Major Update Causes Sound Problem
Last major product update brings back dark memories of infamous BDIS 2009 updates.
I've read other problems caused by this update described by the users - USB and connection issues.
Tried it myself and discovered another one - after reboot my PC looses sound entirely.
I mean there's a sound when Windows starts, however after a while it disappears completely.
When I tried Control Panel I got a message about hardware error.
Looking at the Ashampoo Uninstaller report I discovered that BD update changed these values in the registry:
from 1 to 0
from 1 to 0
Both entries refer to Microsoft Kernel Audio Driver as far as I know.
Additionally BD update deleted values under this key:
OK, I didn't even try to fix this problem.
Just recovered my system to the state before update and now all works fine.
Be careful and don't let BD for automatic update.
It's always safer to do it manually - choose virus definitions but beware of product updates.
Always make a backup before you decide to go for it.
And for the BD team: for Christ sake stop experimenting on us the users who already paid for your product
which is supposed to be working reliably.
At the moment v2010 seems again like a beta product for testing, just like it was with v2009.
I'm on WindowsXP Pro SP2 x86 - BDIS 2010.
Thanks for the heads-up Viscon.
I didn't know you could pick and choose regarding the updates. Believe me, if they ever get this thing working properly, I'm never going to allow a product update again.
And I agree with you regarding us paying customers being the guinea pigs for their experiments - I've never had such problems with security software in the 12 years I've had a computer. (I know, not a long time compared to others).
I've used McAfee, Norton, Trend Micro, and Panda, but the only thing Bitdefender has going for them is the frequent virus definition updates.
Someone referred to how you can't trust the product reviews - and I have to agree with them. Bitdefender was ranked high in the various reviews that I read, but my experience thus far has proven otherwise.
I guess I should feel lucky that my machine hasn't been screwed up to the extent that others have with this latest update. But it's still early yet. Now I'm almost afraid to apply the fix that they say is coming soon - it could go from bad to worse. Seems like Major Updates = Major Problems.
Good luck with yours...0 -
I'm posted in the problem with no updates which is already 3 pages long.
I was reading this post and I also didn't know that you could pick and choose what you allow to be installed within the updates. How do you do that?
On the other hand, isn't it kind of dangerous not to apply a program update.
I uninstalled BDIS 2009 and installed BDIS 2010 and since then have uninstalled 2010 and reinstalled 3 times. I had about decided to go back to 2009 and am surprised I haven't done it. But that Alex from the forum recommends if you have any problems with 2009 to just upgrade too 2010 ... So that makes me wonder if they aren't messing much with 2009 anymore and if it would be safe change off.
I honestly don't know what to do but you know I'm not kidding when I tell you that the problems with this program and then no response from tech support, to speak of, are actually stressing me to the point where I'm feeling ill over it.
I've been thinking about going with Avast, Spyware Doctor and Windows Firewall. If either of you have any opinions about this idea I would really appreciate your sharing them with me. I don't want to jump from the frying pan into the fire so I'm at a point where I'm scared to turn any direction.0 -
Fred, go to Update section and untick Automatic Update.
Then move on to Settings tab and check "Prompt before installing update" under "Confirm update".
Also check "Prompt before downloading updates" under "Manual update settings".
Now you're det for full manual update, and when you click Update Now button,
you'll be promted with a popup window that shows both virus defs and product updates separately.
Highlight the ones you want.
And I strongly recommend to make a system backup before installing any product updates of BD.
Just like I did last time so I could recover to working system.
I was really hoping that BD team had learned something after all problems with v2009.
Looks like they had not. They rushed with new version and gave us beta again.0 -
Fred, go to Update section and untick Automatic Update.
Then move on to Settings tab and check "Prompt before installing update" under "Confirm update".
Also check "Prompt before downloading updates" under "Manual update settings".
Now you're det for full manual update, and when you click Update Now button,
you'll be promted with a popup window that shows both virus defs and product updates separately.
Highlight the ones you want.
And I strongly recommend to make a system backup before installing any product updates of BD.
Just like I did last time so I could recover to working system.
I was really hoping that BD team had learned something after all problems with v2009.
Looks like they had not. They rushed with new version and gave us beta again.
You are correct,its the same as last Year/Version !, Nothing but trouble,0 -
Nikilet, read my last post in this thread that explains how to update manually in a safe fashion, so to speak.
Again, virus definitions are safe to update - they don't mess with program and system.
But product updates is a different story - be careful.
Regarding going back to v2009 - it's hard for me to recommend anything in this matter.
I myself wouldn't go that way because I had too many issues with previous version,
and finally got stuck with disappearing systray icon - again caused by "product update".
With v2010 I am now with working v13.0.16.313 and don't dare to go further at the moment.0 -
Many computer experts are totally against security suites, stating that usually there is one module that is good and the rest are mediocre. I'm starting to think they may be right because this is the third time I've had a security suite mess up my computer.
It started with Norton years ago, then AVG which I absolutely loved until they, too, came out with an upgrade which they apparently hadn't tested near enough and which ended with me reinstalling Windows. I then went with BDIS 2008; it wasn't too bad. Version 2009 was quite a bit more trouble but it was finally running really well on my machine.
After much urging by BD, I finally took the plunge Oct. 5th to install 2010. I am an Intermediate user at best. But I know I didn't pay BD so I could test their program, have my computer messed up and my security possibly compromised. They have no right to release a program with this many problems to paying customers who are depending on them for security -- especially when their tech support response and response time is so very poor. I have installed a lot of programs, security and otherwise, and I have NEVER worked with such poor tech support. Ever since V. 2008, I've almost quit them many times just for that reason. You can have problems with any program, and it isn't so bad when you can contact tech support and they'll respond and work with you to get it straightened out. As far as I'm concerned, BD doesn't have a tech support department that interacts with customers. I'm venting!" />
I'm sure glad that I decided to read some of the other new posts related to this big product update and happened to open yours. Your fix is, so far, working for me. It's kind of a pain in the neck to have to interact on the update process, but I can live with that in order to keep my virus definitions up to date. I have shared your information with the people on the 3-pager I've been posting in dealing with this update not allowing BD to perform an update. And truth is I will probably leave these settings for as long as I use BD so that if any future product updates come through I will be able to hold off installing them, or at least set a restore point before installing.
Your post didn't have anything to do with my problem, but by reading it I found something to give me relief, and I thank you for mentioning this great workaround in your post. Others can do as they wish. For me, it was well worth uninstalling and reinstalling (for the 4th time on this 2010) in order to know I am keeping my virus signatures up to date.0 -
I'm having the same problem as well
Using VIA HD sound0 -
I am told that in spite of these new update settings, eventually I will be forced to install this major update. Do you know if that's true? Just wondering. In any event I'm still glad for the fix and I will be setting frequent restore points during the time I'm on my computer so that if this update installs without my permission I can roll back.
I don't know how we might be forced to install this product update.
Maybe those who said so meant we should dot it sooner or later?
Back with BDIS 2009 I stopped updating product (only chose vir definitions) at some point and survived that way.
I mean I did that because every attempt ended up with problems.
Assuming I'd say that as far as you have full manual settings, there should be no way BD forces you to install anything beyond your will.0 -
Hello Viscon,
This sittuation is handled by my colleagues from the Testing team and we are currently working on a fix . We are sorry for this unfortunate sittuation and thank you for taking the time to describe the steps that you tried in troubleshooting this issue . In case we need other information's from your system, we will contact you back.
Thank you.0