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Norton Internet Security 2009 - Advertisment For Norton Products - Closed



I have been using Bitdefender Internet Security 2008 for over 2 years.

I just installed Norton Internet Security 2009 on my Vista 32 machine. The performance is mind blowing! The pages load extremely faster now. The files are scanned only if they are changed. The new pulse technology gives instant database updates. There are many other features with Norton such as the firewall automatically configures Internet access for the know programmes! I wonder why Bitdefender asks for most of the very well know programmes such as Internet Explorer, Firefox, Yahoo messenger, etc...

Could you please improve at the quickest?



Note: This topic contains clear advertisements for other security software than BitDefender. This is a support forum for BitDefender products only and all similar attempts will be closed. Thank you for understanding.


  • alexcrist

    BitDefender also has a whitelist for the Firewall since a very long time ago (I don't even remember how many years ago). Just set the firewall to Allow known applications, and that's it. Personally, BitDefender Firewall asked me very few questions, and only for not well-known applications.

    Is there a specific problem you have, with an application?


  • hnyaji


    I have set the firewall to allow know applications which is dafault on BIS 2008.

    How could I set the database update interval to less than an hour on BIS?

    Well, where to download Windows Firewall for Vista 32! After installing Norton (today!!!), my vista 32 has some, corrupted programmes! A blue screen came up, and got shut down! 1394 Net Adapter is corrupted too! The reason I removed BIS from vista, was I could not connect to the Internet properly. I could only compose an email in Yahoo, but it never went through! It was solved after I installed Norton! Many pages such as hotmail, were not opening properly with BIS 2008 on it! I don't like BIS 2009, because it deactivates the focus on a current window, while updating! This happens on both Vista 32 and XP 64.

    I still have around 670 days of license left over for BIS. Help is appreciated if you could help me install BIS 2009 on Vista without any problem!



  • hnyaji


    can you design BD to scan only the changed files?



  • hnyaji


    I just installed the latest BIS 2009 version date 3.4.2009.

    The email sending problems (yahoo. hotmail) that I had with the older version of BIS 2009 seems to have disappeared. However the window going out-of-focus still exists. For example, the Windows Media Player (and all other media players) go out of full screen very frequently while watching a movie. This is because of BIS 2009. This problems does not appear if I uninstall BIS 2009!

    I have seen others as well complaining on this issue!

    Could you please release a patch for BIS 2009 ASAP to deal with this? Please take this seriously! I hoped that the problem has disappeared in the latest version of BIS 2009; but this is not the case!



  • alexcrist
    edited April 2009
    How could I set the database update interval to less than an hour on BIS?

    You can't, but I don't see what advantage you'd have by doing this. It would just be overkill to your system's resources (both hardware resources, and network connection).

    A 1 hour time between 2 update searches is enough. I heard about Norton's "pushed updates", or whatever they are and however they're called, and I think it's just a big matter of marketing, with no real use to any user. (Disclaimer: This is my personal opinion and has nothing to do with BitDefender as a company)

    It's not like we live in a very aggressive world where we need instant new definitions. Hundreds/thousands new malware appear everyday, and it passes a few days, maybe weeks or even months until those malware reach the analysis departments of antivirus companies. And still, nobody suffers because they got an update now, or got it an hour ago, because one hour just doesn't matter compared to a few weeks.

    Of course, there are aggressive malware, as the current Downadup/Conficker/Kido, but even still you won't have a significantly improved protection just because you got an update half hour earlier...

    Well, where to download Windows Firewall for Vista 32!

    You cannot. Windows Firewall is an integral part of Windows OS. If it gets corrupted, the only thing you can do is do a Windows Repair, using your installation disc.

    After installing Norton (today!!!), my vista 32 has some, corrupted programmes!

    We cannot help you with problems related to Norton or any other competitor products.

    can you design BD to scan only the changed files?

    Yes. Go to Antivirus -> Custom level and enable the option Scan only new and changed files. This only works in BD 2009.

    The email sending problems (yahoo. hotmail) that I had with the older version of BIS 2009 seems to have disappeared. However the window going out-of-focus still exists.

    This problem is under investigation.

    Try to disable the Vulnerability scan in BitDefender.

    More details about this here:


  • hnyaji


    how to disable the Vulnerability scan on BD?

