
Hello Guys,

The only problem I seem to be running into is the Anti Spam filter.

There is just so much spam from my POP acoount and Internet Security 2010 catches only like 50%. Is this kind of behavior expected?

Is there a fix to this. Please Advise.

Thanks in Advance


  • Hello abhinabray,

    We recommend you to retrain the Bayesian filter, wiping its database, so that emails are correctly tagged as [spam]. In order to retrain the Bayesian filter, wiping its previous database, please follow these steps:

    - open your email software

    - click on the wizard icon from the BitDefender tollbar

    - click on Next

    - click on Next to add all your contacts to the friends list (the emails you will receive from them will not be marked as spam)

    - check the box to Wipe antispam filter database

    - click on Next

    - select a folder which contains ONLY legitimate emails (the filter will learn what kind of emails you want to receive)

    - click on Next

    - select a folder which contains ONLY SPAM emails (the filter will learn what kind of emails you do NOT want to receive)

    - for the above step, it it better to move all the spam emails into a newly created Spam folder (before you run this Wizard)

    - click on Next

    - click on Finish

    - click on Close

    Please let us know if the situation is fixed after following the above steps.

    Thank you.

  • Thanks for the reply.

    I am in the process of testing/benchmarking the security solutions from the major vendors.

    I will be setting up the rest of the machines with the product with the best overall performance.

    I am a bit inclined to use bitfender after reading all the reviews it has for Anti-Spam but somehow

    I am not getting the same results. I tried what you had told me to and that too did not work out.

    Any other options I am missing out on? Any network issues that I might be overlooking?
