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Fake.trojan. Crap! My Fix..


Well, i was very extremely Peed off.

I thought, OMG i am infected.

I rebooted to find that i had a black screen and explorer.exe not working. I thought. oh no. i booted into a safemode and then eventualyl it booted into safemode and i was like, ok, what do i do...

I opened MBAM and ran a scan. found nothing of interest.

The BD wasnt working. i rebooted my pc. i failed.

I was on my moms laptop on these very forums watching the thousands of people going onto ONE topic about this failure.

I cried almost.

I kept it together and waited for a fix. i downloaded it and it wouldnt work. the Windows INstaller was corrupted by the failure of BD.

I was ABLE to create a system restore disk, very happy about that.

I ran that and had no system restores.. it had corrupted them too.

I booted a Linux Kernal and am in the process of copying over 200gb of files over onto my external. afterwards ill restore my MESH pc into its factory defaults. Then i can begin everything of the file transfer.

This is my fix.

This is my fix.

And this is, my fix.

Dont mess around with BD updates. it failed. and i will be reluctant to even reinstall BD. from this epic fail. i am a system developer and stuff.

This failed.

Anybody want to buy 300days of BitDefender? .....

not really.. ill put it on some friends pcs and say its ok. until they automatic update and break theyre computers.

Anybody else got a fix, post it here. dont spam. just tell me your fix and we can compile a good fix. RATHER than spamming in every topic.


~ Chris

A VERY unsattisfied Consumer of BitDefender Products. WHY break my £1200 System?


  • Well, i was very extremely Peed off.

    I thought, OMG i am infected.

    I rebooted to find that i had a black screen and explorer.exe not working. I thought. oh no. i booted into a safemode and then eventualyl it booted into safemode and i was like, ok, what do i do...

    I opened MBAM and ran a scan. found nothing of interest.

    The BD wasnt working. i rebooted my pc. i failed.

    I was on my moms laptop on these very forums watching the thousands of people going onto ONE topic about this failure.

    I cried almost.

    I kept it together and waited for a fix. i downloaded it and it wouldnt work. the Windows INstaller was corrupted by the failure of BD.

    I was ABLE to create a system restore disk, very happy about that.

    I ran that and had no system restores.. it had corrupted them too.

    I booted a Linux Kernal and am in the process of copying over 200gb of files over onto my external. afterwards ill restore my MESH pc into its factory defaults. Then i can begin everything of the file transfer.

    This is my fix.

    This is my fix.

    And this is, my fix.

    Dont mess around with BD updates. it failed. and i will be reluctant to even reinstall BD. from this epic fail. i am a system developer and stuff.

    This failed.

    Anybody want to buy 300days of BitDefender? .....

    not really.. ill put it on some friends pcs and say its ok. until they automatic update and break theyre computers.

    Anybody else got a fix, post it here. dont spam. just tell me your fix and we can compile a good fix. RATHER than spamming in every topic.


    ~ Chris

    A VERY unsattisfied Consumer of BitDefender Products. WHY break my £1200 System?


    My Complete guide on how to fix this problem when you cannot run anything because windows isntall has been eaten.

    1. Download on a seperate machine, Ubuntu Live CD.

    From this you can put the ISO onto a CD (its a small OS!) or, a dvd.

    2. Once burned onto the CD / DVD, boot from it. doing so you will be presented with a language option, hit your preffered language and continue with Enter.

    Then you can boot from the CD and look at ubuntu. normally just by pressing enter again to use it without making system changes.

    3. once its booted you can then look at your system files from the 'Places' header.

    From this you can usually get all your files onto a safe location, usually an external hdd does the trick.

    Copy all your essential files across, taking note of items youve copied. it can take for around 200gb -> 2-5 hours on a E-SATA. otherwise it could be a overnight job.

    Either way this backs you system up.

    4. .

    Once completed, shut the pc down. and remove the disk.


    If you have a recovery CD , boot up and insert it instantly. let it boot from that. and then you can completely wipe your system to its defaults.

    I would expect after this, everything would be fine, just copy files back across and job a good one.

    I would hope that a recovery cd would set your pc back to the first boot. if im wrong. correct me as this is the guide im going to take. ive got no other option as i just get a blcak screen on logon and the windows installer is eaten.

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