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Bd 2009 Firewall Ndis Filter Driver. Is It Necessary?


Hello, i use Vista 64 and have BD Security suite 2009.

I have a problem (always had) with that driver. When its activated,i have a 20-30 % chance,that when Vista starts,i have no Internet connection. I need to restart and hope it works after next reboot.

The other problems are loss of the internet sporadically ,which doens't happen alot though and also a problem when i upload files above 6 MB. The upload will be at full speed at first,then gradually decline,til it stops and i have to reboot my computer. This wont happen,when i disable the NDIS filter driver.

So i disabled it now and Bit defender says my firewall is still enabled and working and there are no issues. The only difference i see so far,is that the network and file graph arent visible/working. I could live with that.

So yeah,i was wondering if i really need to keep the Ndis driver enabled,or is it ok to leave it deactivated.

Thank you



  • hnyaji


    Did your graphs stop working after you disabled NDIS driver?

    Are you sure that your BD firewall works, even after NDIS driver is disabled?


  • Hi

    Did your graphs stop working after you disabled NDIS driver?

    Are you sure that your BD firewall works, even after NDIS driver is disabled?


    Yes,they normally always work (the big ones int he main menu). Now theres just a big white empty spot.

    Not 100% sure if my firewall is working. BD says there are no problem and the firewall is enabled in the settings. ( i can dis and renable it). Though the graphs on the firewall and the packets send and recieved doesnt show anything.

  • alexcrist

    Hello Turrican,

    If you disable the firewall driver, the firewall will be completely disabled and won't filter any of your traffic. So yes, for the Firewall to be functional, it's critical that you have the driver installed and enabled.


  • Hello Turrican,

    If you disable the firewall driver, the firewall will be completely disabled and won't filter any of your traffic. So yes, for the Firewall to be functional, it's critical that you have the driver installed and enabled.


    Thank you for the replys.

    Then let me ask if there is a way to fix the random "no internet/network" connection issue when windows boot_s up and the problem with uploading bigger files that kill my connection?

    BTW,when i have no internet,i can ping ,but everything after that results in a 1231 Error.


  • Sm3K3R
    Sm3K3R ✭✭✭
    edited April 2009

    If BD NDIS filter gives you problems and you need to disable it ,as an workaround ,i recommend the usage of a free 3-rd party firewall ,for complete safety.If you have questions about what free firewall to use i can tell you a few.

    NDIS filter driver problems are usually related to conflicts with the Network card drivers.Make sure you have latest drivers for the network card installed.

    Drivers problems can be also an effect of problematic system RAM ,so make sure your memory passes Memtest for at least 6 hours.