Trouble With Bitdefender Online Scanner
I use Windows Vista 64-bit and I can use "BitDefender Online Scanner" before without any trouble.
But it's stop to work now.
Have you stop to offer BitDefender Virus Online?
Here what I received not:
Windows #1
Update Failed. Continue?
BitDefender failed to update the virus definitions.
Althought it might be possible to check for viruses, the result will
probably not be 100% accurate.
Do you want to start scanning?
Windows #2
BitDefender Online Scanner
Scan Failed!
Could not check the computer for viruses.
For real-time full protection for you computer,
please upgrade to BitDefender 2008 products.
I hope you don't stop to offer Free Online Virus Scanner.
Thanks !
i had this problem for 2 weeks now, the supporter is contacted and they say they are working to fix this issue.
Only this small issue to fix for more then 2 weeks and still nothing ?0 -
i had this problem for 2 weeks now, the supporter is contacted and they say they are working to fix this issue.
Only this small issue to fix for more then 2 weeks and still nothing ?
For scan your computer with Vista,you need "Run as admin." Internet Explorer
Goodbye0 -
For scan your computer with Vista,you need "Run as admin." Internet Explorer
i dont use vista on this computer.
but it doesnt matter if u have vista or XP it's issue on both if you try to scan online dude.0 -
Hello MrBitDefender,
Also please verify the security level of IE it should be set on medium-to high or less. Also add the following sites to the trusted sites:
Kind regards,
Niels0 -
Hi everybody,
David G
i had this problem for 2 weeks now, the supporter is contacted and they say they are working to fix this issue.
Only this small issue to fix for more then 2 weeks and still nothing ?
***** You have right NOTHING WORK again unfortunatly. Maybe BitDefender want STOP give "Free" services...
For scan your computer with Vista,you need "Run as admin." Internet Explorer
*****Yes I know and it's what I did. And believe me not just one time. Result: DON'T WORK !!!
Hello MrBitDefender,
Also please verify the security level of IE it should be set on medium-to high or less. Also add the following sites to the trusted sites:
Kind regards,
*****Yes I know but thanks cause I forget to uncheck "Requires server verification (https:) for all sites in this zone" and so I add "s" to these links and so not work.
I try now without "s" (mean just http and not https) wait...
Well it's NOT WORK again.
I hope soon I can use it again...
On same system I can before... Strange...
Thanks all for your comments
------------------------------0 -
i speaked with the Livechatt support and told them about this issue with Online-Scan and they say maybe something at your pc is blocking the update...
I am trying to explain to them that this is not just for me but for manny user's out there´, they dont understand as usual.
I try to say that i have tried Online-Scan at my home, at friends home and at my work and it doesn't work at any place's they still say maybe something is blocking we need to subimit a file to your e-mailohh dude, they dont seem to understand or they dont want to understand
When will the Online-Scan be fixed ? soon 1 one month and still not working.0 -
i speaked with the Livechatt support and told them about this issue with Online-Scan and they say maybe something at your pc is blocking the update...
I am trying to explain to them that this is not just for me but for manny user's out there´, they dont understand as usual.
I try to say that i have tried Online-Scan at my home, at friends home and at my work and it doesn't work at any place's they still say maybe something is blocking we need to subimit a file to your e-mailohh dude, they dont seem to understand or they dont want to understand
When will the Online-Scan be fixed ? soon 1 one month and still not working.
There is a workaround called BD 10 free.Install that one, it will not create conflicts ,it worked for some friend of mine in conjunction with Avast free.If BD 10 refuses to update you can apply to it a definition update with a definition pack that you can find on the BD website.
You can install it and after running the scan, you can easily remove the remainings with the BD Uninstall Tool.0 -
There is a workaround called BD 10 free.Install that one, it will not create conflicts ,it worked for some friend of mine in conjunction with Avast free.If BD 10 refuses to update you can apply to it a definition update with a definition pack that you can find on the BD website.
You can install it and after running the scan, you can easily remove the remainings with the BD Uninstall Tool.
everything that you posted here has nothing to do with the online-scanner and nothing help abou the online scan.
i was not talking about bitdefender free ver10 but about ONLINE-SCAN, do you see above ?0 -
everything that you posted here has nothing to do with the online-scanner and nothing help abou the online scan.
i was not talking about bitdefender free ver10 but about ONLINE-SCAN, do you see above ?
So, what happens if, instead of the online feature that doesnt work properly temporarely, you use the BD 10 free SCANNER?
As i said in first part of the reply, is just a workaround.
They both use the same scan engine ,thats why i suggested it.
The BD 10 can be easily wiped out of the system, without any fuss ,using the BD Uninstall Tool.0 -
Well if they don't know their "Free" Online Scanner don't work again after more than one month,
I imagine their Retail product.
It's not like that they will convince me to buy their product anyway.
I find pity cause I always say to my friends to use BitDefender Online Scanner, cause it's free and work good.
Things change. And not all time in good side like here.
