How To Block Popups?

I get pop-ups all the time when surfing the net. I have BitDefender Plus 10. Please give me instructions on how to remedy this problem. Thanks for your help! Deb


  • Hi dhop13,

    BitDefender 10 can't block pop-ups. Maybe the new BDv11 (currently in BETA state) has this feature.

    But the solution is very simple: stop using Internet Explorer, and start using Mozilla Firefox (which is faster, safer, more stable, and also has a built-in pop-up blocker).

    Another solution would be to search the web for a pop-up blocker (just google it), but be careful that many of those programs are actually spyware which won't block pop-ups, but will bring even more. Just read carefully the web-site and, if it seems OK, try the program ;)


  • Cris, Thanks for responding. Well, no wonder I have popups. I thought I was protected from this. Deb

  • Hello

    What Cris said is true. But if you still want to use Internet explorer than take a look the links below:

    Here are some trustful sites where you can download some pop-up blockers for IE :

    I have another question for you do you see messenger on the top of the pop-ups? If so do this or also check this go to start,run,at the run dialog box type services.msc press enter now doubleclick on messenger service press stop and by start up type choose disabled confirm by pressing on apply and ok. That is also how you receive popup's.



  • Simply upgrade to IE 7. It blocks pop-ups.

    I tried Firefox, but I couldn't realize it faster than IE 6 or 7.


  • Hello

    But the pop-up blocker of Internet Explorer is poor. I can't speak about the newest version.

    off-topic: The reason why I use Firefox is because it's more secure than Internet explorer because most malware including hijackers and active-x malware only affects IE. The possibility to install add-ons,...



  • Popup blockers are only blocking popups (if possible)... If you're getting popups all the time, then you have to take away the cause instead of blocking the popups. For that, it's a good idea to let Bitdefender perform a full scan in Windows Safe mode and let it delete everything it is finding as infected.

  • Hello miekiemoes

    If you receive popups all the time isn't that mostly due that the messenger service is running? But I agree that performing scan is also necessary.



  • If you receive popups all the time isn't that mostly due that the messenger service is running?
    The Messenger Service is disabled in XP Service Pack 2. If you're getting popups all the time, it's simply because your system is infected :)
  • Hello miekiemoes

    Is the service disabled by default? Because I couldn't remember if I disabled the service myself. I agree with your explanation. Thanks for your reply.



  • Yes, the Messenger Service is disabled by default in Windows XP SP2. In XP (no service packs) and XP SP1, it's enabled by default.

  • Yes, the Messenger Service is disabled by default in Windows XP SP2. In XP (no service packs) and XP SP1, it's enabled by default.

    Thanks for the clarification. I wasn't very sure about that, that is also the reason why I suggested that the topicstarter must check the status of the messenger service.



  • Popups generated by the Messenger Service are easy to determine - It says "Messenger Service" on top of the popup :)

  • Popups generated by the Messenger Service are easy to determine - It says "Messenger Service" on top of the popup :)

    If I understand it so nobody can't change the title Messenger Service ?!



  • miekiemoes
    edited June 2007

    As far as I know, I haven't seen any Messenger Service popups where Messenger Service wasn't on top.. But everything can be tweaked ofcourse. But by default, it displays Messenger Service.

    Anyway, concerning the popups in general, if they only appear when you visit a certain site, then there's nothing to worry about. Some sites *do display popups.

    But as I understand here, the popups are present all the time, so I guess at random sites, then this means that a malicious file present on the system is responsible for generating these popups.

  • As far as I know, I haven't seen any Messenger Service popups where Messenger Service wasn't on top.. But everything can be tweaked ofcourse. But by default, it displays Messenger Service.

    Anyway, concerning the popups in general, if they only appear when you visit a certain site, then there's nothing to worry about. Some sites *do display popups.

    But as I understand here, the popups are present all the time, so I guess at random sites, then this means that a malicious file present on the system is responsible for generating these popups.

    Thanks due your input I will not longer let people check the status of messenger service if they have service pack 2 installed. That I already knew that some sites offers pop-up's. I also thought after some infection because the ts told. I was also thinking about that because the topic starter said "present all the time".

    I would thank you again for keep answering my questions.



  • Hi Niels,

    Remember that if someone updated from SP1 to SP2 without any format (just a simple upgrade), the Messenger Service would remain Enabled.

    Also, it's very easy for an app to change the Service settings, so in the case of an infection, that service might have been started by some virus.


  • Remember that if someone updated from SP1 to SP2 without any format (just a simple upgrade), the Messenger Service would remain Enabled.
    No, it will be disabled - it's one of the extra "Security features" of SP2 and that is to disable the Messenger Service. ;)

    I don't think that malware would start the Messenger Service to let it display popups though. Why would it do that? That would be silly :)

  • alexcrist
    edited June 2007

    Well, why would SP2 disable the Service? Maybe I need it (yeah, I know, who needs this Service?? But maybe, for whatever reason, I need it)... I think that's kinda dumb....

    And about the other question: why wouldn't a malware enable that service? If that malware is written to display pop-ups using that Service, I think it is normal that the creator thought about starting the Service first :D


  • Niels
    edited June 2007

    That service if I am not wrong is mostly used by system administrators that will inform the users of a particular event by showing an information popup.



  • alexcrist
    edited June 2007
    That service if I am not wrong is mostly used by system administrators that will inform the users of a particular event by showing an information popup.

    In this case, it's not only used by Admins, but the clients also. If they have this Service Stopped, they won't receive the messages.

    So, in a network (a safe network), this service could be useful (in my last network, this was used by the Admin to remember us to pay for the Internet :P )


  • Niels
    edited June 2007
    In this case, it's not only used by Admins, but the clients also. If they have this Service Stopped, they won't receive the messages.

    So, in a network (a safe network), this service could be useful (in my last network, this was used by the Admin to remember us to pay for the Internet :P )


    Yes Cris you are right. I am not sure that you had to type netsend followed by the ip-address or to all networkbased pc's to show up a popup. That is also why I said mostly used. But in most cases it is used for advertising pop-up's.

