Internet Freezes Since Last Upgrade

since the last upgrade of bit defender internet security 10 the whole internet on this pc (where bitdefender is installed) freezes randomly.pages dont open and downloads stuck until i reboot the machine.seriously this is getting really annoying and im thinking of uninstalling the product (i really feel that i throw my money away)

is it me or this is a major issue?

please help.


  • There are many issues and this is just one of them... No, it's not you...

  • i uninstalled it and i installed a free antivirus atm.until it fixed (hope?)

    btw the uninstall took away every single firefox addon...###### i got to format again?

    please bitdefender,tell me,why do i have to pay again for your software?please give me a reason.i can give you my reg. number and name if u like,just pm me.

  • I got the exactly same problem, all browsers stop getting data. On the other hand I can still play MMOs without interuption =S

  • Same problem here. No http traffic. Vista 64bit SP2, BT2010 IS. That's second time in the last few months that I lose several hours trying to understand what's going on with my computer, and just to find out that bitdefender is causing problems. I am getting annoyed and frustrated. And I bought 3 PC 3 years licence... what a mistake. <img class=" />

  • Amor
    edited November 2009

    Same problem here too :( , Internet gets blocked, then after i turn off the Anti virus protection, it immediately works again.

    Mods any solution on this? , highly frustrating and too risky to turn off the protection to surf.

    Look forward to fast help on this. Thanks

  • Hello all,

    Just in testing purpose, please disable the Active Virus Control option and let us know what happens. In order to do this, open BitDefender in Expert Mode, click on the Antivirus module and under the Shield tab click on the Advanced Settings button . The BitDefender Active Virus Control Settings window should be displayed . Disable this option then click on Ok.

    Thank you.

  • Amor
    edited November 2009
    Hello all,

    Just in testing purpose, please disable the Active Virus Control option and let us know what happens. In order to do this, open BitDefender in Expert Mode, click on the Antivirus module and under the Shield tab click on the Advanced Settings button . The BitDefender Active Virus Control Settings window should be displayed . Disable this option then click on Ok.

    Thank you.

    Hi Alex,

    Like i already posted, i tried doing the same, when i "TURN OFF " the Anti Virus Mode - Internet works fine as usual, as soon i start the Anti Virus Mode, It just stops , all browsers - IE , Firefox, Chrome.

    Is there any update to correct this, I am back on BD 2009, so far no similar problems with BD '09. Hope U guys find solutions to these errors, its really frustrating.


  • Disabling antivirus module and active virus control (both disabling and excluding browsers) didn't helped me.

  • Alex Stanciu
    Alex Stanciu ✭✭
    edited November 2009

    Hello dmodric and Amor,

    Please follow the steps bellow and let us know what happens:

    1. Open BitDefender in Expert Mode;

    2. Select the Antivirus module on the left and go to the "Shield" tab;

    3. Click on the Custom Level button;

    4. Make sure the following items are NOT checked:

    - Scan http traffic

    - Scan Yahoo Messenger traffic

    - Scan Windows Live Messenger traffic

    5. Click on the "OK" button in apply the changes.

    We are looking forward to your reply.

    Thank you.

  • Hello dmodric and Amor,

    Please follow the steps bellow and let us know what happens:

    1. Open BitDefender in Expert Mode;

    2. Select the Antivirus module on the left and go to the "Shield" tab;

    3. Click on the Custom Level button;

    4. Make sure the following items are NOT checked:

    - Scan http traffic

    - Scan Yahoo Messenger traffic

    - Scan Windows Live Messenger traffic

    5. Click on the "OK" button in apply the changes.

    We are looking forward to your reply.

    Thank you.

    further to the problem of loss of internet connectivity, as i was downloading i decided to scan 1 of the completed files and everything stopped,froze i was able to open task manager to see why, but nothing listed was excessively using memory or cpu, the uiscan.exe was doing absolutely nothing, but as it is not self protected i was unable to kill the process,with a view to returning back to normal,but no chance, i had to risk hdd file corruption and power it off via the reset button,

    the loner i use this software the more and more things that i come across that need fixing,

  • Hello dmodric and Amor,

    Please follow the steps bellow and let us know what happens:

    1. Open BitDefender in Expert Mode;

    2. Select the Antivirus module on the left and go to the "Shield" tab;

    3. Click on the Custom Level button;

    4. Make sure the following items are NOT checked:

    - Scan http traffic

    - Scan Yahoo Messenger traffic

    - Scan Windows Live Messenger traffic

    5. Click on the "OK" button in apply the changes.

    We are looking forward to your reply.

    Thank you.

    I have just uninstalled BT2010. I will try tomorrow again.

