Major Update Causes Problem

Hello, and thanks for considering my problem.

After the major update of 3 November 2009, I was unable to connect to the Internet with my dialup protocol unless I disabled the Registry Control in the Privacy Control Module.

Needless to say, this required several trials and much tribulation until I finally arrived at a solution.

As a result, after startup I must disable the Registry Control, dial up and logon, and then enable it in order to be able to download and install updates from Bitdefender.

Subsequently, many new strange Registry Control rules have been created, the first of which is named "WS not installed." Others include one called "no", one called "", as well as several undecipherable ones with random characters.

In addition, all of my ****** Control Rules were wiped out.

I use Spybot and Spyware Blaster which I understand may have conflicts with BIS. Indeed, since I installed BIS 2010 I can no longer use the Update function within the Spybot program.

I am using Windows XP Home Edition Version 2002 Service Pack 3.

Any help in this matter would be most appreciated.

Thank you

P.S. I am still unable to execute a System Restore since installing BIS 2010, and would like to know if any solution has been found for that problem.


  • Addendum:

    Allow me to be more specific: When I attempt to dial in to my ISP, the computer locks up at the "opening port" part of the program. At this point, I must restart the computer. Yet when I try to restart the computer I get the "program not responding" message; I must then hit the "end now" button and after a longer than usual wait, it finally saves settings, shuts down, and restarts.

    Evidently, the communication port is somehow being blocked or misused.

    Hope this sheds a little more light on the subject.

  • Major Update? Major Headache!

    Now it seems that the update has caused a conflict with my Windows Media Player (9).

    I can't play my mp3's, videos, or listen to streaming audio online.

    I'm really considering going back to BIS 2009.

    This is frustrating, to say the least.

    Is there a way to uninstall this update?

  • Update: Once again, the Registry Control settings are the culprit regarding the Media Player.

    As long as I keep the registry control disabled once I connect to the Internet, I can listen to online streaming, watch videos, etc. But if I enable Registry Control at some point, and then turn it off before using the Media Player, it will not work. A restart is necessary.

    In other words, once it's turned on you can't go back. Yet I hate to be online without the Registry Control enabled. It defeats one of the vital security aspects of the product.

    Let's hope this problem is fixed soon...

  • The List Continues:

    I can't even de-fragment without Bitdefender raising an alarm. I get the following:


    Bitdefender Intrusion Detection Alert

    Bitdefender has blocked a potentially malicious or infected application

    Windows Disk Defragmenter

    Application: C:\WINDOWS\system32\DfrgNtfs.exe


    If legitimate programs raise an alarm, how will I know when to block a bad one - especially if someone disguises their malware as a legitimate program? Confidence level in Bitdefender is plummeting...

    And of course, there's the Scan Activity Bar showing up on every re-start in spite of my having it unchecked in the General Settings menu. This is fixed by checking and unchecking it, but it is still annoying to have to do this every time I start or re-start. Is this Scan Activity Bar useful - or even necessary? I find it distracting, to be honest.

  • And of course, there's the Scan Activity Bar showing up on every re-start in spite of my having it unchecked in the General Settings menu. This is fixed by checking and unchecking it, but it is still annoying to have to do this every time I start or re-start. Is this Scan Activity Bar useful - or even necessary? I find it distracting, to be honest.

    oh yes, Scan Activity Bar issue also came up in my case...

    maybe there were other ones too but since i discovered the sound was off on my OS,

    i didn't bother to check what else had been screwed - just restored system with norton ghost.

  • Hello Fred5000,

    In order to be able to further investigate the issues caused by Registry Control we would like you follow the steps bellow :

    1. Open My Computer.

    2. Browse to

    C:\Program Files\BitDefender\BitDefender 2010

    - considering that BitDefender was installed on the default C partition

    3. Doubleclick on the supporttool.exe file

    4. Click on Next, wait a few minutes for the progress bar to complete and then click on Finish .

    5. Go to the desktop, upload the report on then send me a PM with the download link .

    In order to overcome the sittuation caused by the Intrusion Detection system, we recommend you to add to exceptions the executable file of Windows Disk Defragmenter . Here is what you have to do :

    1. Open BitDefender in Expert Mode, click on the Antivirus module and under the Shield tab click on the Advanced Settings button .

