Bitdefender Is It Better Or Worse
I just recently bought bitdefender internet security 2010. Now I bought it after reading all the good reviews about it. I had Trend Micro before and it worked very well for what it was. When trend micro was installed it never slowed down my pc and rarely had any errors. So I wanted something new so I bought Bitdefender and let me tell you I have had it for about a couple of weeks and it has gott'n progressively worse.
1st Major PC slowdown
2nd Microsoft Word has errors after errors and I keep getting (Changes have been made that affect the global template. Do you want to save those changes?) everytime.
3rd Outlook runs 100 times slower than it used to, Now it takes 10 minutes to bring in my emails. and about 5 minutes to send a email with no pics and attachments.
4th cant run multiple programs and the same time i.e. itunes and windows etc. the computer will take 5 minutes to switch between windows.
So I am not a techy guy so I need something easy, so far this isnt, if I knew this was gonna be the case I would have stuck with what I had before.
Any help will be much appreciated
I agree with this post. I recently switched from Avast (and before that, McAfee), and both of those ran in the background without bogging down my computer. I switched to BitDefender because it was cheaper, thinking that there couldn't possibly be any difference. I've been running BD for the past 3 days, and EVERYTHING is running slower. I can't even have more than 2 programs open at one time. I have tried changing all of the setting to the most permissive possible, but it is still dramatically slower. At this point, I need to turn off the "real time protection" just to be able to do anything.
Does anyone have any tips on how to make it so BD doesn't bog everything down? If not, I will probably just have to kiss my $25 goodbye and purchase a different software." />
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i've been using BDIS 2010 for a month now and it's less resource hog than v2009 on my XP Pro.
you may compare your settings to mine, and make some tests to see what happens.
first switch to expert mode
i excluded from scanning partitions where i store backups, pictures and other data.
Antispam - disabled
Parental Control - disabled
Privacy Control - enabled but only Identity and Registry
Firewall - enabled, and i set Protection Level to Report
Automatic Vulnerability checking - disabled
IM Encryption - disabled
Automatic Game Mode - enabled with Enter Game Mode when an application is in full screen checked only
Automatic Update - disabled - i prefer to update manually
and that would be it
with these settings i can't see any special lag even when i work with Photoshop CS3 and Illustrator CS3 running at the same time ie.
there's a little lag though when i open main BDIS window from the systray icon (like 1-2 secs)
switching from one section to another on main window is also a bit jerky
also i don't use Outlook but PocoMail as an email client and i'm fine with that - no delays while receiving or sending posts
didn't notice any slowdowns while browsing internet with Opera or Maxthon
so far then, my BDIS 2010 works fine, and hopefully it will be that way unlike v2009 which in my opinion was getting worse after practically each product update.
hope these informations will be useful - good luck0 -
Viscon - thanks for the settings. I will try to adjust mine and see if that helps.
i really appreciate you taking the time to write that. thank you!!!!0