Blocked Yahoo Attachments
Hi. I've searched on this forum and it looks like many people are having trouble accessing certain pages. For me, the only page that I've found is blocked is when I try to open a yahoo email attachment. I use Firefox. When I click to open the attachment I get a white screen. I've disabled my antiphishing, all of my parental control is disabled, I've added yahoo mail to the white list.
I've also enabled my cookies and scripts but this sent a flood of bitdefender popups on my screen, asking to add or deny this cookie. I added, then refreshed my yahoo mail and the page was jumbled and "not normal". As it didn't seem to work and I couldn't see my yahoo page the way it should, I disabled both cookies and scripts again.
I've written bitdefender tech support twice and after a week of no response I'm here. Does anyone else have this problem-with yahoo mail attachments? Other people have mentioned problems with youtube, or other sites. Youtube works fine for me, and this is the only problem I've found...but its a huge problem if I can't open attachments in my email.
If someone could help me, I'd greatly appreciate it!!
I too have run into this problem on two different machines. This is definately a Bitdefender issue and not a browers or OS issue.
I have two different machines running BitDefender Total Security 2009.
One machine is running XP and the other Vista Home Pro.
I am having this same problem on both machines. I can not download any attachments from my yahoo account. When I click on the attachment it forwards me to a "Can not find webpage" message.
The only work around I have been able to figure out is to turn off "ANTIVIRUS" in the settings. Shame you have to turn off the entire moduale to download an attachment but that is all I could figure out thus far." />
Under the ADVANCE settings.....
That will fix the issue." /> Just remember that now you may be exposed to a virus being downloaded via your yahoo attachments. In other words only open files that you are expecting. Not all the junk forwarded by most people.
Hope that helps!0 -
I too have run into this problem on two different machines. This is definately a Bitdefender issue and not a browers or OS issue.
I have two different machines running BitDefender Total Security 2009.
One machine is running XP and the other Vista Home Pro.
I am having this same problem on both machines. I can not download any attachments from my yahoo account. When I click on the attachment it forwards me to a "Can not find webpage" message.
The only work around I have been able to figure out is to turn off "ANTIVIRUS" in the settings. Shame you have to turn off the entire moduale to download an attachment but that is all I could figure out thus far." />
Under the ADVANCE settings.....
That will fix the issue." /> Just remember that now you may be exposed to a virus being downloaded via your yahoo attachments. In other words only open files that you are expecting. Not all the junk forwarded by most people.
Hope that helps!
Hey- thanks for the post and trying to help. I unclicked the "scan yahoo messenger traffic" and it I still can't open the attachment. It still goes to a blank white page.
I tried disabling the antivirus and it did the same too- no attachment and went to a white page. I'm really at a loss.
Thanks for your help though--if anybody else reads this and has any ideas, please help us! ha
John0 -
May need a reboot for the changes to take affect.
Here is a picture of my settings. Hope it helps.
Thanks again. I made mine to look like yours and rebooted and I still couldn't download my attachments. I noticed you have "total security 2009" and I have only "antivirus 2009". Do you think it could be something else? I don't know much about these sort of things, so forgive my ignorance. There is no firewall with "antivirus 2009" and I'm using just my windows firewall- could it be something with that?
If I could figure this out, I think I'd really like bitdefender. ha.
Thanks again- I really appreciate you trying to help me out.
-John0 -
I just called Tech Support and they were able to fix the problem. It ends up that it I had cookies enabled in my "privacy" settings. After I went to default settings (not sure why it wasn't in default to begin with), I was able to get attachments. I just thought you would like to know. Thanks for you help. All is back to normal here.
John0 -
i did like you. But i can not get attachement. Can you help me detailed ?
0 -
i did like you. But i can not get attachement. Can you help me detailed ?
the man at tech support instructed me to go to the Privacy settings under "Advanced View." I've attached two images of how my privacy settings look. If you click "default level", this will disable your registry control, cookie control and ****** control. The problem for me, was that my "cookie control" was enabled. This was preventing Yahoo Mail to add the cookie it needs to open an attachment.
Or, you can go to "Custom level" and disable "cookie control". The first picture is from the default level and the second is in the custom level.
If it doesn't work and your "privacy control statistics" show you are blocking cookies, perhaps this is the reason. I don't know how to reset those or fix that though.
These other settings are enabled in my antivirus 2009: antivirus, antiphishing, encryption.
Parental control is disabled and so is firewall (I only have antivirus so I'm not able to have bitdefender firewall).
I hope this helps.
-John0 -
the man at tech support instructed me to go to the Privacy settings under "Advanced View." I've attached two images of how my privacy settings look. If you click "default level", this will disable your registry control, cookie control and ****** control. The problem for me, was that my "cookie control" was enabled. This was preventing Yahoo Mail to add the cookie it needs to open an attachment.
