Updating Bitdefender

My bitdefender 2010 will not update and has not been updated since 26/11/2009!!!!!!! Today is the first time I have noticed this without any prior notification - until now (fix issue)! I have followed the instructions in the other topic about running the live unava.exe (or whatever it is called) it has not worked, also I cannot change any settings because I do not know the settings password. HELP!

No other software installed, win xp up to date, just registered for 2 years of bitdefender. I have used bitdefender for years and always have trouble getting it to work correctly after a new version is installed - but when it is working it runs perfectly which is about 95% of the time.


  • I have also run the repair option from the start menu, still same problem.

  • Hello mikeleary83,

    Usually, when the BitDefender Update module is not working properly, you should see the Fix issue warning after 1, or maximum 2 days. Since you are seeing that BitDefender has not been updated since 26/11/2009 it must be also a displaying issue.

    Please tell us, have you made a System Restore or have you changed the Windows date?

    We saw that you have contacted us by phone and you managed to reset the settings password and also the Update is working now.

    Should you need any information please do not hesitate to contact us.

    Thank you.