Wow, New Upgrade To Bdis-2009 Screws Me :-(


Today I started my spare computer to make sure it gets the various upgrades needed to keep it current. I do this every few weeks.

This spare is the only computer I have that works with BDIS-2009, the others will only work with 2008.

Imagine how pleased I was to see BD do a large update followed by a sad little BD Icon telling me that "I have never scanned my computer" and asking eagerly to "FIX" the problem. Of course I've scanned it and of course I clicked "Fix" and un-surprisingly, BD will no longer do scans. I'm so delighted, now I get to again be a tiny part of the vast and unpaid BD debugging staff, the real BD Victims.

Tell me, What the ###### good is an Internet Security software if it can't scan for viruses? I'll bet that a Scam-Ware scanner would ring loud bells if it scanned BD-2009.

I'm done with dealing with BD. I'll try to last until my remaining license expires but don't hold your breath. Since January I've never once had a single call to BD Support answered. Please don't suggest that I call now. Please also don't tell me to remove and re-install again either. BD is selling crap-ware and expecting people to buy and use it. Not only that, BD is expecting their Forum people to be able to offer repair advice for problems that seem un-fixable.

For now the only relief I have been able to find is to Downgrade to BDIS-2008. It works! Updates always work and I can even do virus scans. My license key works on either 2008 or 2009, try it if you also are having evil spirits of BD-2009 living in your computer.

I realize that fixing software can be hard but maybe it was released way too soon?

Norton 2009, here I come.



  • hnyaji


    try the new version of BIS 2009. Download this again from the BD website.


  • Hi

    try the new version of BIS 2009. Download this again from the BD website.


    I've gotten the same problems. I've contacted Support four days ago and haven't heard anything. I then tried to reinstall and got an error message about not being able to install BDVEDISK. After that I've tried several more times to reinstall and it keeps rolling back saying that an error occured and nothing else. This is really frustrating. I am now without AV protection.

    PS! It downloads the new version but that doesn't help. I'm running Vista 64-bit.

    What gives?


  • hnyaji


    uninstall using the BD tool available at the following link.

    Then you should be able to successfully install the latest version.


  • Hi

    uninstall using the BD tool available at the following link.

    Then you should be able to successfully install the latest version.


    Thanks Hemanth,

    It is now up and running again.



  • fungus


    Thanks for the advice on downloading a "new version" of BDIS-2009. For some reason I simply cannot get very excited to go thru the pain of deleting, and again re-installing BDIS. I've done this too many times. (pita)

    Looking back, I don't recall ever having to do this for older AV I have used such as Norton, AVG, Zone, & one other that I can't recall.

    I'll simply continue to use the functional BDIS-2008 until I'm released from BD Prison in a few months.


  • hnyaji

    Hi funus,

    which you plan to use for the future, as a IS suite?

  • fungus
    Hi funus,

    which you plan to use for the future, as a IS suite?


    I have 3 or 4 months left on BD. If it gets debugged enough to run on both of my computers, I might renew it. At this time I have to use 2008 on my newest and fastest computer. With 2009 I encounter too many bugs that are unacceptable. Computer number 2 seems fairly happy with 2009.

    If I have to change AV products I'll probably try Norton IS 2009, several of the newer reviews are saying that it is fast and has minimum problems. I will run the free version first for as long as it is free and then decide.



  • kungfu


    Norton is a good choice, I have done that after months of frustration see ,

    And have No problems at all anymore !

    Read that there are still many problems/Bugs ?

    I realize too that fixing software can be hard but it was/is definatly released way too soon, what if you bought a 1 Year subscription ,

    That would be almost gone if you bought Bdefender when 2009 came out ? ,and still not working :wub:

  • Davo

    I realize too that fixing software can be hard but it was/is definatly released way too soon, what if you bought a 1 Year subscription ,

    That would be almost gone if you bought Bdefender when 2009 came out ? ,and still not working :wub:

    I realize that Bitdefender team & lab never seem to learn they always do this - releasing an UNFINISHED and very buggy Product and then they say they will fix (and it never happend's) or they say they will release a new version next year and it's same thing there very buggy and Unfinished.

    Sorry to say but people are tired but if people are tired just CHANGE AV and stop complaining.

