Another Update Question

My BD Antivirus v10 connects just fine to the update server, but has not found an update since yesterday morning. Usually, there are new updates every hour or so and I am beginning to worry that something may be wrong with my software (again). My latest Virus Signatures are 735046 and latest Engine Version is 7.13916 - Any ideas?


  • claudiu
    edited July 2007

    Everything is just fine. I have the same number of Virus Signatures and Engine Version.

    You haven't probab. noticed the update procedure. BTW i've last updated today @ 10`a clock

  • Everything is just fine. I have the same number of Virus Signatures and Engine Version.

    You haven't probab. noticed the update procedure. BTW i've last updated today @ 10`a clock

    Actually, I pay very careful attention to the updates. My BD AV v10 last checked for updates automatically at 10:00 but got the same result as before: no updates available. I'm sure something is wrong. Niels, do you have any ideas?

  • GaryB
    edited July 2007

    Hi Mr. E, My updates for V10 have not updated in 24 hours either. Last update was 10:57 am yesterday morning. It attempted to update at 7:26 am this morning, but got an error message "could not connect to update server". I have since attempted manual updates, and it appears to be connecting to the server, but is showing "no updates available". I am getting a bit concerned also. However I think it is probably a problem on bitdefenders end, rather than with our software. I think we just have to wait for them to work the problem out on thier end. I am wondering how wide spread what ever is happening with these updates is. I see people have looked at your original post, but no one has posted, so it must be occuring with other people also. Oh, I am also running the same signatures and engine numbers as you are.

  • I ran 3 updates today, and although the definitions number is the same, I don't get any error message. Latest update specs:

    Signatures: 735046

    Scan engine: 7.13916


  • If we all are running the same signatures and engine, then we must be upto date. Is there anywhere on the site that lists the most current signatures and engine number? I am not getting error messages when I attempt to update manually, it is just showing "no updates available". The only error message I recieved was at 7:30 this morning on an automatic update that it could not connect to server. If someone posts they are running a higher engine or signature number, then we will have cause for concern.

  • LOL. Ffs, dudes.

    So much worry for nothing. If there is a problem with the Bitdefender Update Servers it should give you an error or something.

    They probably don't have any NEW virus definitions that's all. There are other antivirus solutions out there that update their definions once a day ... and nobody seems to complain about that.

    s long as we have the same number of virus defs, same engine version our products are updated correctly so there is no need to worry.

  • LOL. Ffs, dudes.

    So much worry for nothing. If there is a problem with the Bitdefender Update Servers it should give you an error or something.

    They probably don't have any NEW virus definitions that's all. There are other antivirus solutions out there that update their definions once a day ... and nobody seems to complain about that.

    s long as we have the same number of virus defs, same engine version our products are updated correctly so there is no need to worry.

    That's not true, there are some problems with the updates. :)


  • claudiu
    edited July 2007

    it seems you are right. right now update started with some 6 mb updates that keep downloading themselfs on and on. I had to stop the cycle. (see pic)


  • It is attempting to download an update, but I am getting "invalid MD5". I've had that problem in the past, but usually the next atempt will fix it. So far not right now. There are probably so many customers attempting to access the update, that the server is overloaded right now. Hopefully the traffic lightens up later today and we will all be able to update our programs.

  • It is attempting to download an update, but I am getting "invalid MD5". I've had that problem in the past, but usually the next atempt will fix it. So far not right now. There are probably so many customers attempting to access the update, that the server is overloaded right now. Hopefully the traffic lightens up later today and we will all be able to update our programs.

    Hallo. Actually my BD 10 has 735.046 Signatures and 7.13916 Engine. I'm getting "invalid MD5" during a BIG udate of 6948KB. No way to finish this update.

    Best regards.


  • Same thing here still occurring. Just attempted again and the "Invalid MD5" is still coming up.

  • it seems you are right. right now update started with some 6 mb updates that keep downloading themselfs on and on.

    This is what is happening to me, too. I hope BD fixes it on their end, or someone posts here telling us what we need to do, if anything.

  • There is no need to worry. The updates will soon be fixed. Maybe the server is to busy. :)


  • tec505
    edited July 2007
    There is no need to worry. The updates will soon be fixed. Maybe the server is to busy. :)


    Update started: 597kb (not 6948kb) Signatures 701716 Engine 7.13925


  • Finally, all is well again. Updates have occurred and virus definitions are current. Thanks everyone!

  • it is strange. some virus defs were removed

  • It happened in the past, it`s not strange. Maybe Vlad will add some info.

  • The CVD has been regenerated, and when this happens, redundant signatures are removed (specific signatures are replaced by generic ones, which can only be added once enough samples have been collected). That's why there are fewer signatures now, and it's a good thing :).

  • The CVD has been regenerated, and when this happens, redundant signatures are removed (specific signatures are replaced by generic ones, which can only be added once enough samples have been collected). That's why there are fewer signatures now, and it's a good thing :).

