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P2p Disabled



My BD 2008 (paid for) on XP stopped working a few months ago. I'm just getting around to the problem.

I reinstalled and was able to update however I can not run any of the scans.

When I click on "Antivirus critical warning" it says "Real time Protection (P2P and file access) -> Disabled -> Fix.

Clicking fix does not do anything.

When I reboot BD in the tray says BD is turned OFF.

I'm lookin for the switch, can't figure out how to turn it on or enable the P2P so that I can scan.

When I click on Deep System Scan or Full System Scan it does nothing.

Please help.



  • Sm3K3R
    Sm3K3R ✭✭✭
    edited September 2008

    Happend to me also and it needs a reinstall usually.

    Uninstall BD 2008 from Add/Remove, restart then run the BD Uninstall tool.

    Before reinstalling BD i usually reinstall Windows Installer 3.1 and Microsoft Visual C++ 2005/2008 redistributable ,that seem to help.

    While reinstalling BD turn off any other security software like HIPS firewall or real time antispyware, if any.

    Good Luck!

  • Happend to me also and it needs a reinstall usually.

    Uninstall BD 2008 from Add/Remove, restart then run the BD Uninstall tool.

    Before reinstalling BD i usually reinstall Windows Installer 3.1 and Microsoft Visual C++ 2005/2008 redistributable ,that seem to help.

    While reinstalling BD turn off any other security software like HIPS firewall or real time antispyware, if any.

    Good Luck!

    Thanks Sm3K3R,

    Here is some more info and more questions that I hope someone can help me with.

    I have BD on two computers. I just went to check it on my other computer and found that BD is not working on computer #2 either.

    When I tried to update is got this error:

    An error occured during update (Callback Abort)

    It stopped at File: Plugins/7zip.xmd

    Part two of my question is, since I have BD on two computers and I can't remember which one I installed on first, How can I tell which key belongs to which conputer?

    Where can I download Anitivirus 2008 again?

    Thanks for any help you can gove me with any of my questions.


  • Download link for AV 2008.
  • Thank you!

    I have got BD to work on both computers again and am in the process of running scans.

    Thanks for everybody's help.