    BD Anti-Virus has been excellent in protecting from virus even if they are released a month ago. I have no idea how!

    Norton blew my system in a few hours! I had McAfee about four years ago. They released corrupted updates once, with a problem in some databases. My system was infected (all exe files other than of its own, for windows - only some) were removed of its exe extension, and turned to just files; can't execute them, even the media player. McAfee soon released a patch for this, and let people knew of this bug. It was too late for me.

    BD is a very good AV, but needs improvisation for some bugs, such as windows going out of focus.

    Firewall and Antispyware in BIS are still not ICSA certified.

    You don't let others copy your user interface, and please design from an original idea. BIS 2008 user interface was copied from Norton 360!

    What are the risks of scanning only the changed files on BD?

    best wishes for the Easter!


  • alexcrist
    how to disable the Vulnerability scan on BD?

    Open BitDefender Security Center, switch to Advanced mode, and go to Vulnerability -> Settings. There disable all options.

    What are the risks of scanning only the changed files on BD?

    If you have an infected files on your system and BD doesn't detect it (it doesn't have a signature for it), even if a signature comes through update for that specific infected file, BD still won't detect it immediately. The "changed files" index is reset once every few updates, so once every few hours.

    The overall risk is small, in my opinion, and you get a plus of speed at realtime scanning (because the same files aren't scanned too frequently). There IS a risk, yes, but it's small enough to be taken.

    However, if your system is in a high-risk network, or if you frequently use external devices (as flash drives), and you really want to be sure, you can disable this option.

    Personally, I always kept it enabled and I never had problems.


  • hnyaji


    do you have skins for BIS 2009, such as a transparent glass skin?

    I liked the skin of Norton IS 2009! It is glass!


  • alexcrist

    No, BitDefender doesn't have multiple skins.

  • hnyaji
    edited April 2009


    please include 'scan only changed files' for on-demand scans as well for BD products! Norton IS 2009 already have this and they look very very impressive compared to BitDefender IS!

    Image deleted by Moderator - reason : advertising


  • hnyaji


    can you immediately release a patch on my above suggestion to 'scan only the changed files' for on-demand scans?

    BD team does not have to fight hard to release a new version with a new User Interface! People hardly care about a new interface, but the features!!!


  • alexcrist

    That option also affects on-demand scans, as far as I know. There's no need for a separate option.

    Please keep it on-topic! Other future discussions about this or that antivirus software, discussions which have nothing to do with the current topic, will result in user warns. Thank you.


  • hnyaji
    edited April 2009

    Dear Cris,

    the option 'scan only the changed files' does not affect BD on-demand scans! I am sure on this!

    Norton takes less than 10 minutes to do a full system scan on an average system (may be with a 100 GB hard disk)!

    Please release a patch to include this option for on-demand scans as well.

    These suggestions should help make BD an excellent product.

    BD has a rock-solid anti-virus engine! The problems that people report here are mainly due to the corrupt system files, which could be repaired by cleaning out the temp files, removing other Anti-Virus programmes or the left overs after uninstallation, doing a system file check (sfc/scannow), and properly installing BD by removing it first with the company released uninstaller (

    Don't try to install more than one Internet Security application as this could cause conflicts!

    best wishes,


  • Sm3K3R
    Sm3K3R ✭✭✭
    edited April 2009

    Hemanth , your thread title sounds like marketing to me ,Norton Internet Security 2009, Instant Fast! <img class=" />

  • hnyaji


    the title is so because NIS 2009 has some features as I have explained that make it extremely fast! I hope BD too implement them! BD is definitely more effective in terms of the detection and the cleaning of virus, spyware, etc...


  • Unknown
    edited April 2009

    Hi all ... this thread is obviously an ad campaign hemanth is leading for norton products. Therefore, this thread will be first closed, then deleted. Hemanth you are at warn 60%, and you will be banned upon trying to advertise other security products in here again.

    If you only care about the features BitDefender Internet Security does not have, please write me a PM and I will make sure your ideas get to the right people. However, if you fail to stop posting competitor screenshots and features you will get banned.

    This is a BitDefender Forum, if you ain't seen it, try to look around.

  • Unknown
    edited April 2009

    This topic contains clear advertisements for other security software than BitDefender.

    This is a support forum for BitDefender products only and all similar attempts will be closed. Thank you for understanding.

This discussion has been closed.