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Home Network Issues


Hi everyone,

Apperenlty the forums is where you need to be to get answers, and I first want to thank the Bitdefender forums site for the help with the two issues, way better responce time on here than via email.

Here is my question and answer statement. Backgroound of network.

liux firewall server


Gig Switch ------------------- Wireles HuB

|--- Game Computer

|--- Media Center (PVR)

|--- Windows Home Server

Operating systems/software

Game Computer - Vista x64 Ultimate - Totally Internet Security 2009 installed

Media Center - Vista x64 Ultimate - Totally Internet Security 2009 installed

Home Server edition - Totally Internet Security 2009 installed


When accessing my Media Center computer via Remote Desktop and during any heavy load or access for longer than 10 minutes, the computer will crash and the only recovery option is hard reset and reboot. It comes suddenly, no warner, no pop, just a screen freeze and done. I have tried to regain access at the computer, but it will not let me log in and if it is responsive, it usually get stuck at the "Logon" screen and will not start.

I have access the Home Server Edition via remote desktop with no problems, just when I access the media Center in the living room.

Will the vistax64 patch help this?

I have similar issues when using my game computer, when I have heavy load on the firewall. (downloading bittorrants, large downloads etc) the system will not warn me, just screen freeze and will not respond.

Any ideas?


  • csalgau
    csalgau ✭✭

    Do you experience these issues with the firewall turned off on the crashing computer?

  • kdika
    Do you experience these issues with the firewall turned off on the crashing computer?

    Yeah tried that, and computer works fine under heavy loads. I tested it three ways, Installed, installed but disabled and uninstalled. it only seems to crash when it is installed and enabled.

  • Unknown

    Hello Kev76,

    The only way to know for sure what is causing the crashes is to analyze some reports generated on the system where this issue is occurring. I have created Ticket ID 200905181005177 for your case and you have been sent an e-mail with some troubleshooting steps.

    Thank you!