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Bitdefender Interupting My Internet Connection


After reinstalling Vista recently I encountered a problem in that after I downloaded a few files from the internet my connection would no longer work. Internet Explorer would say that a page was loaded but the screen was white (the same thing with Firefox). The email would continue to work fine and the other computer in the house (using the same router and modem would work fine, and also did not have this problem when I used it to download--it is running XP, however). I finally determined the problem was related to Bitdefender (after removing Bitdefender the problem disappeared).

I would have sent this problem to Bitdefender Support but the the Support Tool also hangs after completing about half of its function and so I'm never able to send the query.

Any assistance would be welcome.



  • read the topic -

    a lot of complains there of the same problem, but there is only temporary solution.

  • Well, at least I'm not the only one with this problem. I've been harassing Microsoft about it since it occurred after I reinstalled Vista. I'll try reinstalling the older version, but if that doesn't work I won't be renewing my Bitdefender subscription either.


  • For the support: ist not a country specific problem - its also a problem in austria :wacko:

    What ist the wage of beta testíng of a product ? .. Its horrible - i tried hours of hours of finding a resolution of the problem.

    Who is the person who pay me this time ? This is not freeware , this an expensive product with one year license - i expect a working product.

    The solutions in this post are no solutions, why should I turn of my virus scanner ?? hello ?

    This post is almost one month old . One Month for a solution ? Hello , anybody here ? .. we are customers , we paid for this product.

    I hope you find the solution soon, if not, you have to stop any shipments, and get all versions out of the stores !

    I want at least one year extra free upgrade, for the hustle of using this product.