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Outlook Express


Have just installed BD Total Security 2008 and it is causing Outlook Express to disappear from the screen intermittently when opening emails. OE will not return until a reboot. Am using Windows XP on a new computer. Any ideas?


  • Have just installed BD Total Security 2008 and it is causing Outlook Express to disappear from the screen intermittently when opening emails. OE will not return until a reboot. Am using Windows XP on a new computer. Any ideas?

    I'm having the same problem, did anyone ever figure this out. Please, and thank you.

  • Me too. I just loaded Bitdefender Total Security 2008 yesterday onto a 6 month old Dell XPS with WindowsXP and have had to reboot my system eight times to be able to open Outlook Express 2007. If BitDefender can't fix this, I'll have to go back to (shudder) Norton. As slow as it was, it didn't mess with my XP system and Outlook Express. Anyone been able to solve this?

  • pcbugfixer
    pcbugfixer ✭✭✭
    edited February 2008

    G’Day Folks,

    BitDefender also had these issues with Outlook Express in the older BDIS v10 and we changed our email program to Microsoft Outlook (part of the MS Office Suite) and seem not to have the same problems. Other email programs also seem to work OK with BD.

    Mind you we have had the reverse with some customers that have BD installed, where MS Outlook refuses to work with BD and changing to Outlook Express did work.

    The problem is the “BitDefender Anti Spam Toolbar” that is not loading correctly into the Outlook Express interface – Tool and Menu header at the top. i.e. Program Add-ons.

    It’s a bug (conflict in program codes) = incompatibility of some type – mind you not everyone has this problem and why this is – I do not know, as I do not have access to the source codes and do not want to.

    I suspect that it may also relate to the XP OS version and if the individual PC has all the updates for the OS, IE7 and Office Programs installed (Murphy’s Law also applies here)


  • Can the Anti- Spam Toolbar be turned off, and if so, does that solve the problem?

  • pcbugfixer
    pcbugfixer ✭✭✭
    edited February 2008

    G’Day “roadtrip”

    Yes it can be, however that somewhat defeats the purpose of having it, the BitDefender toolbar in the first place and as such then the BD protection for email messages and additional functionality offered by the toolbar.

    The Toolbar has the ability to determine certain actions for individual or selected email messages such as determining; “Is Spam” meaning that we flag the sender as a spammer and any future messages from that sender are automatically scraped (deleted). The next “Not Spam” allows us to reverse this action and or change an emails classification if it was flagged as spam, to then not be flagged as spam. Etc

    Other actions (functions) of the tool bar include “Add Spammer”, “Add Friend”, “Spammers”, “Friends”, “Settings”, “Wizard” and “BitDefender Antispam”. The last 3 relating to the setup and configuration of the BD email controls.

    So if this does not functions, like I said you defeat the reason for and why you have protection in the first place for your email.

    If Outlook Express crashes, the next time you start it it should ask you if you want to start it in “Safe Mode” do so. This then does not load any of the Add-on’s such as the BD toolbar and others like the Adobe add-on etc.

    The other warning may be words to the effect, “The last time you started outlook …. the ????? did not load correctly, … do you want to disable the ?????” do so and Outlook express will then load and the BD toolbar is also disabled.

    If none of these 2 (above) items occur, then you need to force start Outlook Express in save mode by going to – Start – Run and in the Open [ ] line type (without quotation marks) “ msimn /safe “ (there is a space after the msimn – you can use msimn.exe /safe)

    NB: this is presuming that you had Outlook Express as your default email program. If it was not the default, and you had Microsoft Outlook as the default, then the run command is " outlook /safe " (again you can use outlook.exe /safe)

    This is simply to ensure that Outlook Express loads .

    Now to control the Add-ons, as Outlook Express is part of the Internet Explorer interface, it’s add-ons are controlled through the IE – “Tools” -> “Mange Add-ons” -> “Enable or Disable Add-ons” (##) where you can then disable the respective add-on, in the “Add-ons currently loaded in Internet Explorer”

    Sometimes this may take a while to load, but simply wait and it will load the interface to control the Add-ons.

    To do so, simply click on the line of the program “BitDefender Toolbar” and then in the Settings parameter click on the circle O Disable, Then click on the [OK] button, X out (close) IE and then try the Outlook Express which should now start.

    (##) There are other options in the pop down menu – BUT PLEASE DO NOT FIDDLE WITH THEM UNLESS YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING.

    Think about it, “Why disable something you wanted to use to protect your PC system!”

