won't scan in safe mode, screenshot included

post-67-1182051421_thumb.jpgi have recently installed bitdefender 10 from a disk on my sisters computer. when i attempt to scan in safe mode via command prompt, this is the result. what can i do to get past this obstacle? i have already emailed bitdefender support about this, but they have not answered me, though it has only been 3 days.



  • AndreiASM
    edited June 2007

    post-67-1182051421_thumb.jpgi have recently installed bitdefender 10 from a disk on my sisters computer. when i attempt to scan in safe mode via command prompt, this is the result. what can i do to get past this obstacle? i have already emailed bitdefender support about this, but they have not answered me, though it has only been 3 days.



    You must first type in the following command:

    cd C:\Program Files\Common Files\Softwin\BitDefender Scan Server

    and then you can scan computer by typying "bdc" with whatever paramters you want. Type in "bdc" without parameters to see what options you have.


  • andrei,

    i typed in what you said and pressed "enter"

    this is what i have as a result.

    to be specific, for now, i want to scan in safe mode with the most aggressive, deepest, antivirus scan and if possible, the computer shut down when it's finished.

    i will do exactly what you say. this is a two year license, and i intend to do this countless times.



  • Hi!

    You were typying the wrong command. You have to type in the command exactly as I told you.

    To make the deepest the most aggresive scan type in the following command:

    bdc /f /b /r /i /G /N /p

  • Hi ejames82

    If that fails you can try this:

    You have to put in the installation disc of BitDefender and reboot your pc. You must be sure that the boot sequence is cd-rom,hard disc otherwise the cd-rom will not boot. When you see a screen with LinuxDefender on press on enter.Double click on install NTFS Write Drivers. Press first on BitDefender remote admin and then on update now After that rightclick on the folder you want to scan and choose send to , BitDefender scanner you can also press on configure antivirus. If the scan is finished you have to do this rightclick on the partition icons and choose for unmount and exit.



  • andrei,

    sorry, i didn't even notice they were slashes instead of percentages. my fault.

    the second command you gave me:

    bdc /f /b /r /i /G /N /p

    it looks to me like there are no spaces in between. if there are, please let me know where.

    i gave it a shot, as you can see, here are the results.


    it sounds to me like you are suggesting the possible need to go into the bios. i have gone in there once before, i didn't make any changes on that occasion. i didn't want to mess anything up. i think that is where the boot order is configured, from what i can remember.

    i am going to give the command prompt method a shot, and if it doesn't work, i will try your recommendation. when i see the word "linux" i jump to the conclusion that it won't work with internet explorer. i have read several posts by you, and you definitely know what you're doing.

    thanks to andrei and niels.

    /applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=218" data-fileid="218" rel="">command_prompt_three.bmp

  • Hi!

    You have to type the command with spaces between parameters. A parameter is something like "/x" where x is the desired parameter.

    BIOS is the Basic I/O System, and he runs all the low level operation on a pc. You can screw things if you go there and change different options (like CPU frequency, voltages, latencyes etc.), but I it's not the case, because all you have to do is select BOOT device priority. :)

    Glad that we could help you!


  • Hi ejames82

    If you chance the boot sequence nothing bad will happen. It could be that you have to change your bootsequence in separate menu. When you boot your pc than you have to see if you don't have a separate boot sequence menu. That isn't always the case. Only if you change other settings in the BIOS than you can harm your computer. Just as Andrei said.What I suggested is a last resort when you aren't able to get in safe mode or when you don't want to scan with commands.



  • andrei and niels,

    i tried the command prompt today, with spaces in between the "bdc" command. i am on a different computer because the computer with bitdefender on it may be scanning, and that is one of the questions that i have at the moment. when will i know if it is scanning? will an interface with a progress bar appear, or will it just say scanning in the command prompt window? i don't think that it's scanning, but i have decided to give it the benefit of the doubt. about how long will this deep scan take?

    i did get a new look. it is still the command prompt window, with wording to the effect of "Softwin-all rights reserved". it definitely didn't say "a path cannot be specified" which at the very least, indicates progress. i will probably put up another screenshot with my next post.


  • andrei and niels,

    i tried the command prompt today, with spaces in between the "bdc" command. i am on a different computer because the computer with bitdefender on it may be scanning, and that is one of the questions that i have at the moment. when will i know if it is scanning? will an interface with a progress bar appear, or will it just say scanning in the command prompt window? i don't think that it's scanning, but i have decided to give it the benefit of the doubt. about how long will this deep scan take?

    i did get a new look. it is still the command prompt window, with wording to the effect of "Softwin-all rights reserved". it definitely didn't say "a path cannot be specified" which at the very least, indicates progress. i will probably put up another screenshot with my next post.



    You should only see the prompt with

    "BDC/WIN32-Console v7.0 (build 2555) (i386) (Aug 19 2004 13:44:25)

    Copyright © 1996-2003 SOFTWIN SRL. All rights reserved."

    Meanwhile BD is scanning your computer and it will prompt you for an action if it finds a malware program.


