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Activity Graph Gone?


Some odd things happens...


Is there any fix?

sry for double post... started a new topic since the replied one was kinda different problem

p.s. tried with Repair, uninstall (with bt uninstaller prog.) but nothing...


  • Please tell me what version of IE are you using also on how many bits is your OS running(32 or 64)?

  • JCYP79

    IE 8.0 and OS 32bits

  • hnyaji
    edited April 2009


    the same problem for me too, on both of the following.

    1. Vista Home Basic 32 bit - IE8

    2. XP Professional 64 bit - IE8


  • diane7

    I find if I use Basic View my Activity Graph is gone and comes back when i go to Advanced View :-)

  • JCYP79
    I find if I use Basic View my Activity Graph is gone and comes back when i go to Advanced View :-)

    ofcourse there is no graph in basic view... it just appears in advanced view... the problem is that it doesn't show at all in advanced as it shows in the picture... <_< it's not really common only few people having same problem...

  • diane7
    ofcourse there is no graph in basic view... it just appears in advanced view... the problem is that it doesn't show at all in advanced as it shows in the picture... <_< it's not really common only few people having same problem...

    sorry i didnt see your screenshot sooo many things are bugging mr lately i dont know where to go.

    After 3 years with bit .

    My Son has it on his XP PC , Can.see it there.

    OK I dont have it in my General window also ,was there a few days ago .

  • JCYP79
    sorry i didnt see your screenshot sooo many things are bugging mr lately i dont know where to go.

    After 3 years with bit .

    My Son has it on his XP PC , Can.see it there.

    OK I dont have it in my General window also ,was there a few days ago .

    no need to sorry :unsure: I'm just hoping to see an answer of what is making this weird bug... hope support team finds it :(

  • Same problem... Running Vista Home Premium x64 and IE 8.

  • JCYP79

    this thread is getting forgotten...

  • Yes it has. After reading your post I just checked mine and saw that mine's gone as well.

  • I'm having the same problem. Though didn't notice it until now as I was reading this thread which prompted me to check the program settings.

    That's kinda ridiculous seeing as the activity bar problem doesn't apply to me anymore, whereas the graph in the main window is now vanished! There could be a relation between these two issues, me thinks.

    Bitdefender AV running on XP SP3 32 bit with IE8.

  • This issue has been reported to the testing team and we are currently working on a fix. The only workaround to have the graphs showing properly in the product is to install IE7.

    What I would like to highlight is that this is only a display issue and it does not affect the functionality of the product which is working properly in the background.

  • JCYP79

    I noticed that it doesn't affect to the functionality as well, so am not really worried... but seems BD 2009 needs an update since the graph shows only with IE7... well glad to hear the testing team is working on that ^^ cheers~

  • hnyaji


    please remember to mention the notes on the x-axis (time) and the y-axis (number of files), because this is left out while you designed this section.


  • hnyaji


    problem reported in March this year.

    Please solve this very soon.


  • Sym0n

    Problem is still affecting me.

    Vista Home Premium x86. IE8 and FF3.0.9.

  • Same problem for me.

    Vista Home Premium 32 bit - IE8 and FF 3.0.10

  • Sym0n
    edited May 2009


    The workaround offered by BD support isn't acceptable.


  • codeziro

    the same problem for me too......

  • Unknown

    This topic is closed from now on because the issue reported here is a known one while having IE 8 installed and a fix is currently being developed. When it will be available we will post it via live update .

    Please note that the main functionality of the product is not affected in any way by this bug.

This discussion has been closed.