Latest Av Comparatives

edited November 2008 in General talk

Bit Defender is back on track :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:



  • Thanks for letting us know. :D

  • alexcrist

    Please don't attach/post direct links to the test results, as this is forbidden by AV-Comparatives' policy. Thank you.


  • icr
    Please don't attach/post direct links to the test results, as this is forbidden by AV-Comparatives' policy. Thank you.


    Opps :o Won't do it again but BD is good now

    m already thinking of installing it on my brother's computer <img class=" /> :lol:<img class=" />

  • tsec
    edited November 2008

    If you hate BD so much why do you persist in posting here? Go get another AV solution and whine somewhere else.

    BD fared well in those test results. Now, if they could only iron out the annonying little things that detract from the overall user experience, BD would be a world-beating product.

    Its been almost 3 months for me now, and yes, I have had a few irritating things happen, but overal the product works well.

    Better than many others.

  • that is Not the real/official test, the official proactive test will be out/released the 1 December.

    Let's wait and see for it then.

  • alexcrist
    that is Not the real/official test, the official proactive test will be out/released the 1 December.

    Let's wait and see for it then.

    On the contrary. The test is VERY real and VERY official. But it's not a detection test, it's a Performance Test, to reveal the overall performance decrease in a system's speed after installing a specific product.

    It has nothing to do with "what it catches", but only with "how much realtime scanning will affect the performance".

    And BitDefender scored very well in this test.

    Under extremely controlled conditions (even temperature and humidity were controlled), on identical computers (Intel Core2Duo 8400, 2GB ram, WinXP SP3), the tests involved day-to-day operations like:

    • file copy
    • file archiving
    • audio/video encoding and transcoding
    • boot-up times
    BitDefender achieved the Advanced+ ranking, with the following scores:

    • File Copy:
      • +39% (default settings)
      • +61% (High settings)
    • Archiving and Unarchiving
      • +10% (default)
      • +65% (high)
    • Encoding/transcoding
      • +7% (default)
      • +15% (high)
    • Boot time
      • +32% (default)
      • +46% (high)

    • Overall

      • +22% (very fast) (default settings)

      • +47% (fast) (high settings)

    These times are well over other some competitor's times with supposedly have a higher detection rate.

    And, as AV-Comparatives showed, for the end-user, we're not only talking about detection rates, because a product with 100% detection rate, and 100% resource usage is completely useless.

    For the end-user the performance decrease after installing a product is very important, and BitDefender achieved to be a very light-weight antivirus, with less than 1/4 performance loss after installation, with default settings.

    Yes, the performance loss with high settings is almost 1/2, but default settings offers all the protection one needs most of the times. Aggressive settings are meant to be used in extreme situations.

    So Good work, BitDefender! And keep it up!



  • Yes BD did fairly well in this comparison. Did you notice however that the testing people contacted BD and were asked to test BD-2008, not 2009? BD told them that the scanning engine was identical. I don't wonder why BD didn't want 2009 tested, I know.

    I have devoted probably 20 hours to messing with BDIS-2009 and it still is very buggy. After weeks of semi-fixable problems, feeble update service, and surprise updates crashing, I have given up on BDIS-2009. I gave up and re-installed BDIS-2008. Guess what, it installed the first time and then just worked. I'll be using it until either 2009 is really out of beta stage, or my license expires and I install Norton.

    Thank all of you who offered me helpful advice on 2009, may your viruses be friendly.


  • ance
    edited November 2008
    I don't wonder why BD didn't want 2009 tested, I know.


    - Malware detection 97,6 %

    - Ad- & Spyware detection 88,0 % (place 7 from 7)

    - New updates: after 4 hours (place 7 from 7)

    - Memory: 82 MB (place 7 from 7)

    - GUI : Too many text

    Winners: [removed] & [removed]

  • Sm3K3R
    Sm3K3R ✭✭✭
    edited November 2008
    - GUI : Too many text

    Winners: [removed] & [removed]


    "Too many text"?

    2 winners ?

    Doesn t seem strange to you?

  • alexcrist
    edited November 2008
    - New updates: after 4 hours (place 7 from 7)

    On the site, this is the response to new threats, and it's MAX 4h (which means it can be lower). Updates are made once every hour (and this is said right on the site).

    - Memory: 82 MB (place 7 from 7)

    The memory consumption is relative. BitDefender uses memory between 10MB, and 60-70, depending on what it does. When it scans files, the consumption grows, when in idle, it's very low.

    And extreme situations (like 60-70MB usage) appear only in extreme situation (like a lot of scanning in realtime, which happens rather rarely). Most of the times, BitDefender stays below 20MB (I often check the resource consumption of it's processes, and rarely see it go over this value).

    - GUI : Too many text

    What kind of argument is this? :huh:

    Also, you "forgot" to say these:

    Protection against unknown malware = very good

    False Positives = max 2 cases

    Internet download time (370 MB) = 32 seconds

    and other things.

    So basically, ance, you are just trying to cause flames in this topic, by posting off-topic (this topic is about a specific test, and you post other things), quoting only the things that make BitDefender look bad (and just ignoring the rest) and post two winners that only God knows how they won, because the two links that you posted are in German.

    So please, to everyone, keep it on-topic, and don't flame over this. If you want to comment, take into consideration all aspects (not only the ones that suit you).


  • as i said let's wait for the real detection-PROACTIVE test when it soon comes out, because in the end it's all about Detection to PROTECT Customers, that's why it has a name antiVIRUS


    i will never change from tuneup it's enough for me too defragment, and to clean, and whatever.

    GOOD Protection that's what people want.

  • This is no surprise, i expected bitdefender to get good results :)

  • Davo
    edited December 2008
    This is no surprise, i expected bitdefender to get good results :)

    well to all you fan go and look at the LATEST Retrospective/ProActive Test

    It seem Bitdefender failed again and it got STANDARD-result and it scored 46% as it has done now last 2 years and with many FP. it show's all.