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Disappears From The Startup / System Tray


We use Bitdefender 2009 internet security I'm using Microsoft XP service pack 3 and the problem is it disappears from the startup / system tray where the clock is, when I open Bit Defender to change the time to do a quick scan it tells me to do a restart which I didn't do as it was doing a quick scan which it did finished and shut down. This is getting very annoying as this is the second time this has happened.

Many thank,



  • flandrei
    flandrei Bitdefender VPN Product Manager BD Staff

    Hi there,

    I would like to know:

    1. When exactly does the BitDefender tray icon dissapear?

    2. Do you have the latest build/version? Go to C:\Program Files\BitDefender\BitDefender 2009 and run About. It should be

    3. Do you have any user interface tweaking tools that alter the appearance of the location where the tray icon is supposed to be?

    4. Do you have any other security solutions installed?



  • Niels

    Dear Martin4Jay,

    You can try also this:

    1)Clear the cache of your systray:

    Important make a back-up of your registry for instructions take a here a look.

    Click on start,run,now type regedit press enter. Expand HKEY_CURRENT_USER,Software,Microsoft,Windows,CurrentVersion,Explorer,TrayNotify Now delete only the following values: IconStreams and PastIconsStream. Now open task manager: by pressing these three buttons alltogether: ctrl+alt+del When you are in task manager press on the processes tab, select the explorer.exe process and click on end process. After you have done that go to file,new task and type explorer.exe and press enter.

    2)Verify if the terminal services service isn't disabled:

    Click on start,run,now type services.msc,right click on the terminal services,choose properties by startup type should be set on: on demand. If not change it and press on apply and ok.

    Kind regards,


  • Hi there,

    I would like to know:

    1. When exactly does the BitDefender tray icon dissapear?

    2. Do you have the latest build/version? Go to C:\Program Files\BitDefender\BitDefender 2009 and run About. It should be

    3. Do you have any user interface tweaking tools that alter the appearance of the location where the tray icon is supposed to be?

    4. Do you have any other security solutions installed?



    Hi Florin,

    1. When exactly does the BitDefender tray icon dissapear? 25/02/09 can't remember when it happened before.

    2. Do you have the latest build/version? Go to C:\Program Files\BitDefender\BitDefender 2009 and run About. It should be NO I HAVE But I have the update selected for every hour.

    3. Do you have any user interface tweaking tools that alter the appearance of the location where the tray icon is supposed to be? Not sure but I use Auslogic Boostspeed 4.3.

    4. Do you have any other security solutions installed? No

    Many thanks


  • Dear Martin4Jay,

    You can try also this:

    1)Clear the cache of your systray:

    Important make a back-up of your registry for instructions take a here a look.

    Click on start,run,now type regedit press enter. Expand HKEY_CURRENT_USER,Software,Microsoft,Windows,CurrentVersion,Explorer,TrayNotify Now delete only the following values: IconStreams and PastIconsStream. Now open task manager: by pressing these three buttons alltogether: ctrl+alt+del When you are in task manager press on the processes tab, select the explorer.exe process and click on end process. After you have done that go to file,new task and type explorer.exe and press enter.

    2)Verify if the terminal services service isn't disabled:

    Click on start,run,now type services.msc,right click on the terminal services,choose properties by startup type should be set on: on demand. If not change it and press on apply and ok.

    Kind regards,


    I will try this later.



  • Dear Martin4Jay,

    You can try also this:

    1)Clear the cache of your systray:

    Important make a back-up of your registry for instructions take a here a look.

    Click on start,run,now type regedit press enter. Expand HKEY_CURRENT_USER,Software,Microsoft,Windows,CurrentVersion,Explorer,TrayNotify Now delete only the following values: IconStreams and PastIconsStream. Now open task manager: by pressing these three buttons alltogether: ctrl+alt+del When you are in task manager press on the processes tab, select the explorer.exe process and click on end process. After you have done that go to file,new task and type explorer.exe and press enter.

    2)Verify if the terminal services service isn't disabled:

    Click on start,run,now type services.msc,right click on the terminal services,choose properties by startup type should be set on: on demand. If not change it and press on apply and ok.

    Kind regards,


    Hi Niels

    Thanks for the reply but I found this to technical and all I want is an easy life. I have never had this problem with other virus & Firewall protectors in the past.

    I will just have to put up with it for the year subscription and see what will happens.



  • Niels

    Dear Martin4Jay,

    I suggest that you temporary disable Auslogic Boostspeed. It might that Boostspeed prevents BitDefender processes to load to gain a quicker boot. Verify if bdagent.exe isn't prevented to run by Auslogic. Check the same thing for seccenter.exe,vsserv.exe.

    If it's too difficult what I suggested as my first possible solution. You can download this ****** and double click to run it. It does exactly the same thing but you don't have to do anything.

    Did you verified the status of the terminal services?

    Kind regards,


  • Dear Martin4Jay,

    I suggest that you temporary disable Auslogic Boostspeed. It might that Boostspeed prevents BitDefender processes to load to gain a quicker boot. Verify if bdagent.exe isn't prevented to run by Auslogic. Check the same thing for seccenter.exe,vsserv.exe.

    If it's too difficult what I suggested as my first possible solution. You can download this ****** and double click to run it. It does exactly the same thing but you don't have to do anything.

    Did you verified the status of the terminal services?

    Kind regards,


    Hi Niels I have done what you asked and disabled Auslogic Boostspeed and weight and see to see if it's sorted the problem.

    What do you mean by Did you verified the status of the terminal services?



  • flandrei
    flandrei Bitdefender VPN Product Manager BD Staff

    Hi there,

    Terminal Services can be found in the Services list from Start->Control Panel->Administrative Tools->Services. Set it to Manual.



  • Hi there,

    Terminal Services can be found in the Services list from Start->Control Panel->Administrative Tools->Services. Set it to Manual.



    Hi Florin,

    Many thanks it is set for Manual. :)

    Thanks Niels for your help :D .



  • Niels

    Dear Martin4Jay,

    I meant what I wrote into my first reply as 2) possible solution. That I meant with status. In other words was the terminal services service set on:disable,manual,started.

    Kind regards,


  • Dear Martin4Jay,

    I meant what I wrote into my first reply as 2) possible solution. That I meant with status. In other words was the terminal services service set on:disable,manual,started.

    Kind regards,


    Hi Niels,

    It was set to Manual.


  • Hi Niels,

    It was set to Manual.



    Just to let you know I am still having the same problem, the "Bit Defender Scan Activity Bar" is still showing also the update showed up as well, so I take it it's still running in the background.

    Well I'm hoping it is.



  • Dear Martin4Jay,

    I suggest that you temporary disable Auslogic Boostspeed. It might that Boostspeed prevents BitDefender processes to load to gain a quicker boot. Verify if bdagent.exe isn't prevented to run by Auslogic. Check the same thing for seccenter.exe,vsserv.exe.

    If it's too difficult what I suggested as my first possible solution. You can download this ****** and double click to run it. It does exactly the same thing but you don't have to do anything.

    Did you verified the status of the terminal services?

    Kind regards,


    Hi Niels,

    I just did "this ******" and it's showing now but surly I don't have to do this every time? :wacko:

