Bdis Makes System Crash When Use Fn Key

Hi, again

I found new problem with BDIS 2010.

I'm using Toshiba laptop M100 series with Toshiba Flash Card Utility on Windows 7.

Every time I press FN key to activate laptop function, system gone !!!

I used BDIS 2009 before and everthing work fine but firewall.

I try to uninstall BDIS and the problem is resolved.

I'm very fail with the "FIRST" windows 7 supported antivirus solution.

Bye bye BDIS forever

Best regards,



  • Hello war11ck,

    It seems that BitDefender is interfering with a Toshiba driver named: "LPCFilter.sys" . We need to further investigate this issue to see exactly what BitDefender module is causing this issue . For this , I have sent you an email that will help you generate some reports on your system . Please reply when you have time .

    Thank you .

  • I was tried your offered tools.

    I sent you an email including all output from the tools and upload it on rapidshare for backup.

    Thanks for advance

  • I have waited since last post and there is no answer to me.

    Could you please tell me about how to solve this problem?

    The problem is still the same.

    The first impression!!! <img class=" />

  • Hello war11ck,

    My colleagues from the Testing team are currently analyzing this issue . We have sent you an email yesterday with some instructions that you need to perform, in order to see exactly which BitDefender drivers determines this sittuation . Please reply when you have time .

    Thank you .

  • There seems to be some incompatibility between Bitdefender and my Toshiba A 350 Satellite laptop's Fn key which activates a visual version of my Fn keys and their toggled functions which randomly causes my laptop to crash to a blue screen.

    Is their anyway to work around this and yet keep this small useful program that actvates my fn key set?

  • Will you be sending me the tools war11ck above and in the meantime what do you advice considering you have discovered that it is a Toshiba driver and BDIS incompatibility issue - Will it be (and roughly when) will it be resolved from your end??

  • BTW I am running Vista 32 Operaing system

    and 1 more thing - the same thing happens when i try a program called Toshiba Hardware Setup which allows bios settings (order of boot, supervisor password etc) done via this windows GUI interface program. In other words i get a blue screen and a dumpfile createdwhen i use this program too with BDIS running. Thought i would mention it as the abiove poster did not

    When i uninstall BDIS all is fine. (lucky i have a preBDIS partition image)

    Please advise preferably ASAP

  • Hello perfection,

    This issue is currently investigated by my colleagues from the Testing Team. If possible, please go to the next location:C:\WINDOWS\Minidump, archive the files that you will find here, upload the archive on then post here the download link.

    Thank you .

  • Hey all ... Frankie here ... pardon me for barging in but ...

    I was searching 'LPCFilter.sys' when I found this thread / forum ...

    my Toshiba Satellite Pro P200- S03 (PSPB7C-S030BC) notebook PC running Vista Business SP2 32-bit BSOD crashes when I launch Toshiba's HWSetup.exe

    (path: C:\Program Files\TOSHIBA\Utilities\)

    from any of three shortcuts I'm aware of

    (from 'HWSetup' in All Programs>TOSHIBA>Utilities>HWSetup,

    or, from the 'HWSetup' icon on the TOSHIBA Assist drop-down toolbar,

    or, from 'TOSHIBA Hardware Settings' in the TOSHIBA Assist>OPTIMIZE menu

    [from TOSHIBA Assist icon in the TOSHIBA Assist drop-down toolbar])

    ... and I don't even run Bdis!

    I recently installed a supposedly newer version of the Toshiba Hardware setup utility for Vista (11/26/2007, in the hopes of curing my issue, however, there has been no observable change.

    My searching has turned up another possibility: the "IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL" BSOD has been known to have occurred in systems where 4GB of RAM is installed

    (like mine, except that I put in 2x2GB DDR2 800MHz modules instead of the 2x1GB DDR2 667MHz modules that the notebook shipped with, thinking, at the time, that the memory should be increased, and, running at the same speed as the FSB - apparently my understanding of the capabilities of the m/b's chipset(s) involved was flawed - no speed advantage could be realized, and, Vista only uses 3GB max. anyways)

    ... there is a MS KB929777 and a patch, however, when I run the patch, a dialog tells me the patch is not applicable to my system.

    Also, interestingly, HWSetup is launched on Startup from the HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run key as 'HWSetup.exe hwSetUP' (upper/lower case specific spelling)

    ... this seems strange to me ... wouldn't it already be running? And what's with the 'hwSetUP' switch?

    I also found this reference to LPCFilter.sys but the actual file is not available there and I have, so far, not been able to locate another copy of it (and not at the COMPAL ELECTRONIC(S) INC. site either).

    I have run MS' Driver Verifier tool and it points to LPCFilter.sys as the culprit.

    I just thought I'd add to this thread because I don't believe the issue neccessarily lies with Bdis ... perhaps there is somehting to be learned from the commonalities of this BSOD issue ... my Minixxxxxx-xx.dmp file is available on request.
