Gravity Zone Platform Product Licensing


My company where I work sold BDF Gravity Zone Business Standard and BDF Security for Servers to one of our client. Now the main issue is that the client is specific and want's to use both products on the same console, I know that is currently impossible since both products are different. Can you recommend any solution of how to solve this, because the only solution i got from the support is to try to convert the license of both products to BDF Gravity Zone Premium which in my opinion is out of the option because client need's to protect 27 laptops running Linux OS, 11 laptops running Windows and 18 laptops running MacOS.

Best Answer

  • Andrei_S Enterprise
    Andrei_S Enterprise Business Support Manager BD Staff
    Answer ✓

    The best way would be to change the license key from on-prem to cloud by reaching out to our Enterprise Support Team but the same on-prem product can be used also on cloud, there is no limitation to that. Please keep in mind that you can only use it for one environment (cloud or on-prem).

    Kind Regards,



  • Andrei_S Enterprise
    Andrei_S Enterprise Business Support Manager BD Staff

    Hello @Stefan94a ,

    You can only have one core product per console, so the solution for your case is either use 2 consoles, one for each product, either to purchase one license that would include the features from GravityZone Business Security and GravityZone Security for Servers.

    Kind Regards,


  • Ok thanks for the answer. One more question can I use activation code which is used to activate on-premise solution to activate cloud console.