Super Slow Internet

After installing bit defender my internet downloads and streaming speeds have for the most part stoped i can barley download something at a speed of about 8kbs

please help this was not a issue befor installing bit defender


  • Open BitDefender, click on the Settings button, choose the the Expert Mode then click on Ok. After that, click on the Antivirus module and under the WiteList tab click on the Advanced Settings button .

    add trusted webpages to make Bitdefender skip scan it .

    and but Protection Level as Default .

  • rootkit
    rootkit ✭✭✭
    edited February 2010

    What product do you have on your PC ?

  • shark
    edited February 2010

    AntiPhishing slowdown internet :(

    ie8 ff3.6

  • I was about to make a topic of this myself but I'm glad someone else has noticed this besides me. The thing is the Anti Phishing didn't used to make internet so slow. If I remember right. Some pages now take over a minute to fully load even when they don't have that much on them. I think one of the recent updates has messed with it somehow. Has anyone else had this problem? I would like to hear more on this.

  • @shark & Scout: The Antihishing problem is already being discussed here:

    Please post there further questions. Thank you.

    @echoside76: What Operating system do you have? Could you be a little more specific about what kind of downloads are you talking about (target URL, what application you use to download, etc...).


  • echoside76
    edited February 2010

    windows 7 and any download i do or even searching the web is waaay slow now

  • AntiPhishing either on or off makes no difference here.

    but I'm on XP SP2 so that might make a diff...

    check whether you have Scan web (http) traffic on or off.

    if it's on set it to off.

    Expert mode -> Antivirus section -> Custom level -> there you'll find an option...

  • echoside76, please try the steps presented here:

    Let me know if anything changes.


  • I am running Vista Home Premium 32 everything on my computer has slowed down to the point that I can no longer use the computer. A very good Dell XPS Laptop With 4 GIG of RAM and dual processors. I have to go to work and type this post. It happened right after install. I canged the updating time from 1 hour to every 5 hours. But BD says it is updating all the time. I mean all the time. How do i fix this. I googled "Bitdefender slow pc" and it looks like it is VERY widespread. IS THERE A FIX?


  • I am running Vista Home Premium 32 everything on my computer has slowed down to the point that I can no longer use the computer. A very good Dell XPS Laptop With 4 GIG of RAM and dual processors. I have to go to work and type this post. It happened right after install. I canged the updating time from 1 hour to every 5 hours. But BD says it is updating all the time. I mean all the time. How do i fix this. I googled "Bitdefender slow pc" and it looks like it is VERY widespread. IS THERE A FIX?


    ohioshicks, looks like the autoupdate went into some kind of loop there.

    why don't you try and change it to manual update.

    go to Expert Mode + Update section and uncheck Automatic Update so it says "disabled"

    then click settings tab in the same section and under Confirm Update check Prompt Before Downloading Updates

    do the same under Manual Update Settings

    under Advanced Settings make sure both "Don't update if scan is in progress" and "Don't update if Game Mode is on" are checked.

    having done so see if your PC is more responsive.

    if it's not there must be some other issue.

  • My computer is still very very slow. When I type the text has to catch up to me. Not sure what to do? If we can not get this to work I will uninstall the program and see if that helps. I just want my computer to work the way it did with the past antivirus program.

  • you may try this -

    in Expert Mode go to Antivirus section and click Advanced Settings button

    Active Virus control should be enabled so make it Medium Level if it's Agressive or Critical

    check "Alert me before taking an action" at the bottom

    also you may add some *.exe files you're sure they're clean into Exclusion list


    in the same Antivirus section click Custom Level button, and make changes like this:


    with one exception though if you like -> uncheck "Scan inside archives"

    these are my settings... hope it helps