Game Mode On/off Notification Area Problem



I installed BitDefender 2010 AV, from the below link:

But when I rt click on Bitdefender icon in notification area Game Mode turns On, I've confirmed That, but the notification area icon do not change to "G" and also on rt clicking it shows

"Turn Game Mode ON".

In the Main GUI after Entering the Game Mode Tab we can switch it off.

So thats the Problem.

Ok as I cant attach all files by the tools given for diagnosis, so heres the link to it:

I hope I could make you understand the Problem.




  • Alex Stanciu

    Hello ginzon,

    We have sent you an email that will help us further trouble-shoot this sittuation. Please reply when you have time.

    Thank you.

  • ginzon
    edited December 2009

    The ****** cleared the notification area very well, but on reproduction of the issue it appeared.

    I executed those two commands n tried to create the issue n VollAh!! that G appeared, but useless as the issue was expected to be logged.

    No issue will be there in log in that case.

    Restarted my PC to see if it is fixed but LOL issue persisted.

    Executed those again n issue gone.



  • Alex Stanciu

    Hello ginzon,

    Thank you for the reports that you have submitted to us. At the moment, this sittuation is investigated by my colleagues from the Testing team. As soon as we have new information's about it, we will contact you.

    Thank you.

  • AndreiRC
    edited December 2009

    I would like to signal that I have the same problem. Whether I go in a game (game listed as a full-screen application) or I turn the Game Mode on manually with a right-click, no G shows up. I get confirmation that Game Mode is on when I right-click because it tells me 'Turn Game Mode off'.

  • I was hoping that yesterdays major update might have fixed this issue too.

    Unfortunately, it doesn't look like it's related, as I too am unable to get the Task-Bar icon to change to the familiar ''G'' when Game-Mode is on.

    Right clicking the icon still has ''Turn Game Mode On'' in the context menu, but if I enter Game/Laptop Mode / Game Mode, in Advanced .... then it shows that Game Mode IS actually ON.

  • I have a problem of similar nature...

    The worst in all of this is during the entire time when Game Mode is turned on in notification area in tray G letter is not included.

    As a result of all -an update can not be made (even after a computer is restarted).

    The game mode can not be turned off as well via "TURN OFF GAME MODE" button on Dashborad menu.

    I only managed to eliminate it over SETTINGS after uncheck Game Mode Enable box.

    Every time after starting Game mode, the same process I have to do again.

    I own BitDefender Internet Security 2010

  • Seems I just solved my problem after redownloading and reinstalling BitDefender InternetSecurity2010 from the official site.

    Thanks anyway!!!

  • Just to add a note to this ongoing problem:

    With Vista (Home Premium) laptop, right clicking the BD taskbar icon seems to work fine. The ''G'' shows up, and Game mode can be easily turned off and on from here.

    The XP PC (Service pack 2), however, is the one with the issue of being unable to get to Game mode via the BD icon. Hmm. When an application which is in the game list is activated, ..... up pops the ''G'' like there's nothing wrong. Ahh well.

  • The problem seems to be on and off. Now right-clicking on the icon makes the G pop up, but an application from the Game List doesn't make it pop up.

  • Same problem (from my first post), with the same consequences re-appeared after the new BD IS2010 installation on Windows 7 x64.

    Is there any solution on the way?

  • Alex Stanciu
    Alex Stanciu ✭✭
    edited December 2009

    Hello all,

    We are currently working on a fix but until then, as a temporary workaround, please try the following:

    1. Open BitDefender in Expert Mode, click on Game/Laptop Mode, then click on Turn Off Game Mode.

    2. Restart the computer and then check if the Game mode icon will be properly displayed in the system tray. You will have to make sure to disable the game mode before shutting down / restarting the computer in order to prevent this from happening, for the moment.

    Thank you.

  • Same thing here, im running windows 7 64 bit

  • It seems that everything is fine now, without taking any intervention steps... strange.

    May have been given some kind of system updates today Alex?

  • It seems that everything is fine now, without taking any intervention steps... strange.

    May have been given some kind of system updates today Alex?

    Game mode has been working properly intermittently over the past few weeks, at the moment it isn't (no G in the tray icon, scan activity bar showing,)but a check of the av settings shows that they have been changed for game mode,one thing that i do not understand is why the scan settings are not user configurable, as when i run games i would prefare that it does not scan accessed files,as it could slow down the game,or /and cause it to crash,after all while playing a game (full screen) av does not need to be active,the firewall does,as once you have all the necessary ports forwarded at the router bd firewall should not be a problem

  • I stopped using BD AV for sometime atleast till a proper stable version is out, as this section of forum shows too many things to believe...

  • zampe
    edited December 2009
    I stopped using BD AV for sometime atleast till a proper stable version is out, as this section of forum shows too many things to believe...

    For me the problem is much bigger, because I have a lot of licenses sold and made a mass account/products registration for clients praising BitDefender like the best AV solution.

    At end I fear that clients can begin to call me about this game mode/updates issues.

  • ....... and for today folks, ..... Game mode initiation from Taskbar icon,, .... working. Black ''G'' shows up when expected, and can be turned back off again from Taskbar. Wonder whether this'll be temporary?

  • today i found out that when i logg of and after that log in on windows 7 game mode starts to work

  • When i right click on the bit defender icon then choose Turn game mode on nothing happens.

    the first 2 weeks it worked fine but now i have to open bit defender and turn game mode via interface, switch anti virus to permissive, and switch firewall to allow all...

    i do not want to reinstall it again, i have tried in the past with the same results.

    Windows vista 64bit home premium running on a acer aspire 8930g

  • i also had the same prob. so i added my games to the 'manage games' list. so wen i open the game, gamemode is automatically enabled. u cud also try using the hotkey, see if it makes any difference.

  • I am having the same problem. I hope that there is a fix for this soon otherwise i may have to look else where for antivirus software.

  • Hello all,

    Regarding your issues, please be so kind as to follow the steps from this link in order to provide us with the reports we need for further investigation.

    The reports will be sent directly to our Technical Support Team and you will receive an automatic reply shortly. Please send me a PM with the ticket ID from the Subject of the e-mail so that I may analyze the reports and send you a solution as soon as possible.

    Thank you.