Log File/virus Removl


BD identified the following virus: IRC-Worm.Generic.3868

In the following location: C:\SmitFraudFix\SmitfraudFix_v2.328.exe=](RAR Sfx o)=]SmitfraudFix\IEDFix.exe

And gave the following message: Infected (no action was possible, file was in an archive)

Attached is the log file.

How do I remove the virus?


/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=3959" data-fileid="3959" rel="">BitDefender_Log_File__14_Nov_08_.doc


  • I got the same thing. Just delete Smitfraudfix.

    I don't know why Smitfraudfix is detected though.

  • I got the same thing. Just delete Smitfraudfix.

    I don't know why Smitfraudfix is detected though.

    I also got IRC-Worm.Generic.3868 and Trojan.Generic.960791, located in

    C:\System Volume Information\_restore{593F298F-B7D6-4A3D-A260-6D7E68E3F587}\RP605\A0070977.exe=](RAR Sfx o)=]SmitfraudFix\IEDFix.exe

    I cannot find smitfraudfix and don't even know what it is. It says the files are "Infected (no action was possible, file was in an archive)."

    How bad is this, and what should I do??


  • Theoracle117
    edited November 2008

    Smitfraudfix is one of the "virus fixes"

    They are extreamly powerful antivirus programs but they are single executables and used normally as a last resort if the normal AV cannot cure the infected computer.

    some include, combofix, vundofix, virtuemondebegone and smitfraudfix( which is detected for some reason, possibly because it is not a legit copy of the real fix, so the smitfraudfix you have is probably a real virus)

    To get rid of the one in system volume information read here


  • Smitfraudfix is one of the "virus fixes"

    They are extreamly powerful antivirus programs but they are single executables and used normally as a last resort if the normal AV cannot cure the infected computer.

    some include, combofix, vundofix, virtuemondebegone and smitfraudfix( which is detected for some reason, possibly because it is not a legit copy of the real fix, so the smitfraudfix you have is probably a real virus)

    To get rid of the one in system volume information read here


    Thanks. Shutting off System Restore and re-running the full scan cleaned them both out. Awesome.