  • it worked.

    i thought that it may be working when it occurred to me to try the task manager and i saw that bdc was using constant resources, so i left it alone, and was prepared to leave it alone for hours.

    this is a screenshot.

    is there a shortcut to typing in that long command?

    i almost forgot to ask, is there a way to get out of the bios? i think i remember having to "hard kill" to get out of there.

    thanks again moderators andrei and niels.

    /applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=221" data-fileid="221" rel="">successful_scan_in_safe_mode.bmp

  • Normally it's easy to get out the BIOS you will find something as exit or exit without saving and a button that you have to press. You will find it at the bottom but it could be that you have to go back to the main screen because the functions sometimes change.



  • Nope, there isn't any shorter command. The first one (cd c:\Program Files\...) changes the current directory to the one you specify. The second command (bdc /f ...) executes the BD scanner with the desired parameters.

    If you mean about exiting BIOS, that can be done by simply pressing ESC and then choosing YES (if you want to exit without

    saving any of the settings you modified). The second one is by pressing F10 and then YES (or OK, it depends on the BIOS) to save all the changes. These settings are common, but they could vary from vendor to vendor.

    Glad that we could help you!


  • If you pres ESC task, you will exit the bios ;)

  • thanks niels, andrei, and khafu.

    glad to have bitdefender on sis's computer and to be a member of bitdefender forum.

  • Once again, glad that we could help you! ;) Anytime you have an IT security-related problem or a BD problem, don't hesitate to post it here.


  • Don't hesitate to ask other questions we will help you.



  • Glad that we could help you ;)

  • Glad that we could help you ;)

    this is great info to have, thanks for the clear and very helpful forum post here this will make my life so much easier....

  • this is great info to have, thanks for the clear and very helpful forum post here this will make my life so much easier....

    Anytime you have a problem related to computer security, don't hesitate to post it here. ;)


  • Hi ejames82,

    You can write a batch file and save it to your desktop or mydocuments file that will run Bitdefender in safe mode with one simple click.

    Open up a text editor, like notepad, and type in the following just as it looks here:


    cd C:\Program Files\Common Files\Softwin\BitDefender Scan Server

    bdc /f /b /r /i /G /N /p

    Go to the upper left corner where it says "file" and click on it. There should be a drop down list come down. Click on "save as". That should bring up another box that will let you choose where you want to save the file. The desktop or MyDocuments folder are good choices. Down where it says "file name", type in the name you want for the file with the extension of .bat (example: safemode scan.bat), then click "save". This should save this file to the location you chose. All you now have to do to run a scan when you are in safe mode is go to where this file is saved and click on it. It should run the scan. This saves you from having to type the commands in each time you want to run the scan. I don't know why Bitdefender hasn't made something like this available in the program...enough of us have griped about it already. Maybe in the future.


  • Jim's right too, you could also create a batch file to make your life easier. Follow his instructions. You may also create a shortcut, by right-clicking on the desktop, new -> shortcut. In the dialog box, browse the path to bdc.exe, and also write the parameters:

    /f /b /r /i /G /N /p

    Save it, and you will be able to run the scanner each time you execute the shortcut.


  • i thought that this thread died a long time ago. i'm glad to see that it continues with more excellent info being added to it. i have never tried what you are explaining to us. it's a great idea.

    i wish you would have made a screenshot of your window, so that when i arrive at the finished product, i would know that i am on the right track. the more screenshots the better.

    about the only thing i can think of, that would make a huge improvement in the bitdefender AV programme, would be an automatic shut-off and save-a-logfile feature. the logfile would have to be accessible in normal mode since there isn't a GUI in safe mode.

    i am going to see if i cannot do what you are instructing. i will get back to you and let you know how it goes.

  • AndreiASM
    edited July 2007


    To create a batch file, open a text editor (Notepad), and paste the follwoing text in it:

    @echo off
    cd Program Files\Common Files\Softwin\BitDefender Scan Server
    bdc /f /b /r /i /G /N /p

    Safe it with .bat extension. To save it with "bat" extension, click on File -> Save as. Then, in the dialog, at Save as type combo, select All files. Then, enter the name, ex: bdc.bat.

    To create a shortcut, right-click on a blank area, click New -> Shortcut. A dialog will appear. Click on browse, and then browse to the location where bdc is located. That should be:

    Program files\Common files\Softwin\BitDefender Scan Server\bdc.exe, and add the following parameters next to it:

    /f /b /r /i /G /N /p.

    Then, click on "Next", and give a name to the shortcut. Click Finish.




  • thanks andrei and jim.


    this will keep me busy for a little while. i will let you know how it goes.

  • here's my newly revised notepad window, just before i click "save". i had a feeling that what was in the "save as type" dialog box was incorrect, in the previous screenshot.

    does this look correct now? thanks.

    /applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=386" data-fileid="386" rel="">second_batch_file.bmp

  • Yep, it is correct now. :)


  • awesome. i will continue on, and see what happens.

    i will keep you informed.

    thanks again.

  • andrei,

    something is wrong. this is what i got, both in normal and safe mode. i will do more research. maybe i will discover what the problem is, or something that i am missing. any more suggestions would be appreciated as always.

    /applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=387" data-fileid="387" rel="">third_batch_reply.bmp

  • Hi!

