Antispam List Of Friends Disappears...


XP SP3 Professional

BD IS 2010

The list of friends in antispam disappears randomly. So a lot of "sane" emails go directly to the SPAM folder.. Very annoying...

BD Support asked me to completely reinstall the product, which I did with no success: the friends list continues to disappear randomly.

I noticed in this forum that a similar issue already existed in a 2009 product...

Any solution?

Thanks for your help,



  • Hello Bibif,

    Please tell us what email client are you using . Also, from the friends list, are disappearing only some email addresses or all the list ? You should also try to save your friends list and load it when this sittuation occurs again .Open BitDefender in Expert Mode, select the Antispam module, click on the Manage Friends button and then choose Save.

    We have created you support ticket and sent you an email with some instructions that will help send us some reports that we need to look on .

    We are looking forward to your reply .

  • Hi there

    I am experiencing the same problem with both my friends and spammers list simply disappearing.

    I have upgraded from Total Security 2009 to 2010 and experienced similar problems with 2009, primarily in that when looking at the Antispam section of Bitdefender it would state that I had no friends and no spammers, but the list would be there if you clicked on 'manage friends' or 'manage spammers'.

    Its disappointing that there is still an issue with Spam in Bitdefender.

    I had said that I would simply change software due to the issues that I had in 2009, such as this and the network facility but thought I would try 2010 before making the decision. I think it is on the whole better but this issue makes me question my decision.

    I have 25 days of subscription left and am wondering if something else is better.

    Has anyone solved the disappearing friends list? I am running media centre SP2.

  • Alex Stanciu
    Alex Stanciu ✭✭
    edited October 2009

    Hello simonh,

    This issue is known by my colleagues from the Testing team and a fix will be available in our next major update which will be released in approximately 2 weeks. If we find any other information's about this issue we will keep you posted.

    Thank you for understanding and we apologize for this unfortunate sittuation.

    Thank you.

  • Hello simonh,

    This issue is known by my colleagues from the Testing team and a fix will be available in our next major update which will be released in approximately 2 weeks. If we find any other information's about this issue we will keep you posted.

    Thank you for understanding and we apologize for this unfortunate sittuation.

    Thank you.


    Well, one month after your post, the same problem exists. I could now reproduce it precisely:

    The antispam list of friend disppears AT THE PRECISE INSTANT OF THE FIRST INCOMING MAIL CHECK.

    The trick is to abort the incoming mail flow, reload the friends list, and start over the read mail operation.

    So when at last BD solve the issue since it is identified?



  • Hello Bibif,

    My colleagues from the Testing team managed to reproduce this issue and a fix should be released soon. As soon as we have new information's we will post them here.

    Thank you .

  • Hello Bibif,

    My colleagues from the Testing team managed to reproduce this issue and a fix should be released soon. As soon as we have new information's we will post them here.

    Thank you .

    I am also experiencing a disapearance of my spammers list. If anything my spam seems to have increased after using BitDefender2010.

    Hopefully this will be fixed soon, as at present the spam filter is useless!