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Free V10 - Need New Registartion Key


I installed the free v10 on-demand scanner last year on my home PC. It's worked really well and now the registration key has expired. As instructed I emailed support@bitdefender to request a new key. Here's their reply: :wacko: (Oh and I sent my email to them in English.)


C'est la société Editions Profil qui assure le support de toutes les versions françaises des produits BitDefender.

Une aide en ligne est disponible sur leur site Internet à cette adresse :

Nous vous remercions de bien vouloir la consulter. Si vous n'y trouvez pas de réponse satisfaisante, merci d'envoyer un e-mail à l'adresse ou bien de contacter le support technique au numéro 0892-561-161 (0,34€ TTC / min), du lundi au vendredi, afin que votre requête soit traitée dans les meilleurs délais.


Le Support Technique

Anyone know who I should contact now to get the new registration key. Thanks.


  • Niels

    Hello Hilary,

    The quickest way is using livechat. You can find livechat here. Select customer care.

    Kind regards,


  • Thanks Neils, helpful as ever.

    Sadly BD are not so good. I tried that and yes they gave me a new key. But when I tried it, it failed:

    The licence key you have entered is not valid or has expired.

    So I tried Live Assisatnce again but couldn't reach them:

    Thank you for using LiveAssistance! For the moment, our operators cannot be reached directly. Please leave a message and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.

    I'll let you know what happens.

  • Well we've got there eventually.

    The support people did email back to me but they sent me the very same key as Live Assist had done earlier. I tried it again and it failed again. I emailed them again and I included a screen print of the error message. They emailed me back and curtly told me the key was valid. I tried it again. It failed again. I sent them another email and another screen print of the error message. :(

    By then I'd had enough and so switched off and went to bed.

    This morning I logged on and found they've emailed me again. This time they've told me to uninstall the current copy; download it again; and use the key they gave me yesterday. So I've spent 2 hours on this today so far. The pc is now rebooting after the new installation so fingers crossed. Just as well I have anothe pc I can use for now.

    So excuse me while I go and have a coffee.

  • OK so it's rebooted. Seems OK but I've got that good old problem that the icon isn't in the system tray. Still I know the fix for that glitch thanks to Niels and this forum. :)

  • Niels

    Hello Hilary,

    Sometimes it could be that when you copy the license key from an e-mail that you copied also a space. If you do that your key is invalid. Mistyping is also a problem I had the same problem also infact it was the number (0) and not the letter (O).Good to hear the it's solved. You are welcome.

    Kind regards,