    You may check again the path. You may alos put the path in ". However, it should work if you made everything right.


  • andrei,

    i think it has worked. with a combination of what jim says and what you say to do.

    i tried what jim says to put in the notepad, but in the "save as type" box, "all files" needs to be selected.

    i am not 100% sure that this is working, and here's why.

    i make the batch file, and put it on the desktop, then enter safe mode and click on it. the command prompt window comes up in the same way that it normally would, as if i typed in the long command, and the wording "softwin-all rights reserved" or something like that in light blue coloring appears, suggesting success. the reason i am not sure that it's working is that i haven't watched what happens for the duration of the "scan" because it takes mare than two hours. when i return three hours later, it is still in safe mode, and the command prompt window has disappeared. maybe that's what is supposed to happen when the computer is clean. i am pretty sure that the computer is clean.

    what do you think? if any screenshot is needed, let me know.

    thanks again.

  • Hi!

    If BD would have found an infection, it would have prompted you for an action, due to the "/p" parameter. Though, your computer should be clean. Anyway, next time, you can place a "pause" command at the end of the batch file, which will wait for you to press a key to close the windows after the scan is done. Plus, if you did the scan with "/G" parameter also, a log file was created. So search for the log file on the desktop or in the directory where bdc.exe is located (Program Files\Common files\...).


  • andrei,

    sorry for the delay. the job i work only allows me a limited amount of time to get on the computer.

    these are all the parameters, the same ones you gave me about 2 months ago.

    bdc /f /b /r /i /G /N /p

    i always do it this way. i will be looking for the logfile. the best thing about this new batch file discovery, is that it's so easy that my sister will be able to do it, since it is her computer.

    i will be going over this thread in more detail this weekend, when i get a day off. this is my idea of excitement.

    thanks again.

  • andrei,

    there's alot i would like to discuss. i will try to make it as clear as i can.

    in post #25, in your screenshot. are those quotation marks i see between bdc.exe and /f?

    would there be quotation marks before Program Files?

    is there a space between bdc.exe" and /f?

    i just wanted to be absolutely clear about what goes in the dialog box.

    after the scan, and the programme finds malware, it gives choices sort of like this:




    i am not sure that i did the right thing. if i choose to disinfect, would i choose d then press enter?

    if the programme is able to do what i want, will i get some kind of verification?

    in the meantime, i will try a new batch file with the pause command added.

    thanks for adding that info, and always, for your time and expertise.

  • AndreiASM
    edited August 2007


    There is a space between each parameter. You put a space between "bdc.exe" and "/f", and you put a space between parameters.

    In the screen-shots, I was showing how to create shortcut. The quotes are automatically added. The quote starts at the begining of the path, and ends right after "bdc". This is what there should be in the text box:

    "c:\Program Files\Common Files\Softwin\BitDefender Scan Server\bdc.exe" /f /b /r /i /G /N /p

    Don't forget, there a space between parameters.


  • thanks for that clarification, andrei.

    on a totally different issue, i thought i would add a little info with a screenshot. for anyone who wants to find the location of their scan in safe mode. if someone has already given this info, excuse me.

    to find this log, since you won't find it in the GUI on the desktop:

    my computer>C:>program files>commonfiles>softwin>bitdefender scan server>bdc log file

    see screenshot


  • Yep, there is where the log file is created. Glad that I could help you.


  • andrei,

    just a quick hollar to tell you that the batch file with the pause command worked nicely. what happens is, that the command prompt window "minimizes" to the taskbar when it is finished scanning, but it is definitely noticeable. it has all the info that i am after.

    now i am just hoping for many boring deep safe mode scans, without infection.

    thanks again.

  • Glad again that I could help you. Anytime you have problems, don'y hesitate to post them. ;)


  • i am having a similar problem i cant scan in safe mode if tried making that batch file with previous post but i get an error message saying that its not a batch file and iv booted up in safe mode and typed C:\Program Files\Common Files\Softwin\Bitdefender Scan Serrver and then i was wodnering about the cd thing in front of it whats that all about iv tried it with and without it but it still doesnt work

  • Was there an update that changed the paths?

    I was following the previous posts to create the batch file, when i realized my file paths are totally different.

    I have 2 bdc choices:

    C:\Program Files\Common Files\BitDefender\BitDefender Threat Scanner\av32bit_1570

    C:\Program Files\Common Files\BitDefender\BitDefender Threat Scanner\av32bit_1571

    If there was an update that did change all the paths, could you please instruct me on how to make a safe mode batch file.

  • What version of BD do you have? It seems that you both have BD 2008. With this version, you can do the scan in a more easy way. Please view Florin's post here.


  • I have BitDefender Antivirus 2008 - Build 11.0.11

    I do not have a folder c:\Program Files\Common Files\Softwin\BitDefender Scan Server

    I was able to do a scan in safe mode using this path C:\Program Files\Common Files\BitDefender\BitDefender Threat Scanner\av32bit_1571

    But I would still like to know if this is correct or is mine corrupted in some way.

    Thank you for your time.

  • It is corect, since with BD 2008 there is a different path/different folder where the threat scanner is located. There's nothing wrong with your BitDefender. ;)
