What Is This Url?

Hello all,

I was online today and suddenly the explorer went to this site ( __________ ) and was given a message box. I tried to close it and it took me to a windows explorer and was giving some kind of progress bar saying that my computer is under scanning.

Has anybody experianced the same?

Does anybody know what this site os for?



  • FYI, I have BD internet secuirity 2010 running on my machine.

  • charles850
    edited November 2009
    Hello all,

    I was online today and suddenly the explorer went to this site ( _____________ ) and was given a message box. I tried to close it and it took me to a windows explorer and was giving some kind of progress bar saying that my computer is under scanning.

    Has anybody experianced the same?

    Does anybody know what this site os for?


    Same thing happened to me. I was using an IE tab with firefox when it happened. When I reopened my browser it went right back and I had to ctr, alt, delete again to get rid of it.

  • kochunni69
    edited November 2009
    Same thing happened to me. I was using an IE tab with firefox when it happened. When I reopened my browser it went right back and I had to ctr, alt, delete again to get rid of it.

    This is not the first time I experienced it. Lasttime the URL was _________________

    I have the screenshots from that incident and is attached here. I reported this to BD support and a ticket is still open.

  • Thank you for the reports.

    Detection will be added shortly.

    As a general rule, please refrain from posting live links on the forums. Use

    code tags

    if links to malicious content must be attached.

    Have a nice day!

  • Do we have a number to call Bit Defender Support?

    They are extreamely slow in responding through emails.

    Right now its taking 3-4 days to get a reply.