    BTW: The Outlook Express version loaded by IE7 is Outlook Express 6, which is the latest OE version.

    pcbugfixer :ph34r:

  • I'm also having a problem with Internet Security 2008 crashing Outlook Express. All seems to work well with OE until there is an auto, or a manual Bd update. As soon as the update is completed, OE will crash. This is especially true when switching between identities. It's a real pain the butt doing a PC restart to regain access to OE. I keep going round and round with Bd tech support sending them captured data, and to no avail. I've uninstalled and installed Bd 2008 3x, run registry cleaners, etc., etc. I'm almost at the point of opting out of OE for another email program, or maybe just bite the bullet and go to Norton or some other security system.

  • lucgam
    I'm also having a problem with Internet Security 2008 crashing Outlook Express. All seems to work well with OE until there is an auto, or a manual Bd update. As soon as the update is completed, OE will crash. This is especially true when switching between identities. It's a real pain the butt doing a PC restart to regain access to OE. I keep going round and round with Bd tech support sending them captured data, and to no avail. I've uninstalled and installed Bd 2008 3x, run registry cleaners, etc., etc. I'm almost at the point of opting out of OE for another email program, or maybe just bite the bullet and go to Norton or some other security system.
  • lucgam

    I am also having a problem with bitdefender and outlook express. My problem is somewhat different. OE frequently crashes when trying to reply, forward or even creating a new e-mail. I have contacted Bitdefender support program by e-mail, by phone, by chat but to no avail. they made me down load some program to try to track the problem. Now everytime it crashes it asks to email report. The problem is we don't know if they are getting the report. It has now been over a week since the last e-mail and I have not heard a thing.. I have found out that by killing bdagent.exe on Task Manager I can get back to OE without rebooting but then I must double click the Bitdefender icon to activate it again. It is rather frustrating and time comsuming. I am about ready to ask for my money back, but then I am not sure what software to use.


  • tds
    I am also having a problem with bitdefender and outlook express. My problem is somewhat different. OE frequently crashes when trying to reply, forward or even creating a new e-mail. I have contacted Bitdefender support program by e-mail, by phone, by chat but to no avail. they made me down load some program to try to track the problem. Now everytime it crashes it asks to email report. The problem is we don't know if they are getting the report. It has now been over a week since the last e-mail and I have not heard a thing.. I have found out that by killing bdagent.exe on Task Manager I can get back to OE without rebooting but then I must double click the Bitdefender icon to activate it again. It is rather frustrating and time comsuming. I am about ready to ask for my money back, but then I am not sure what software to use.


    Having problems to with BD Total Security 2008 and Outlook Express as well, when it happens a dialog box from BD appears, with Critical Error title says its sending report to BD, asks for email address so I can be contacted and refers to bdoe.dll, Link Library as offender. So far I have not received a reply on how to resolve issue. So I disabled AntiSpam module and Outlook Express works OK. And this defeats the purpose of the program <img class=" /> . I just installed Total Security a few days ago and it worked great for about 3 days. I have been using BD since BD v.8 with no problems and always recommended to others. I hope they find a answer.

  • pcbugfixer
    pcbugfixer ✭✭✭
    edited July 2008

    Hi "tds"

    As far as sending reports and getting a reply - "Don't hold your breath"

    I have been reporting errors with the automatic reporter for years and have NEVER gotten a reply !!!


  • lucgam
    Having problems to with BD Total Security 2008 and Outlook Express as well, when it happens a dialog box from BD appears, with Critical Error title says its sending report to BD, asks for email address so I can be contacted and refers to bdoe.dll, Link Library as offender. So far I have not received a reply on how to resolve issue. So I disabled AntiSpam module and Outlook Express works OK. And this defeats the purpose of the program <img class=" /> . I just installed Total Security a few days ago and it worked great for about 3 days. I have been using BD since BD v.8 with no problems and always recommended to others. I hope they find a answer.

    July 25, 2008

    I have been in continuous contact with BD. They had told me they were working on it and would have an update by the the 24th july. But OE still crashed last night. I have not heard anything today. I have contacted them again but no reply yet.


  • tds
    July 25, 2008

    I have been in continuous contact with BD. They had told me they were working on it and would have an update by the the 24th july. But OE still crashed last night. I have not heard anything today. I have contacted them again but no reply yet.


    I enabled Antispam filter last night and everything is working OK for now, maybe they put something in a update. This is still not the crisp working security suite of previous BD versions, I believe it is still quite BUGGY. :wacko:

  • lucgam
    I enabled Antispam filter last night and everything is working OK for now, maybe they put something in a update. This is still not the crisp working security suite of previous BD versions, I believe it is still quite BUGGY. :wacko:

    OE has still been crashing for us today. My last reply from them was "The issue should be fixed in a few days". I certainly hope so.

