Bitdefender Internet Security 2010 Problems!

Bitdefenders icon does not show up in my taskbar.

The firewall shows no message when a programm try to connect to the internet, (settings in BD are (Default Action: Report)

BDagent has very high cpu-usage 25 %.

I hope there is a solution for this.


  • Bitdefenders icon does not show up in my taskbar.

    The firewall shows no message when a programm try to connect to the internet, (settings in BD are (Default Action: Report)

    BDagent has very high cpu-usage 25 %.

    I hope there is a solution for this.

    I have exactly the same problem.

    -- Bitdefender Internetsecurity 2010

    --> BD-ISec 2009 was installed before

    --> uninstall-utility was used

    -- Windows Vista 32

    -- Intel Core2Duo

    -- bdagent.exe running at 50% CPU usage all time from startup -> one whole processor !!!

    -- never seen a tray-icon for Bitdefender since installed BD-ISed 2010

    -- no firewall-reactions on starting new programms with internet-access

  • Hello dolzer and EHB,

    We need to further investigate this sittuation and that is why we have sent you a procedure through the email, that will help you generate some reports that we need to look.

    We are looking forward to you reply's .

    Thank you .

  • I am having the same issues as above, but am seeing different processes:

    seccenter.exe - ~%50 CPU

    vsserv.exe - ~45-50% CPU


    Ultimately, this means that when this happens, everything else becomes low priority and gets chunky, slow, degraded - depending on what I am doing. I also have the Logitech G15 Gaming Keyboard with the LCD. The LCD applets are TINY applications. When the issue with BD occurs, the time app for my kb (the smallest app ever even created I think) hangs for about 10 seconds, then jumps to current time, then hangs again, then jumps, so on and so forth. So it has nothing to do with anything other than CPU grubbing.

    I mean, it even does it when typing into a blank txt document. All of a sudden it stops typing...then after about a minute or two, it dumps all the text I WAS typing into the document. When I check CPU usage - EVERY TIME it is BitDefender...

  • I have exactly the same problem like you. Any suggestion for me ?

  • I have exactly the same problem like you. Any suggestion for me ?

    vsserv.exe - ~45-50% CPU

  • Hello dolzer and EHB,

    We need to further investigate this sittuation and that is why we have sent you a procedure through the email, that will help you generate some reports that we need to look.

    We are looking forward to you reply's .

    Thank you .

    Hello BD-support-team,

    I did send you the reports which you wantet me to create and got back a patch-file. I startet the patch but the situation did not change:

    -- bdagent.exe is ALLWAYS running with 50% CPU-usage and so slowing down my computer. Taskmanager says that it CONSTANTLY uses about half of the recources of each processor of the core2duo-CPU.

    -- there NEVER is a BD-icon at the right side of the taskbar, but I can start the BD-interface with the BD-desktop-icon

    -- in the BD-interface there is no reaction when I use the 'settings'-button at the upper right side (in german is is 'Einstellungen')

    -- BD-firewall shows no response when a new programm is startet which needs internet-access

    So it seems that BD is running but not in a completely perfect state.

    Could You please help me to get rid of these issues?

    Should I try a complete uninstall/reinstall of BD-Internet-Sevurity 2010?

    thx in forward.

  • Hello dolzer,

    We have sent you new instructions through the email . Please reply back with the reports that we need .

    Thank you .

  • I have exactly the same problem.

    -- Bitdefender Internetsecurity 2010

    --> BD-ISec 2009 was installed before

    --> uninstall-utility was used

    -- Windows Vista 32

    -- Intel Core2Duo

    -- bdagent.exe running at 50% CPU usage all time from startup -> one whole processor !!!

    -- never seen a tray-icon for Bitdefender since installed BD-ISed 2010

    -- no firewall-reactions on starting new programms with internet-access

    exact same thing for me .... what´s the solution ???

  • Alex Stanciu
    Alex Stanciu ✭✭
    edited October 2009

    Hello bemi,

    In order to troubleshoot the issue you are encountering we would like you to follow the steps below:

    1. Open My Computer.

    2. Browse to

    C:\Program Files\BitDefender\BitDefender 2010

    - considering that BitDefender was installed on the default C partition

    3. Doubleclick on the supporttool.exe file .

    4. Click on Next, wait a few minutes for the progress bar to complete and then click on Finish .

    5. Go to the desktop , upload the report on then send me a PM with download link .

    We will analyze the information you sent and then reply with a possible solution.

    Thank you.

  • hellow Mr. Alex

    i've installed BDIS 2010, but whenever i try to open it, it says: cannot find c:/program files/bitdefender/bitdefender 2010/bdagent.exe

    can you please suggest a solution?

    thank you so much in advance.

  • Hello Ferrovic,

    In order to solve this issue please be so kind as to make sure you uninstalled any other security solution you might have on the same computer (any spyware removal, Ad Aware, Spybot or any another antivirus).

    Having more then one security product installed on the same PC can degrade performance and cause system instability. Even if they are turned off, there are some active processes running in the background. We recommend you to uninstall all the other security solutions in order for BitDefender to work properly. We also recommend you to run a registry cleaner on your computer in order to improve the system performance.

    If the issue still persists please follow the steps from this link in order to provide us with the reports we need for further investigation.

    The reports will be sent directly to our Technical Support Team and you will receive an automatic reply shortly. Please send me a PM with the ticket ID from the Subject of the e-mail so that I may analyze the reports and send you a solution as soon as possible.

    Thank you.