Or, you can go to "Custom level" and disable "cookie control". The first picture is from the default level and the second is in the custom level.
If it doesn't work and your "privacy control statistics" show you are blocking cookies, perhaps this is the reason. I don't know how to reset those or fix that though.
These other settings are enabled in my antivirus 2009: antivirus, antiphishing, encryption.
Parental control is disabled and so is firewall (I only have antivirus so I'm not able to have bitdefender firewall).
I hope this helps.
Hi John,
I have been having similar problems with Yahoo attachments in Firefox 3. I tried your solutions but the problem remains. I am ignorant about how to upload screenshots on this message page. Could you guide me please? I tried uploading a screenshot and was told such a file cannot be uploaded. Is it he size of the screen shot? How do you get it across?
Robb0 -
Hi Robb,
Ultimately I had to call tech support at bit defender and they had to walk me through it. I'm sorry it isn't working for you either- I understand your aggravation. I messed around on here for a couple of days, then called Tech Support. They talked me through it in 10 minutes. FYI.
To capture a sreenshot though, you need to hit your "print screen" button on your keyboard. On a laptop, you need to press the "function" and "print screen". All this does is copy the screen on your computer. If you open up any picture editing program (photoshop for instance), you can paste it into a document, save as a jpeg and upload it here so people can see it.
I hope this helps. Best of luck.
JohnHi John,
I have been having similar problems with Yahoo attachments in Firefox 3. I tried your solutions but the problem remains. I am ignorant about how to upload screenshots on this message page. Could you guide me please? I tried uploading a screenshot and was told such a file cannot be uploaded. Is it he size of the screen shot? How do you get it across?
Robb0 -
I'm having the same problem. I thought it was just with Adobe .PDF files but I guess its all Yahoo attachments. I tried what others have said and still does not work. I've been on hold with Bitdefender for the past 20 mins, and 20 mins before that, was a busy signal.
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I finally got through to customer support, they told me when I want to download Yahoo attachments, change my Anti Virus settings from Default to Permissive. =/ Wasn't much help at all.
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I think i have resolved the issue but i need others to confirm. I am using the new Yahoo Mail Beta and not the Classic. I was able to download the attachments from the Classic e-mail after i set the option Scan Yahoo Messenger Traffic to off.
However, i want to use the Beta Version of Yahoo e-mail since it is easier to use.
So, i swtich back to the Beta view. When i was clicking on the attachment, i was getting the Yahoo message box with the download button. After clicking the download button, i was getting the Windows popup asking me to Open, Save or Cancel the operation. When i was choosing Save, the download dialog box was appearing and nothing was downloading... It was like if it was waiting for a connection. There was no progress bar at all.
I tried many thing until i decided to Disabled the Defender Toolbar on the Options->Program->Manage Add-ons
I closed IE restarted it and now i am able to download the attachment like i used to.
I would like to know from the BitDefender Tech Support if this is the solution and when this will be fixed?
P.S. Disabling BD or changing the setting to more permissive should not be an option. If you have issue, switch to classic view and download you attachement. Do not change BD settings. Just my opinion.
Thanks.0 -
I forgot about the Beta version. I use "classic"-which may be some of the reason mine works with my fix. I don't know. But your right, BitDefender needs to fix this.
I think i have resolved the issue but i need others to confirm. I am using the new Yahoo Mail Beta and not the Classic. I was able to download the attachments from the Classic e-mail after i set the option Scan Yahoo Messenger Traffic to off.
However, i want to use the Beta Version of Yahoo e-mail since it is easier to use.
So, i swtich back to the Beta view. When i was clicking on the attachment, i was getting the Yahoo message box with the download button. After clicking the download button, i was getting the Windows popup asking me to Open, Save or Cancel the operation. When i was choosing Save, the download dialog box was appearing and nothing was downloading... It was like if it was waiting for a connection. There was no progress bar at all.
I tried many thing until i decided to Disabled the Defender Toolbar on the Options->Program->Manage Add-ons
I closed IE restarted it and now i am able to download the attachment like i used to.
I would like to know from the BitDefender Tech Support if this is the solution and when this will be fixed?
P.S. Disabling BD or changing the setting to more permissive should not be an option. If you have issue, switch to classic view and download you attachement. Do not change BD settings. Just my opinion.
Thanks.0 -
I forgot about the Beta version. I use "classic"-which may be some of the reason mine works with my fix. I don't know. But your right, BitDefender needs to fix this.
