Trojans - No Action Possible

Both a virsu scan and a deep system scan identify the following Trojans

Gen:Trojan.Heur.4201FE7B7B and


These are from files that have been on my computer for a long time and BD did not previously identify them. In addition, they are setup files downloaded from a very reputable company.

Thank you for your help.


  • Hi

    those detections are probably false alarms. Please upload them to rapidshare and leave the download link here.


    Thank you


    those detections are probably false alarms. Please upload them to rapidshare and leave the download link here.

  • Hello hew2nd,

    Please find the following files:

    C:\My Downloads\TMG 6\tmg6setup.exe
    C:\My Downloads\TMG 5\tmg5setup.exe

    put them in a password-protected archive, with the password infected and attach the archive on a file-sharing host (like rapidshare).

    You can find details about how to create password-protected archives in my signature.