    I am very dissapointed at BD as well they never seem to learn about (Unfinished and Buggy) Product's.

  • yup! four days was enough for me. still not a word from support either (after nearly 2 months) my bank had to get my money back for me. bd 2009 is just shocking real shocking you wont go far wrong with anything else free or paid for, programs junk the support doesn't even exist.

  • Just an FYI everyone, I'm on Vista Home Premium 32bit and IS2009 has given me nothing but problems. Missing system tray icons, scans that can't ever be completed, randomly freezing computer, etc. All this is on a fresh install of Windows by the way, so no excuse that some "other" program I have installed is causing problems.

    Well I finally gave up on BD and installed Trend Micro Internet Security 2009 and WOW, I'm TOTALLY impressed. Very easy to use but customizable, and not a single error, frozen computer, etc. It doesn't scan as quickly as BD, but since it's scheduled for 2am scans who cares! BD, you are bleeding customers left and right. Fix it or get out of the biz!

  • hnyaji
    edited April 2009

    Hi BD team,

    you could repair the current version of BD, instead of releasing a new BD with all new looks!


  • I agree, BD has become very buggy. I have a lot of problems running it in my other PC. In mine it's working fine, but sometimes it doesn't update and I have to restart my PC to do it.

  • I agree, BD has become very buggy. I have a lot of problems running it in my other PC. In mine it's working fine, but sometimes it doesn't update and I have to restart my PC to do it.

    Yep, I've dumped BD from all 3 of my computers and moved on to Trend Micro IS 2009, and am VERY happy with it. Since BD was totally unwilling to help me with my issue, and almost impossible to reach (even after they got my money for BD 2009), I'm reccomending to anyone that asks NOT to purchase BD products. It's a shame, I lost, and now BD loses. No winners here unfortunately.

  • Sm3K3R
    Sm3K3R ✭✭✭
    Their product always sucked buggy and not strong Detection-Engine to detect NEW Unknown malware.

    My experience with BD 10 ,few years ago, was excellent.I was using BD 10 combined with SPI firewalls and the computer was impenetrable.At every 2 months i was doublechecking with all the top antiviruses (the ones in the independent tests ) ,none of them found active infections.I did not observed any bugs while using BD 10.

    It had good detection and I never had any false positives during the year i had used it.It was better than KAV 6 in all areas.

    All i want is that BD 2010 to be bug free like BD 10 was (at least for me).BD 2009 was unusable on my machines due to strange bugs.

    As for detection against "NEW Unknown malware" i dont know ,it already detects such malware.An option to increase even more the sensitivity should be optional and not enabled out of the box, to avoid people complaining of false positives.I always prefer the real time antivirus to be false positive free.Aditional scanners can be used for double checking.

    I also consider that you are underestimating the BD real time scanner David G.Scanning a bunch of samples with the BD online will not show you the real capabilities of BD real time scanner in BLOCKING malware.Judge the detectin of the antivrus while using it for several months then talk.AVG can detect samples but its purelly junk when it comes to block malware in real time.

    If you want more protection you can use a HIPS ,of course if you know how to use it.

    No amtivirus offeres 100% protection and never will ,but i think that even you know that.

    Router(optional)+Antivirus+SPI Firewall+HIPS(optional)+Sandboxed Web Browser+Responsable user(no po.n, no war..z ) =100% succes ,clean computer

    Personally i consider that BD 2009 ,at this moment, has no problemes with the detection itself.All users that have BD 2009 series running well (no services or interface problems) are properlly protected ,latest independent tests show that.

  • Orphan
    My experience with BD 10 ,few years ago, was excellent.I was using BD 10 combined with SPI firewalls and the computer was impenetrable.At every 2 months i was doublechecking with all the top antiviruses (the ones in the independent tests ) ,none of them found active infections.I did not observed any bugs while using BD 10.

    It had good detection and I never had any false positives during the year i had used it.It was better than KAV 6 in all areas.

    All i want is that BD 2010 to be bug free like BD 10 was (at least for me).BD 2009 was unusable on my machines due to strange bugs.

    As for detection against "NEW Unknown malware" i dont know ,it already detects such malware.An option to increase even more the sensitivity should be optional and not enabled out of the box, to avoid people complaining of false positives.I always prefer the real time antivirus to be false positive free.Aditional scanners can be used for double checking.