  • I tried this and many other solution none work. The only thing that will work it by uninstalling bitdefender 2010. Something must have went wrong in the update 6-7 days ago because when the problem have started. BTW I have the bitdefender 2009 version on my laptop and it work fine without this problem!

  • Now I reinstalled one more time BD2010 and switch off automatic update at the beginning (one of previous topic suggest that), so my BD is fresh new without any rubbish updates. I'll check now how will work my BD2010 after that.

    I suggest Mods to check in recent time maded updates if there is everything correct.

  • Now I reinstalled one more time BD2010 and switch off automatic update at the beginning (one of previous topic suggest that), so my BD is fresh new without any rubbish updates. I'll check now how will work my BD2010 after that.

    I suggest Mods to check in recent time maded updates if there is everything correct.

    Using the current version 13.0.017 on vista x64 bit, it's not just the internet that freezes (disconnects) randomly it's virtually everything else too,

    and no i don't have the active virus control on,as for unselecting the scan http traffic to stop the i net disconnecting advice;surely that posses a security risk from browsing to an infected web page?

    also vista is taking a long time to load since i installed 2010 ,a long period of a blank black screen midway through the loading process?

  • stormie
    edited November 2009

    is there any newer upgrade in the meanwhile?i would like to know so i could reinstall.right now my bit defender is uninstalled.

  • Same problem here! I tried this but it doesn't work! The only way I can surf the net is disabling the antivirus!!!!!!! How stupid is this???

  • hi, just got the product and encountering the same problem facing by ppl here..any updates on the fix?

    edited November 2009

    I have been going through this terrible situation since the very first time I installed Bit Defender Internet security 2010. This happens only when I try to watch an online movie on flash or Netflix (which uses Microsoft Silverlight).

    After running through the movie for 40-43 minutes, it blocks all internet traffic. No web page would open. I tried using the Game Mode, and added Chrome and Silverlight to the game list. But, no solution. When I re-started the laptop, everything would be fine. I go through the movie, another 40 minutes, and again, the internet is blocked.

    I tried uninstalling BDIS, and everything is just fine, no blocking, smooth streaming of movies is possible. So, the issue has to do with BDIS 2010, and not with my laptop.

    Has anyone encountered a similar issue, and/or can provide me a solution?

    I am using HP HDX16 laptop with 4GB RAM and Windows Vista 64-Bit.

    Thanks in anticipation.


    /applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=5827" data-fileid="5827" rel="">BDFileInfo.log


  • Hi

    I have been going through this terrible situation since the very first time I installed Bit Defender Internet security 2010. This happens only when I try to watch an online movie on flash or Netflix (which uses Microsoft Silverlight).

    After running through the movie for 40-43 minutes, it blocks all internet traffic. No web page would open. I tried using the Game Mode, and added Chrome and Silverlight to the game list. But, no solution. When I re-started the laptop, everything would be fine. I go through the movie, another 40 minutes, and again, the internet is blocked.

    I tried uninstalling BDIS, and everything is just fine, no blocking, smooth streaming of movies is possible. So, the issue has to do with BDIS 2010, and not with my laptop.

    Has anyone encountered a similar issue, and/or can provide me a solution? This is getting very very frustrating.

    I am using HP HDX16 laptop with 4GB RAM and Windows Vista 64-Bit.

    Thanks in anticipation.

  • Hi Alex and friends,

    The only thing that works is uninstalling BD '10 or to use it by turning off the Anti Virus mode ( which is too dangerous). I turned back to BD '09 , it works smooth like an AK - 47 lol. hope the BD '10 loopholes get covered soon.


  • Hello Suman Das,

    Thank you for the reports that you have sent us through the email. Just in testing purpose please try the steps bellow and let us know if the same issue occurs:

    1. Open BitDefender in Expert Mode and click on the Update module. Click on the tab called Settings.

    2. Under "Confirm update" click on the option called "Prompt before downloading updates " and under "Manual Update Settings " click on the same option "Prompt before downloading updates " .

    3. After you do this click on the button called Apply . Now, whenever you will update you will have to choose only the Signatures updates and then click on Ok.

    Here are the steps that will help you rename the file that may cause this issue:

    1. Start your computer in Safe Mode.

    - restart the computer;

    - repeatedly press the "F8" key several times before Microsoft Windows begins

    to load (you need to press "F8" until you will be displayed a text menu);

    - select "SAFE MODE" in the text menu and press "Enter".

    - wait while Windows loads in Safe Mode; this process ends with a confirmation

    message; click "Yes" to acknowledge.

    2. Go to the next location C:\Program Files\BitDefender\BitDefender 2010

    and rename the files "httproxy.dll" in "httproxy.d_" .

    3. Restart your computer in Normal Mode and let us know if you still have the same issue .

    Thank you.