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Hasta La Vista Bitdefender


After 3 years, I give up on Bitdefender. I've had at least half a dozen issues that I opened over 3 years and each time, after producing and sending requested files to the support team, they always end up instructing me to uninstall and reinstall instead of coming up with a solution. Then, there are the several times the bitdefender icon gets greyed out and no warning comes up to tell you that you need to reboot until you click on the icon; by then, several hours may have gone by. And you can't just restart Bitdefender, you have to reboot. Then there are the times the scan does not run and no warning is given; you then end up having to uninstall and reinstall one more time.

I still have over 13 months left on my subscription, but so be it; as of today, I am running Avast free. My wife has been running it on her laptop for several months without a hitch and the comments on the tech sites are thumbs up, more than I can say for Bitdefender.


  • dw2108

    Each time I say that I'm DONE with BD, I purchase another license. Go figure?


  • Well i feel your pain with it also. If you try to do live tech support they give you the run around, or tell yuo cut everything off in order for you do do what you needm, send/receive files.

    It is secure though because with it on you can't send or receive hardly anything, most of the time it fails. I wish they would support theor product better instead of trying to shortcut the problem at hand.

    I just posted my problem here after i spoke with a tech on live support a while back and nothing is solved, same issue's 6 months later.