    I also consider that you are underestimating the BD real time scanner David G.Scanning a bunch of samples with the BD online will not show you the real capabilities of BD real time scanner in BLOCKING malware.Judge the detectin of the antivrus while using it for several months then talk.AVG can detect samples but its purelly junk when it comes to block malware in real time.

    If you want more protection you can use a HIPS ,of course if you know how to use it.

    No amtivirus offeres 100% protection and never will ,but i think that even you know that.

    Router(optional)+Antivirus+SPI Firewall+HIPS(optional)+Sandboxed Web Browser+Responsable user(no po.n, no war..z ) =100% succes ,clean computer

    Personally i consider that BD 2009 ,at this moment, has no problemes with the detection itself.All users that have BD 2009 series running well (no services or interface problems) are properlly protected ,latest independent tests show that.

    Dear Sm3K3R,

    BitDefender version 10 was created by SOFTWIN and was a very robust and very viable program. Any versions of BitDefender, since V.10, were created by the newly created BitDefender company. It is blatantly apparent that the new BitDefender company does not posess the technical skills nor the knowledge to match the achievements of SOFTWIN.

    All BitDefender customers would love to have a BitDefender product that works as good as SOFTWIN's BitDefender 10 did! But so far, the BitDefender company has been unable to achieve that much wanted, much needed and much deserved goal.

    Version 11 was pretty bad and it failed to get along with with many pieces of software and failed to run properly on countless machines. Version 12 has many of the same problems that plagued Version 11 and in fact, appears to be even worse than the badly crafted Version 11!

    Even you, yourself Sm3K3R, state at the Wilder's Security forum that you believe BitDefender 2009 to be unfixable!

    Why you insist on remaining faithful to a company that does not and probably cannot provide you with what you want, what you need and what you deserve, is beyond my understanding. There are at least 9 other equally good or better AV companies that provide very good to excellent tech support, that you could be trialing, instead of whipping this crippled horse.

    Do you really think it's proper or ethical for paying customers to have to beg and plead for quality, stability and value for their financial investments?

    The solution is very simple... Put down the BitDefender koolAid and move on to a product that can provide what you want, what you need and what you deserve! ;)

    ~The road to Hades was paved with good intentions.~



    *All comments In My Humble Opinion, of course.

  • dave r

    well from my personal exp of 2009 i found that it uses too many resorces,i have a old dell with 512mb of ram,bdis2008 runs fine on it,but 2009 don't?,i know that when it comes to spyware bit def ain't the best prog to detect it,so i use pc tools spyware doctor,(but not running at the same time) i just use sware doc for on demand scans,as there have been several instances ive had infections and bd failed to find and remove them fully, but what 1 pro don't do another will

  • I agree with you guys about the lack of a quality product. I blew $40 bucks on this trash product, and no amount of time wasted with tech support would ever come up with a solution. They just kept asking me to download more apps to gather my data and send it back to them. Again, on a computer without any third party software installed, only the OS, it should work. On 1 of my computers it worked fine (Vista 32 bit Home Premium), on another computer it would crash and freeze the computer constantly (also Vista 32 bit Home Premium), and on the third computer it would hang in the middle of updates, scans, etc (XP Pro). Garbage, true garbage... What a waste of $40. I can assure BD however that it's going to cost them alot more than $40 when I'm done telling everyone that will listen never to touch this product.

  • Sm3K3R
    Sm3K3R ✭✭✭
    edited April 2009

    Orphan ,i prefer BD due to the fact they have labs in Romania ,where i live ,this meaning theoretically the fastest reaction to local threats.

    I think BD 2008 may have been developed when the antivirus division was still under Softwins wing.The split was made somewhere to the 2007 end ,not sure though.

    If Agnitum released an excellent OFP 2009 , after an awefull OFP 2008 , why couldnt BD do the same with their future 2010/13 version.

    I try often antivirus software from other vendors, for comparision, and i can say that extremelly few are ok.Strange is the fact that payed ones have the most compatibility problems on my machines.

    BD should really take into account to make a freeware version ,with real time protection, in which to test their improovements. I m sure that in this way future BD products would be bug free and 99% percent of the customers will be happy.