  • Hi

    We loaded BD on Friday, my problem is a bit different from the ones mentioned here.

    We have the fax machine linked to OE in order to receive our faxes onto the email. But since the installation of BD the function no longer works.

    This is the error message it gives:

    The connection to the server has failed. Account: '', Server: '', Protocol: POP3, Port: 110, Secure(SSL): No, Socket Error: 10060, Error Number: 0x800CCC0E

    The setup here is that it is a small office of 5 computers on a network. My PC is the server and the fax machine is a printer too which all the PC's have access to. Though only my PC receives the fax via email.

    Over the weekend my boss looked at the problem and BD told her that this was not a trusted source. How do I make it a trusted source? We turned off the firewall but this made not difference either.

    Or perhaps there is sonething else I need to do or not do. HELP!!!! We need to receive faxes in order to function.

  • lucgam

    We loaded BD on Friday, my problem is a bit different from the ones mentioned here.

    We have the fax machine linked to OE in order to receive our faxes onto the email. But since the installation of BD the function no longer works.

    This is the error message it gives:

    The setup here is that it is a small office of 5 computers on a network. My PC is the server and the fax machine is a printer too which all the PC's have access to. Though only my PC receives the fax via email.

    Over the weekend my boss looked at the problem and BD told her that this was not a trusted source. How do I make it a trusted source? We turned off the firewall but this made not difference either.

    Or perhaps there is sonething else I need to do or not do. HELP!!!! We need to receive faxes in order to function.

    Try to contact BD support. But don't expect a quick solution. My problem has been going on for atleast a month and they continue to say they are working on it. I am giving them one more week...

  • Try to contact BD support. But don't expect a quick solution. My problem has been going on for atleast a month and they continue to say they are working on it. I am giving them one more week...

    Hi There, It happend to me yesterday 15/8/08,I didn't answere any of their questions.Done a system restore,everything seems to be working ok at the moment. Cheers

  • pcbugfixer
    Try to contact BD support. But don't expect a quick solution. My problem has been going on for at least a month and they continue to say they are working on it. I am giving them one more week...

    "they continue to say they are working on it."

    This excuse is a standard ploy and is getting lame.

    To my knowledge, they have been working on this problem since version BD 8.x, meaning it's been worked on for years and it's about time they fixed it ! <img class=" />

    or come up with a better excuse for a problem they cannot fix !?


  • Same problem here: the Bit Defender dll error occurs, usually after trying to create a message in Outlook Express. But is random - it will work fine for a day or so, but then you have to reboot the machine, since reloading the dll does not work.

    I also have recieved no reply from BD for my error submissions...

    <img class=" />

    Got to think this deserves better - I have previously had a problem solved within 24 h... seems like BD is going the way of Norton and the other crap AV programs? Why is there silence on this problem that quite a few people seem to have?

    <img class=" />

    Supplementary Question (can no longer find specific answer on BD support site, I thought I'd seen it there once?):

    Does the BD spam toolbar also work with Thunderbird?

    I assume the spam filter works with any POP3 mail account?

    I guess I can change mail clients...

    <img class=" />

    "they continue to say they are working on it."

    This excuse is a standard ploy and is getting lame.

    To my knowledge, they have been working on this problem since version BD 8.x, meaning it's been worked on for years and it's about time they fixed it ! <img class=" />

    or come up with a better excuse for a problem they cannot fix !?


  • This just happened to me tonight 9/2/08 and it's rediculous, between this and the exception rule problem, I'm pretty sure when mine expires in Nov. I will be switching AV companies.

    I can't read my e-mail, now what?!

    Same problem here: the Bit Defender dll error occurs, usually after trying to create a message in Outlook Express. But is random - it will work fine for a day or so, but then you have to reboot the machine, since reloading the dll does not work.

    I also have recieved no reply from BD for my error submissions...

    <img class=" />

    Got to think this deserves better - I have previously had a problem solved within 24 h... seems like BD is going the way of Norton and the other crap AV programs? Why is there silence on this problem that quite a few people seem to have?

    <img class=" />

    Supplementary Question (can no longer find specific answer on BD support site, I thought I'd seen it there once?):

    Does the BD spam toolbar also work with Thunderbird?

    I assume the spam filter works with any POP3 mail account?

    I guess I can change mail clients...

    <img class=" />

  • suporte
    edited September 2008

    -enter windows on dafe mode (F8 at startup)

    -got to bitdefender directory and change the file “bdoe.dll” to bdoe.dl_

    -restart the computer

    meanwhile bitdefender 2009 has this issue fixed.