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Scheduled Scans



I've just figured out that scheduled scans don't happen unless you are logged in. If you are logged out at the time the scheduled scan is due (i.e. the computer is at the Windows Vista login screen waiting for a user to click on their username/icon), then:

1. the scheduled scan is never performed

2. when a user next logs in, the scan is not performed then either

3. the "next scan due" date is silently changed according to the schedule

So, if, like me, you have a scan scheduled every three days at 2am, and you always log out at night but leave your computer switched on, then the scan never happens but the scheduler happily and silently keeps advancing the next scan date by three days without ever actually performing the scan.

Is this behaviour documented anywhere?


  • Alex Stanciu

    Hello Klitos,

    BitDefender will not perform a scheduled scan or any other type of scan, as long as you or another user is not logged in Windows . You have the possibility though, to start a scan when you are not using your computer and also to set BitDefender to shut down the computer in case the scan does not detects any threats on your system. Here is what you have to do :

    1. Open BitDefender in Expert Mode and click on the Antivirus module.

    2. Select the Virus Scan tab, right click on Deep System Scan and choose Properties.

    3. Check the option "Shut down the computer when scan completes if no threats are found " then click on Ok.

    Thank you .

  • Hello Alex, thanks for your reply. I don't want to shut down the PC after the scan, since I normally leave it switched on indefinitely. No user is logged into the PC unless that user is actually using it at the time. So now I have to leave myself logged in, even though I'm not using it. Can you confirm if I can leave my session "locked" i.e. at the Switch User screen? Also, if there are two or more interactive users logged in at the time, under which user does the scheduled scan start?

    This requirement seems an arbitrary restriction, since the main BitDefender engine is a Windows service, which can run without an interactive user being logged in. I found it surprising that a user needs to be logged in. Other windows services can run in the absence of an interactive user. Therefore may I suggest a couple of enhancements. Firstly, as soon as possible, could you mention this restriction in your online help and user manual (if it is not already mentioned.) Then whenever your development resources and timescales allow, perhaps you could enhance it to allow scheduled scans to be performed as a Windows service, with any resulting notifications simply appearing in the log that can be checked by the next user that logs in.



  • Alex Stanciu

    Hello Klitos,

    Unfortuantely the scheduled scan will not start if your computer is locked (Switch User screen) . However you can start a scan then lock your computer and the scan will be performed without any problems. If you lock your computer and choose another username, the scan will also not be stopped .

    We appreciate you suggestions and please rest assure that they will be taken in consideration.

    Thank you .

  • I am having the same issues with the scheduled scans not running while no user is logged on. I wrote tech support a few weeks ago , and nobody replied the answers found here- Bad support and onlooking into these forums I guess.

    What I am waiting for is a command line to put in a batch file so that I can use Windows XP

    built in task scheduler to have these scans run. Pretty simple I would think, but far too complicated for the

    BD coding crew to use built in tools embedded into the OS.

    Maybe in a week or 2 I will get an answer.

    I cant use any of the suggestions in this forum as the machine is locked away in a closet, used as a data and proxy server where I work. It is only logged onto once a month or so for maintenance.

  • I am having the same issues with the scheduled scans not running while no user is logged on. I wrote tech support a few weeks ago , and nobody replied the answers found here- Bad support and onlooking into these forums I guess.

    What I am waiting for is a command line to put in a batch file so that I can use Windows XP

    built in task scheduler to have these scans run. Pretty simple I would think, but far too complicated for the

    BD coding crew to use built in tools embedded into the OS.

    Maybe in a week or 2 I will get an answer.

    I cant use any of the suggestions in this forum as the machine is locked away in a closet, used as a data and proxy server where I work. It is only logged onto once a month or so for maintenance.

    I am a new user of BD AV 2010, having been an old McAfee corporate-grade VirusScan user, so I was used to scheduling scan tasks with the Windows Task Scheduler. I miss this capability with BD. I am using BDC.exe in a batch program that I wrote to automate nightly scan tasks, but BDC.exe does not communicate with BD AV scheduler, so I still have to run a full scan from BD AV every 15 days. I would also like to see a task scheduler option in BD AV for unattended scans.

  • Unknown


    Note that you can't run a scan without having at least one Windows Username logged on. Furthermore you can use the Windows Scheduler to start-up your computer few minutes prior to the hour when the scan is scheduled into BitDefender. If you do not wish to be informed about the computer not being scanned every 15 days you can disable the notification under: General -> 'Configure Status Alerts' -> Antivirus status and turn Off that notification.

    Last but not least I would like to Thank you for your feedback on the scheduled scan feature, I will pass your suggestions to the respectful department.

    Best regards,