Bdav 2010 Conflict With Zonealarm Free

Have Zonealarm Free v8.0.298 on WinXP SP3, after installing BDAV 2010 and rebooting my system consistently locks up for several minutes before I can do anything. This happens on every reboot with the 2 programs installed. It looks like there is a conflict with ZA, since if I uninstall it everything works fine. I did a seach and saw in another thread someone reporting the same problem with ZA Pro and it sounded like it wasn't resolved for that person either.

Yes I know I can run a different firewall than ZA Free, but wondering if BD support is aware of any incompatibility with ZA and if so, is there a fix for this? Is anyone else running this combination successfully?


  • Sm3K3R
    Sm3K3R ✭✭✭

    This incompatibility is rather old and i dont think it will be solved to soon having in mind the other issues that are pending now.You can try PC Tools Firewall 6 Free ,Comodo free or Outpost Firewall Free ,they should work just good with BD.

    You can try aditionally Sunbelt 4 .x Firewall free (ZoneAlarm rules like),but if the BD rootkit scan stals when this is installed you ll need to get the 3 up and use one of them.

  • Thanks for the info Sm3K3R, it's a shame these 2 don't play nice together. I'm partial to Zonealarm so I installed BDAV 2009 and that combination works fine. I hope BD is able to address this issue soon, I am willing to provide any debug files that are needed to help identify and fix the problem.

  • Sm3K3R
    Sm3K3R ✭✭✭

    Add any minidumps if you have them.Upload them to sandspace so support will look into them.

    And make sure you tell Zone Alarm about the issue too.

    Info is needed ,but dont expect for the problem to be fixed quick .