I also face the problem of BD 2009 (also with 2008) refusing to download Yahoo Mail attachments. But the very same attachments download without any problem in Internet Explorer in the same PC. This proves that there is nothing wrong with Firefox. It is BD's problem with Firefox. And John is right in saying that it is meaningless to disable BD antivirus and remain totally vulnerable to be able to download attachments. I contacted BD's support team and they said they will fix the problem in the 3rd week of November, 2008, through BD's automatic update. I am using BD for 3 years now, and its support team is very good. Hope they will fix the problem soon.0 -
Well after thinking I solved the issue it is still and issue.
You see there is a option in the settings that says "Scan only new and changed files". This means that you can download older files from yahoo emails which gave me the wrong impressionthat all was working when if fact it is not.
Ok we have somwhat been able to notice a few things here which point to BD being the issue.
1. Regardless of what OS you use the problem remains. (eg. WINXP Vista etc).
2. Regardless of what browser your using the problem remains. (eg. Firefox or Explorer).
3. The only way to download anything from HOTMAIL or Yahoo or Rogers.Yahoo is to disable the protection, download the file, and then put it back up. Silly really.
4. Something to consider also. I have found that sending files is also and issue. If I send someone a file it arrives as corrupt or incomplete. Again BD causing issues with sending and receiving files.
Well if anyone else has something to add please do. I will be contacting BD Monday morning becuase this is silly and has been an issue for toooooooo long!
Thanks and cheers!0 -
Well after thinking I solved the issue it is still and issue.
You see there is a option in the settings that says "Scan only new and changed files". This means that you can download older files from yahoo emails which gave me the wrong impressionthat all was working when if fact it is not.
Ok we have somwhat been able to notice a few things here which point to BD being the issue.
1. Regardless of what OS you use the problem remains. (eg. WINXP Vista etc).
2. Regardless of what browser your using the problem remains. (eg. Firefox or Explorer).
3. The only way to download anything from HOTMAIL or Yahoo or Rogers.Yahoo is to disable the protection, download the file, and then put it back up. Silly really.
4. Something to consider also. I have found that sending files is also and issue. If I send someone a file it arrives as corrupt or incomplete. Again BD causing issues with sending and receiving files.
Well if anyone else has something to add please do. I will be contacting BD Monday morning becuase this is silly and has been an issue for toooooooo long!
Thanks and cheers!0 -
I have tried all what have mentioned in this thread. I still can't download the Yahoo mail attachment. Very frustrated!
0 -
I have tried all what have mentioned in this thread. I still can't download the Yahoo mail attachment. Very frustrated!
I had the same issue. I uninstalled the software and reinstalled it. Now it works. Go figure.0 -
I had this same issue. The BD dullards were at a loss as how to fix it. This was when I called in after NOT receiving any response to a support submission.
Speaking of support submissions...I have two of them still unanswered that are over 2 years old. I wonder if they are still working on those issues??!!
Anyway, this is what I, a mere drone, did to fix this issue: Go to Antivirus, Protection Level, Custom Level....go to the bottom of that box...if you have 'Scan HTTP traffic' checked, uncheck it.
The brain donor I finally spoke to said there will be a 'fix' to this issue "some time in the future" and that it will "just happen"...there will be no notification or response to my support request. So when this "just happens" I guess I'll know when I can turn that setting back on???
When I asked the brain donor what "some time in the future" meant, I was told "in the next few years". Gee, I'm so glad I bought BD! Aren't you??0 -
FYI to all.
Used "slam" resolution and the problem has not occured since. That is, disabled the BitDefender add-on in IE7 by selecting the IE7 menu option "Tools/Manage Add-ons/Enable or Disable Add-ons", select BD 2009 and click on the disable option and click OK.
I had a client with this same problem when using the online fax service on his computer that has Bitdefender Antivirus 2009 installed. He was unable to download pdf fax attachments. When he clicked on the pdf attachment link to download the pdf attachment, the Windows "open or save" dialog box would display and just hang forever. When I unchecked and disabled Bitdefender Antivirus 2009 real time protection option, he was able to immediately download, open or save the pdf file. I would then reactivate BD real time protection, and again I was unable to download the pdf file.
Once I disabled the BD 2009 add-on in IE7, and reactivated the BD 2009 real time protection, everything worked find. Did not have to reinstall BD or reboot system. By the way, this problem started happening immediately after I upgraded the computer from Bitdefender AV 2008 to 2009.
I have not had the time to contact BD support about a permanent solution to why the BD 2009 IE7 add-on is blocking pdf downloads, so this problem is still outstanding as far as I know. Hope this helps.0 -
Tnks a lot,i'm a user from Romania of Bd ,and i looked for months an answer for this question!U r the best ,i had a lot of troubles because of this!