Bd 2010av32bit + Sandboxie 3.39 = Bsod ?

I ve tryed today to use BD 2010 AV 32 bit on an AMD X2 6400+/4G system with XP SP3 up to date.
The problem is that when i was trying to go in my BitDefender Account ,opening my sandboxed browser ,i got a nice BSOD indicating bdselpr.sys as culprit.I think this file is with the selfprotection of BD . If i remember corectly(not sure thogh) i think i got in the past ,with BD 2008, BSOD-s on diferent systems , relating to the same BD file.
Every time i was opening the sandboxed browser , bam , BSOD.
Sandboxie version was 3.39 build 25.Turning off antiphising didnt helped.
Is there a real incompatibility between BitDefender 2010 and Sanboxie or is some problem specific to my system ?
For the moment i m back to avast ,but i really don t get it.
Posting at wilderssecurity i ve got this link about a similar issue
So is iSanboxie or BD in guilt here ?
I ve removed BD untill the problem is fixed.
Yo, does someone know what to do about this? I started getting this problem from this morning. Its pretty the same described above, with the bdselfpr.sys reported in the BSOD. Earlier I had been using BD 2009 and Sandboxie (mine is 3.32) and it worked without any problems.
Is it possible that updating Bitdefender is causing this? Because it happened after I updated this morning, so maybe BitD installed some new virus definitions or upgrade or whatever and that's causing the clash?0 -
I dont think its the engine itself or some virus database updates.I ve tryed Bullguard ,which uses Bitdefender engine and Sandboxie is working.
If the problem is now with BD 2009 as well means there is some update made to the BD selfprotection (against some new malware that atacks the antivirus ).Sanboxie in any way doesnt atack BD modules0 -
I think the problem was already fixed but the files haven't been uploaded on the update servers yet. I'll check with my colleagues Monday.
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I think the problem was already fixed but the files haven't been uploaded on the update servers yet. I'll check with my colleagues Monday.
Ok .i ll look into it tomorow to see if its solved.
Lets hope it will work properly with Sandboxie 3.40.
Thanks !0 -
1.Ok ,i ve reinstalled today BD 2010 AV.I also updated the Sandboxie to the latest version.Starting the sandboxed browser gave me the same BSOD with the same BD file .
Event manager :"Error code 1000008e, parameter1 c0000005, parameter2 adda31d6, parameter3 ad812cb4, parameter4 00000000."
Having in mind that the Windows installation was rather old and some hardware and software changes (drivers/firewall/antivirus) have occured in the mean time ,i ve decided to reinstall the OS.
After reinstallation of XP the problem is no more so whatever caused it is now history.
2.HydraHeaded ,on my second (older) rig i see that Bitdefender 2009 Antivirus + Sanboxie 3.39 build 25 = OK.
I consider the problem fixed ,thread can be closed.
Thank you again!0 -
For me the problem's not solved yet. I've got an updated XP SP3, so the question of reinstalling the OS doesn't arise. I've made no changes that I can think of. When I tried running Sandboxie after updating, I again got the same BSOD. Till two days back, there was no problem, no clash between the two apps. I could run Sandboxie without any problem. So what exactly has happened now?
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How old is your XP installation ?
My system was also up to date ,but i had a lot of changes in the system in the last 6 months.If you have some back up program like Paragon/Acronis make a back up of what you have now and do a fresh install.Thats what i did.There must be some drivers remainings in the system from some driver/antivirus/firewall and the update of that BD file triggered the issue.
What have you used before BD as antivirus and what firewalls?0 -
The BSOD is back !
" />
Just after posting the upper reply ,bam ,same BSOD ,with the same file.
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So now the BSOD appears when i try to use virustotal and load a file from within the Sandboxed browser (accesing files on the local harddrive).
Here is the link with 2 minidumps in case someone is really interested in the issue ->
HydraHeaded ,go into Windows folder ,under Minidumps folder ,archive those and use sandspace for uploading the minidump files.0 -
This issue is scheduled to be fixed in the next update.
Thank you for reporting this.0 -
Ok ,thank you !0 -
I can't do a fresh install now, it takes too much time. Generally I just revert back to a ghost image of a fresh install, but I do that only when I find Windows has become too slow. Lets just wait for the BD guys to solve the problem.
I got the newer version of Sandboxie, since I thought it might be the older version that's causing the problem, but still the BSODs remain.
In the meanwhile, I've started searching for other sandboxes. I found one, called iCore Virtual Accounts, which appears to be a really good thing, though I haven't used it yet. Instead of opening Windows and then running an application sandboxed, it makes you log in to a sandboxed profile (from what I've understood), and then you can use the computer like you use everyday, only the whole thing is sandboxed, and if you install a new program, it will install only in this sandboxed profile. If you know of any other good free ones Sm3K3R, do tell.0 -
I happen to know one ,Artificial Dynamics Safespace .It s free.
A little different ,but reading the manual will help.
I dont know though if works ok along with BD.Last time i used it i wasnt using BD.
Here you go -> -
Or try this link if the one up doesnt work ->
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My problem seems to have been fixed with the last update ,though the update didnt went smooth when the file was replaced .
HydraHeaded ,is your issue solved now too ?0 -
I had a problem with the update too, it didn't seem to download everything it had showed earlier (it showed 4 MBs, then stopped after 3.7 or 3.8 MB and said the download was complete and it was installing the updates). I updated again a few minutes later and it downloaded another 1 MB. Anyway, I haven't really run Sandboxie again, I'll try it again, now that you say your problem has gone. I'm trying out SafeSpace of which you spoke about.
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Just ran sandboxie, it works. So the update seems to have solved the problem.
Thanks.0 -
did you guys try Sandboxie 3.38?
I have this version and no issues like yours.0 -
did you guys try Sandboxie 3.38?
I have this version and no issues like yours.
The problem is solved and it may be that some specific configurations encountered the issue.
Maybe you were the lucky one.As i wrote in the thread ,on a clean install the issue would occur only at file uploading/downloading from/to the sandbox.If you were on a clean install (less registry garbage) and only surfing it is posible the issue to have stayed hidden.Hydra Headed said that the issue pop-uped recentl.In my case ,i observed the issue last days/week ,when i was trying BD 2010 for the first time on this specific machine.
Problem solved topic can be closed.0