    2. The BitDefender Active Virus Control Settings window should be displayed. Click on the add button, represented by the plus (+) sign and browse to the next location: C:\WINDOWS\system32\ .

    3. Here, select the "DfrgNtfs.exe" executable file and choose Open.

    Also, in order to stop the Scan Activity Bar from displaying at startup, we recommend you to browse to the next location C:\WINDOWS\system32\ and delete the file called "user_gensett.xml" .

    We are looking forward to your reply .

    Thank you.

  • What we the users who have reverted back to the earlier version (Pre 13.06.17) Would really like to know is is there a way to get BD to

    automatically download & install only the virus signatures updates?

    or tell us at least How long it will take for another upgrade or fix that is 100% working/correct to emerge? as so far it seems BD is keeping schtum on this so far,

  • With Bitdefender you almost have to be a Computer Expert to make it work

    An AV programme should be installed an if prefered never to look after it again,

    With Bdefender you have to constantly check if its even Working ?, Ridiculous........

  • With Bitdefender you almost have to be a Computer Expert to make it work

    An AV programme should be installed an if prefered never to look after it again,

    With Bdefender you have to constantly check if its even Working ?, Ridiculous........

    Hi kungfu,

    Some problems are not related to BitDefender products but to other applications installed on client computer (old antivirus software incorrectly uninstalled, "legally" applications that have incompatibilities with BD, operating system issues, hardware issues and so on)

    And one important thing: people are not aware of "social engineering" so, minimum knowledge about computer are required in order to not became a victim of social engineering. If user is downloading all the malware from the Internet and clicks on it, this does not guarantee that his computer will not become infected even having best security shields from the world.

    I hope you understand the point...


  • Hi kungfu,

    Some problems are not related to BitDefender products but to other applications installed on client computer (old antivirus software incorrectly uninstalled, "legally" applications that have incompatibilities with BD, operating system issues, hardware issues and so on)

    And one important thing: people are not aware of "social engineering" so, minimum knowledge about computer are required in order to not became a victim of social engineering. If user is downloading all the malware from the Internet and clicks on it, this does not guarantee that his computer will not become infected even having best security shields from the world.

    I hope you understand the point...


    Hi Ghe,

    No dont understand your point ,Do think its due to your (lack of <_< ) knowledge of the English language.......

    social engineering ?,what are you talking about,

    I am not downloading all the malware from the Internet and clicking on it ?

    Didnot want to react anymore on the Forum But this has to be the Most Stupid respose I have ever read on the Forum (besides uninstall/reinstall again )

    Cheers and Happy New Year :D (would suggest an English course lol )

  • alexcrist
    edited January 2010
    Social engineering is the act of manipulating people into performing actions or divulging confidential information. While similar to a confidence trick or simple fraud, the term typically applies to trickery or deception for the purpose of information gathering, fraud, or computer system access; in most cases the attacker never comes face-to-face with the victim
    Source: Wikipedia - The Free Encyclopedia

    On the other hand, I have to agree with Ghe. Some (if not most) of the problems a software application has are because of different incompatibilities or issues that appear on certain software/hardware configurations. I'm not talking about BitDefender, but about the software applications in general (BitDefender included).

    In other words, a software application (let's call it A) might run absolutely perfect on some (most) systems, but on other there might be minor or major problems, or it might not work at all. Not necessarily because A has a faulty design or it has bugs, but maybe because some other software (or hardware) installed on that system makes A behave in a wrong way, or even crash. It's not the first time I've seen it, and it won't be the last.

    Now, I'm not saying this because I'm a Moderator on this forum. You might already know, but in case you don't, I don't work for BitDefender. I'm just a volunteer on this forum. But I am a programmer (a student at Computer Science, actually), and I've experienced these problems first hand, both with software I wrote, or with different software downloaded from the Internet (yes, BitDefender included). Nothing is perfect in this world, so there's no such thing as a bug-free application, or bullet-proof security, or 100% compatibility issues-free configuration.

    Someday, somewhere, somehow, something is bound to go wrong. And all is left for us (humans) to do is to figure out what went wrong and try to fix it. Sometimes fixing it will be easy and fast, sometimes it won't, sometimes it won't even be possible. And this applies to all life (not just BitDefender, not just software, not just computers...).

    And a Happy New Year to you too. :)
