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Linksys Print Server And Bd Firewall



To get my Linksys PSUS4 Print Server to work with Bitdefender Total Security 2010 i had to turn off the Firewall.

Despite a lot of searching i was never able to find how to add the connection to the print server as a rule or exception to the firewall.

Then by chance i found the solution: Change the Network Configuration Trust Level setting from Unsafe to Safe, in the Advanced > Firewall > Network screen.

My question is this; what is the risk increase of setting my 'Local Area Connection' (the name under the Adapter column) to Safe?

Thanks, Duncan


  • Alex Stanciu

    Hello duncanbowers,

    Since your Linksys PSUS4 Print Server is connected through to the computer where you have BitDefender installed through your local network, there is nothing that you should worry about. The "Safe" trust level, is recommended for computers connected to known networks. All traffic is filtered and access to this computer from the local network is allowed. Also, access to other shares and printers is allowed.

    The "Unsafe" trust level is recommended for computers connected to wireless networks to computers that have a public IP or are connected to less trusted networks. All traffic is filtered, access to this computer from the local network is not allowed (incoming local traffic is blocked). Also the current computer can access other computers.

    Let us know if we can help you with anything else.

    Thank you.