    Hello Vlad,

    My Virus Signatures : 700846 and The Engine : 7.13959 rightnow ( 21-jul-2007. 6:37 PM - GMT +7)

    Is that correct ? How to check the most updated Virus Signatures and The Engine Version in BitDefender website ?

  • Hello Vlad,

    My Virus Signatures : 700846 and The Engine : 7.13959 rightnow ( 21-jul-2007. 6:37 PM - GMT +7)

    Is that correct ? How to check the most updated Virus Signatures and The Engine Version in BitDefender website ?

    As Vlad mentioned, individual signatures were replaced by generic sigantures. You don't have to worry, everything is fine. This is normal for Av software.


  • As Vlad mentioned, individual signatures were replaced by generic sigantures. You don't have to worry, everything is fine. This is normal for Av software.


    Hi Andrei, Thx for your info.

    So it means that everyone will get different amount of Signatures and Engine ? :unsure:

  • Nope, the number of signatures and the engine version should be the same for everybody IF they have the same update installed. But it could be that new signatures or a newer engine is avaible, it happens all the time. There is no need to be worried. ;)


  • Nope, the number of signatures and the engine version should be the same for everybody IF they have the same update installed. But it could be that new signatures or a newer engine is avaible, it happens all the time. There is no need to be worried. ;)


    Ok, I got it.

    Is there any site to know the latest Engine ? or the Engine also generic too ?

  • As for the latest update whichI made at 19:50 PM Romanian time-zone, the number of signatures is 700865, and the scan engine is 7.13960.


  • As for the latest update whichI made at 19:50 PM Romanian time-zone, the number of signatures is 700865, and the scan engine is 7.13960.


    Ok, thx a lot for the answer, Andrei.

    So this thread is one of the place for checking the latest engine.

    There is no need to be worried :P

  • Ok, thx a lot for the answer, Andrei.

    So this thread is one of the place for checking the latest engine.

    There is no need to be worried :P

    There's no need to thank me! Your reaction was normal when you saw the number of the signatures decreasing. However, this is a good thing. :)

    Anytime you have a question, post it here. ;)


  • lacombe
    edited July 2007

    Well, it's happened AGAIN!

    Update error:

    Could not conect to the update server.

    Now what's wrong?! Do you imagine that after all of the hassles I've had, I will renew my subscription to BD AV v10 when it expires?

  • Hi Mr. E,

    So what's the big problem about it? Just because, sometimes, the update server is off-line (maybe because it is getting updated) you start to hate the AV itself?

    The problem is: does BD protect you well enough? If yes, then it really doesn't matter how often it makes updates. If it doesn't protect you enough, it might as well make updates every second because you wouldn't use it.

    The AV product is not about updating itself, it's about protection. If you buy an AV because it makes updates 3 times per hour, then it's your decision.

    In my case, as long as I don't get infected while BD is enabled, it can make updates less then once every year and I don't care.

    So, back to your problem:

    - be sure it's not just a temporar problem (try again in an hour)

    - change the update server (from the Update Settings)

    - be sure nothing else is blocking the traffic, like another firewall (software or hardware) and your Internet connection is OK.

    There are multiple causes to this problem, some are related to BD, some are completely un-related to BD. But still, because BD didn't make updates for a hole day it doesn't mean that you will be infected by all viruses on this planet.


  • Well, it's happened AGAIN!

    Update error:

    Could not conect to the update server.

    Now what's wrong?! Do you imagine that after all of the hassles I've had, I will renew my subscription to BD AV v10 when it expires?

    There are many reasons which could be the cause. Generally, trying again in about a hour solves the problem. You have to stay calm, no new malware program will infect your computer in one or two hours while your BD is not updated. ;)


  • So what's the big problem about it? Just because, sometimes, the update server is off-line (maybe because it is getting updated) you start to hate the AV itself?

    The problem is that when I get this error message, I have no way of knowing whether something is screwing up on my computer (which happens every now and then) or whether it's just that the the update server is off-line (as you suggest).

    How hard would it be for BD to have a setting up the update window which says "Update Server Off-line. Check back later" so users would not worry about their machines?

    And, I know enough to wait several hours and check the update status window. I only post to this forum after several hours of update problems.

  • The update problems occure only because of the server. If nothing is blocking BD from accesing the internet ie another firewall, then you can be sure that the problems are from the update servers. Generally, they occure when they upload new files. You don't have to worry about it.


  • lacombe
    edited July 2007

    Does anyone want to take a crack at my question?

    How hard would it be for BD to have a setting in the update window which says "Update Server Off-line. Check back later" so users would not worry about their machines?

  • Mr. E , that would be a silly feature.I really don`t know why you are making a problem out of this. Bitdefender and Kaspersky (as far as i know) are the only AV in the word that updates their virus signatures per hour basis. I think this is just a marketing feature because the chance of getting infected with the virus/malware just beein added to the signatures database is extremely low.

