Autocad & Bitdefender


On installing BitDefender AntiVirus Free Trial 2010, standard installation

on various computers running XP and having 2GB of memory,

AutoCad 2009 became virtually unworkable on these computers.

Does BitDefender eat a significant portion of that memory,

or is there a known incompatibility with AutoCad 2009?

On uninstalling BitDefender, the situation normalized again.

A potential customer


  • alexcrist

    Hello anarchitect,

    Please add the AutoCad 2009 executables to the Active Virus Control whitelist by doing this:

    - open BitDefender Security Center (Expert Mode)

    - go to Antivirus -> Shield

    - press Advanced settings and click the + button to browse for a file. Search for AutoCad's executables and add them to the list (make sure you select Allow as the action)

    Please post if anything changes after you take the above steps.


  • On installing BitDefender AntiVirus Free Trial 2010, standard installation

    on various computers running XP and having 2GB of memory,

    AutoCad 2009 became virtually unworkable on these computers.

    Does BitDefender eat a significant portion of that memory,

    or is there a known incompatibility with AutoCad 2009?

    On uninstalling BitDefender, the situation normalized again.

    A potential customer

    Hi anarchitect,

    We will test Autocad 2009 on XP and try to figure out from where problem comes.

    Thanks for your post!

    p.s. (As I know, there is no incompatibility between Autocad 2008 and BitDefender Internet Security on Windows 7).

  • I have just installed Bitdefender Antivirus 2010 on our PC's and have a similar problem with Autocad 2007. We run Win XP sp3, fully updated. The mouse pointer in Autocad becomes very sluggish and jumps across the screen. At the same time the CPU useage goes to over 60% compared to 5-10% when not using the mouse. Our mice are standard MS Intellipoints with up to date drivers.

    I tried the suggestion to exclude the Autocad executables by excluding the whole directory from 'Both' scans. This made no difference. Uninstalling Bitdefender made the problem go away. Unless a solution can be found I will have to remove all the AV licenses.

    Hi anarchitect,

    We will test Autocad 2009 on XP and try to figure out from where problem comes.

    Thanks for your post!

    p.s. (As I know, there is no incompatibility between Autocad 2008 and BitDefender Internet Security on Windows 7).

  • Alex Stanciu

    Hello Phil Norton,

    Please try the instructions from the first post, added by Cris and let us know if the same issue occurs.

    Thank you.

  • Hello Phil Norton,

    Please try the instructions from the first post, added by Cris and let us know if the same issue occurs.

    Thank you.

    We have exactly the same jumping mouse issue with Autocad 2006 and Autocad 2010 after installing Bitdefender Internet Security 2010. We also run Win XP sp3.

    We tried the instructions from the first post added by Chris and this made no difference. It seems that only by uninstalling Bitdefender the problem go away.

    Please provide us with a Solution otherwise we will have to remove all the 5 AV licenses acquired.


  • Dear JennyGD,

    Please follow the steps below in order to disable BitDefender Antivirus Virus Control module:

    1. Open BitDefender Security Center.

    2. Click on 'Settings' and switch to 'Expert Mode'

    3. Go to 'Antivirus' tab.

    4. Click on 'Advanced Settings' and DISABLE the 'Antivirus Virus Control' feature.

    5. Test to see if the issue still replicates.

    Thank you.

  • Dear JennyGD,

    Please follow the steps below in order to disable BitDefender Antivirus Virus Control module:

    1. Open BitDefender Security Center.

    2. Click on 'Settings' and switch to 'Expert Mode'

    3. Go to 'Antivirus' tab.

    4. Click on 'Advanced Settings' and DISABLE the 'Antivirus Virus Control' feature.

    5. Test to see if the issue still replicates.

    Thank you.

    I have the same problem with AutoCAD LT 2010. I tried to disable the Antivirus Virus Control and also the firewall, but there is no improvement. The only thing that it works is to uninstall BitDefender Internet Security 2010, but this is not convenient because I already bought 5 licenses for this year for this security product.

  • Unknown


    Please tell me the exact version of AutoCAD; when exact does the software crash ? What is the error message you get ? Are you using a domain controller ?

    Please look at the error message, check to see if there is a path for the dump file of the AutoCAD crash log. Also expert the following entry from Windows Registry as explained below:

    - click on RUN then type 'regedit'

    - Surf to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\MidasHeurScanner and export the folder by right click on MidasHeurScanner and select 'Export'. Save the .reg file to your Desktop and send it along with the dump file.

    Last but not least please also run the SupportTool file and generate the logs for further investigation. You can find details on how to use the Support Tool HERE

    Please note that you can upload all the files at: and then send me the download link via PM or post them as a reply to this post.


  • Please tell me the exact version of AutoCAD; when exact does the software crash ? What is the error message you get ? Are you using a domain controller ?

    We are using AutoCAD LT 2010. The software doesn't crash and I don't get any error message. As a previous user pointed in this thread

    The mouse pointer in Autocad becomes very sluggish and jumps across the screen.
    . The CPU Usage in Windows Task Manager usually stays at 0-5%, but when the mouse pointer moves in AutoCAD, it jumps to almost 100%, for one of the processors. This makes working impossible. AutoCAD works normal only if I uninstall BitDefender. Stopping antivirus and firewall protection, removing bdagent and the services BitDefender Arrakis Server and BitDefender Threat Scanner from Windows start-up doesn't resolve the problem.

    We are not using a domain controller. The operating system we are using is Windows XP Home Edition Service Pack 3. The computers have:

    • CPU: Intel Core2Duo E7400 @ 2.80GHz
    • RAM: 4GB
    • Video card: NVIDIA GeForce 9500 GT

    I will send you as a private message with the message title "Autocad & Bitdefender" the link to the MidasHeurScanner.reg file. Because there is no crash in AutoCAD there is no sense to send you any dump file.

  • Unknown
    edited May 2010

    Hi Calin and thanks for the information. I have sent you an email with the request of generating a log file that will help us further investigate the matter. Looking forward to your answer!


  • shane.w

    Has there been any further development with this issue.

    We are running AutoCAD LT 2011 and I just purchased (last week) 6x5 license packs and we are now having all kinds of problems with AutoCAD.

    If this hasn't been resolved I will be forced to uninstall all products and demand a refund.

    We cannot go on working like this.

  • rootkit
    rootkit ✭✭✭

    Do you have BitDefender 2011 ?

    Please add AutoCAD to Exception list under Active Virus Control.

  • shane.w

    Thank you for getting back to me.

    I did find that disabling the active virus control fixed the problem too.

    I will now enable it and add the exception as you said and see how it performs.

  • shane.w
    Thank you for getting back to me.

    I did find that disabling the active virus control fixed the problem too.

    I will now enable it and add the exception as you said and see how it performs.

    Adding the exception didn't really feel as though it did a lot.

    So I've disabled the active virus control as before, this fixes the problem 100%.

    Although should I be worried that due to that the antivirus software is more vulnerable?

  • Hi shane.w,

    Note that also in Active Virus Control module you have the Exclusions option. Even if you disable this module your PC is protected by the Real Time protection.

    Thank you!

  • On installing BitDefender AntiVirus Free Trial 2010, standard installation

    on various computers running XP and having 2GB of memory,

    AutoCad 2009 became virtually unworkable on these computers.

    Does BitDefender eat a significant portion of that memory,

    or is there a known incompatibility with AutoCad 2009?

    On uninstalling BitDefender, the situation normalized again.

    A potential customer

    Hi All,

    I found here some discussion regarding Audo Cad, If you want more discussing & better solution, visit to the below link:

    Cad Services

    It will be more easy to contact them and send your problem details to get solution online.