I think BitDefender decide to STOP offer Free Online Scanner and/or, like often we see in Capitalist World, they merge with
other company and now all work bad.
Soon they will put on street employee.
I try again to scan and begin to update virus between 5 to 43 % ( I try many times). It's not work.
All that is a shame.0 -
Well if they don't know their "Free" Online Scanner don't work again after more than one month,
I imagine their Retail product.
It's not like that they will convince me to buy their product anyway.
I find pity cause I always say to my friends to use BitDefender Online Scanner, cause it's free and work good.
Things change. And not all time in good side like here.
I think BitDefender decide to STOP offer Free Online Scanner and/or, like often we see in Capitalist World, they merge with
other company and now all work bad.
Soon they will put on street employee.
I try again to scan and begin to update virus between 5 to 43 % ( I try many times). It's not work.
All that is a shame.
You dont need to imagine you need to try the product.
I dont know about you but i always hated clones and spammers on forums ,but sooner or later with dinamic ip or without dinamic ip this will have to end.
Create more accounts because you ll need more of them.
As i said in an upper reply BD 10 free can be used as a substitute for the online scanner at least untill they solve the problems.
We will continue to talk here me and you(your clone accounts) untill next month ,luckely for you i have enough time this week and the next week and .. .0 -
So, what happens if, instead of the online feature that doesnt work properly temporarely, you use the BD 10 free SCANNER?
As i said in first part of the reply, is just a workaround.
They both use the same scan engine ,thats why i suggested it.
The BD 10 can be easily wiped out of the system, without any fuss ,using the BD Uninstall Tool.
bd10 use some resourcess in memory and online-scan does not that's why
which part of the online-scan do you not understand?
i TEST and use right now [removed] , i am a tester of manny AV's out there, i dont want to use one to scan i want to go to their WEBSITE-ONLINE-SCAN, can you explain why does it not work and when it will be fixed or not, that was my question`?0 -
bd10 use some resourcess in memory and online-scan does not that's why
which part of the online-scan do you not understand?
i TEST and use right now [removed] , i am a tester of manny AV's out there, i dont want to use one to scan i want to go to their WEBSITE-ONLINE-SCAN, can you explain why does it not work and when it will be fixed or not, that was my question`?
What makes you think that the online scanner uses less memory?
Are you sure its not the [removed] dual engine antivirus that creates you problems?
BD 10 free is light like a feather mate.0 -
What makes you think that the online scanner uses less memory?
Are you sure its not the [removed] dual engine antivirus that creates you problems?
BD 10 free is light like a feather mate.
Sorry we can NOT continue this discussion more,
i am not allowed to post about this issue moretoo bad that people are not free to say whatever they want on THIS forum,
0 -
Users are free to talk on this topic but:
-no offtopic
-no advertise to other AV companies
-no spam
-no warez
-no pr0n0 -
any news from some development from Bitdefender?
the online-scanner has not been working for one month now?
and please focus only on my question and answer only if you know about something when they will fix it and i am not asking to install any product or anything else .0 -
I have always used the BitDefender Online scanner and now It is not working at all.
It says I have to install the active X file, which I do, but it still will not work.
I've reset my IE settings to default and I have no other antivirus program running but The Online Scanner will NOT load. Any Idea why? Or How to fix this or When it will be fixed?
Thanks for any help in this matter.0 -
I really nid this sccaner please dew somehting!
0 -
Hi again,
BitDefender Online Scanner, which is FREE of course, is BACK and WORK !!!!!!!
Yes it's work now on my Windows Vista Ultimate 64-bits.
So thanks for all team of BitDefender who resolve the trouble.
So I will continue to say to my friends that "BitDefender Online Scanner" "ROCK" !!!
And of course to buy their excellent products.
THANKS A LOT !!!!!!!!!!!
And have a nice day !0 -
no it still not working soon 2 month and no work is done from bitdefender,
that is what i call Lazy
it comes up to 30 or 40% and then updates stop.
When will they fix this ?0 -
Now it comes up to 85 %
Edit: It works!!0 -
I found a simple solution to this online scanner problem. Mine would not update to 100% as well so I simply downloaded the cumulative virus definitions for BD found here:
I then extracted them to the C:\WINDOWS\BDOSCAN8\plugins folder. How do I know that these definitions are the same and would work? Well since the update would not go to 100% it still did download quite a few definition files and when I extracted the files to the folder it asked me if I wanted to overwrite the ones that were already there -- which were all the same size.
Hope this helps,
Larry0 -
I found a simple solution to this online scanner problem. Mine would not update to 100% as well so I simply downloaded the cumulative virus definitions for BD found here:
I then extracted them to the C:\WINDOWS\BDOSCAN8\plugins folder. How do I know that these definitions are the same and would work? Well since the update would not go to 100% it still did download quite a few definition files and when I extracted the files to the folder it asked me if I wanted to overwrite the ones that were already there -- which were all the same size.
Hope this helps,
Thanks Dude !
Have a nice day !0