    Anyway , if you receive an error now ... you will prob. be updated after 1 hour when the av checks again.

    I personally changed the option in bitdefender update settings from ``verify every 1 hour`` to ``verify every 7 hours.``

  • Does anyone want to take a crack at my question?

    How hard would it be for BD to have a setting in the update window which says "Update Server Off-line. Check back later" so users would not worry about their machines?

    The fact is that it is not always the case of the offline server. It could be that they only upload new files, new sigantures, though the server is still online. For me, it happened aboout 4 or 5 times since I use BD, and I use BD for about 3 years.


  • Niels
    edited July 2007

    When you take a look at events in BitDefender you will find a description of update problems with the message to try again. That is already the case when there is an update available during a scan.But if you don't visit riskfull sites you are safe. You can always download the updates manually if you don't want to wait :



  • Clearly, the problem occurs NOT ONLY when the BD update server is off-line updating virus data; it has been almost 48 hours since I began seeing the ERROR messages and I have not received any updates since then. How long should I wait?

    My current settings are:

    Virus Signatures 701407

    Engine Version 7.14011

  • claudiu
    edited July 2007

    well i think you have a problem with your ISP , maybe your firewall or somthn. I don`t have any problems at all with the update servers.

    VS : 702101

    EV : 7.1403

    C:\Documents and Settings\Claudiu>ping

    Pinging [] with 32 bytes of data:

    Reply from bytes=32 time=7ms TTL=57

    Reply from bytes=32 time=7ms TTL=57

    Reply from bytes=32 time=8ms TTL=57

    Reply from bytes=32 time=7ms TTL=57

    Ping statistics for

    Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),

    Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:

    Minimum = 7ms, Maximum = 8ms, Average = 7ms

  • Hello Mr.E

    There aren't server problems at the moment with the default server. You have to install the updates manually here are the instructions:

    You can try this open BitDefender go to update,settings,default update location and change it to :

    These are the latest available signatures:

    virussignatures: 702101




  • You can always download the updates manually if you don't want to wait :

    After downloading the weekly file for AV v10, I still have the same Virus Signatures (701407) and Engine Version (7.14011) -- no help!

  • You can try this open BitDefender go to update,settings,default update location and change it to :

    Thanks for the suggestion about the alternative update server -- but I made that change over a month ago after reading about it on one of the BD help pages. And instead of downloading the daily zip file, I WOULD LIKE TO HAVE THE AUTOMATIC UPDATES WORKING AGAIN. Is that too much to ask?

  • You should change the update location with the default server:


  • lacombe
    edited July 2007
    You should change the update location with the default server:

    Making these changes -- either way -- has no effect. Any more suggestions on how to fix the automatic update feature?

  • Hello Mr.E

    What version of BitDefender are you using? If you are using the version without firewall than you have to open the ports in your firewall. Check this site to do that:

    Check this link:

    Because in this case it must be a ISP or firewall problem by you.



  • lacombe
    edited July 2007
    What version of BitDefender are you using? If you are using the version without firewall than you have to open the ports in your firewall. Check this site to do that:

    Check this link:

    Because in this case it must be a ISP or firewall problem by you.

    I have been using BD AV v10 since Jan 2007 and my COMODO firewall is already configured to allow bdss, bdsubmit, and livesrv to access any port they choose. The automatic updates were working three days ago and at that time had been working just fine for weeks. Obviously, something must have changed. I just don't know what changed.

  • I`m using BD AV 10 and i have no problem with the updates/update module. Automatic update works fine for me.

    Last signature: Virus Signatures: 702163, Engine Version: 7.14039

  • I have been using BD AV v10 since Jan 2007 and my COMODO firewall is already configured to allow bdss, bdsubmit, and livesrv to access any port they choose. The automatic updates were working three days ago and at that time had been working just fine for weeks. Obviously, something must have changed. I just don't know what changed.

    I have the same AV , same firewall. You should email you ISP and tell them the host your having trouble with meaning They will know what to do if they respect you as a client.

    You could also post a result of the ping cmd : Start - Run - type cmd - in the cmd window : ping and check out the response time or paste it here

  • Because in this case it must be a ISP or firewall problem by you.

    Once again, Niels, you were right! There was a problem with the firewall. It allowed livesrv to access the ports only for traffic OUT from my computer, but not for traffic IN to my computer. Once I noticed that and changed it, everything worked again.

    But since I have not changed the firewall settings for weeks, how did that happen? I know this is not a question for BD support, but it still has me worried about the security of my system. So many mysteries...

    Anyway, thank you Niels! You rock!

  • Hello Mr.E

    Was there an update for your firewall? If so sometimes these behaviour can occur. That isn't normal but it happened with other people also.Glad that I could help you.

