Shutting Off Bit Defender



I have no complaints about Bit Defender Antivirus 2009 or for that matter any of the versions I've ever used. It's a great product and even when I upgraded from older versions I've never had a problem. However, in order to test other software I need the ability to shut down or exit BitDefender 2009 Antivirus without jumping through hoops. I really don't want to uninstall the product in order to do that, I would just like the ability to turn it off and not have it start up when I re-boot the computer. I unchecked the box about loading BitDefender Antivirus 2009 at Windows startup and that had no effect.

My question is is there anyway to simply exit and or turn off Bit Defender Antivirus 2009 without uninstalling it, without unchecking a myriad of boxes in the settings and will you restore the simple exit function in future versions or updates of BitDefender?

Thank you very much for a very good product.


  • The only solution is to turn off permanently the service that you don't want to be active. I can understand that you want to turn off all these protections, but what is the case? Why do you want to shut them down?

  • The only solution is to turn off permanently the service that you don't want to be active. I can understand that you want to turn off all these protections, but what is the case? Why do you want to shut them down?

    I want to shut them down so that there is no known interference with any other product I might be using or testing. if there are any other conflicts with any other software, at least by shutting it down, I will know it is not BitDefender 2009 Antivirus causing the problem.

  • That makes sense, but sadly there is no exit, pause, etc button for all the BitDefender's modules. You have to shut them all off by hand permanently.

  • That makes sense, but sadly there is no exit, pause, etc button for all the BitDefender's modules. You have to shut them all off by hand permanently.

    So the only way is to right click the BitDefender icon, go into basic setiings, and uncheck every box and setting I find in order to turn things off. Is that correct?

  • I will be leaving because of this feature. Your protection is the best, but sometimes it's too good and I need a quick shut-off button!

  • I know why you don't want theses services for some time. But its always protect you. You download crack apps or software from unaware website and when you have to keep them safe you need to protect them so you want a exit option of simply turn off temporary option for you. But what if there is ransomware in that file. How you then protect your data?