Broken 2010 Av

BD keeps crashing I reinstalled several times removed all reg entries i could find and all bd folders before reinstalling. Also whenever I run a scan it will make a log file that says "c:\d:\" that's the only text in the entire log file it says nothing about the files it scanned or anything like that so I don't even know if its working. Usually in the mornings I'm greeted by the results window from the daily 2 am scans but no more. Ever since that ###### update that broke everything its been acting like a redheaded stepchild and nothing I have done has worked.

When I get home from work I'm greeted by this attached pic and log file


/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=6263" data-fileid="6263" rel="">1271040337_1_00.xml


  • Well with no help from BD I fixed the problem, I ran the uninstall tool again then installed Norton Anti virus seems to be working fine now. I'll recommend to everyone I told to use BD to switch to Nortons, mabey in 5 years you will learn from your mistakes and make a better product just like the other guys.

    I was a Nortons fan way back in the day before it got bloated and crappy then I left but looks like they finally got their ###### back together and I'm loving it so far.

    Good riddance BD!