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Is It Me Or Is The Ram Usage Increasing


For about 2-3 weeks now, i have been noticing that vsshield.exe is constantly using a lot of my RAM and cpu usage is always jumping from 0 to 12 to 40 and back to 0. Is anyone noticing something similar?


  • Niels

    Hello VirusPING,

    How many RAM does your computer have? On what protection level did you configure BitDefender realtime protection? If you have set it on aggressive did you also enabled: scan inside archives ? If so that can slow down and increase in memory message when for example you have a large e-mail database also .cab files will be scanned deeply. The CPU usage depends how heavy (read how big they are,how hard they are compressed, where there used many packers,...) that the files are that are currently being scanned.

    Kind regards,


  • Sm3K3R
    Sm3K3R ✭✭✭
    For about 2-3 weeks now, i have been noticing that vsshield.exe is constantly using a lot of my RAM and cpu usage is always jumping from 0 to 12 to 40 and back to 0. Is anyone noticing something similar?

    Maybe you should buy more RAM B) , now ,as it is chea.p ,in this way you can ignore hapylly memory usage increases, from 10mb to 40 mb. <img class=" />

    File corruption may give same issues .

    Sincerelly, i dont check often the BD files mem usage <img class=" /> ,as long as the computer performs good.