there is no account.

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Active · Last Updated


  • Hello and thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts with us.

    Can you please provide more details about your feature request? Right now the Social Media Monitoring feature, monitors your social media networks for hacking. You need to connect each account to the interface and you will receive notifications in case of attacks.



    Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user

  • My issue with the Social Media Monitoring feature is that you do not have the option to say NONE for one or more of the different Social Media accounts. I think this needs to be added to the software.