

New to the forum... hello!

My recent scan revealed 7 infections, they are all of the kind

\Application Data\Thunderbird\Profiles\5xdm2s8h.default\Mail\Local Folders\Inbox=>(message 5264) Infected: Generic.Peed.Eml.E6B24499 Disinfection failed

Would appreciate any help...thanks a lot



  • Hello Manasevich

    What you must do is remove all these emails. If BitDefender blocks you to delete the mails do this rightclick on the BitDefender icon with you will find near the system clock go to antivirus,press on realtime protection (enabled). Retry to delete it. Use also afterwards the compress archive function. If available in Thunderbird. That should get rid of it.



  • Hello Manasevich

    What you must do is remove all these emails. If BitDefender blocks you to delete the mails do this rightclick on the BitDefender icon with you will find near the system clock go to antivirus,press on realtime protection (enabled). Retry to delete it. Use also afterwards the compress archive function. If available in Thunderbird. That should get rid of it.



  • Hello...

    New to the forum... hello!

    My recent scan revealed 7 infections, they are all of the kind

    \Application Data\Thunderbird\Profiles\5xdm2s8h.default\Mail\Local Folders\Inbox=>(message 5264) Infected: Generic.Peed.Eml.E6B24499 Disinfection failed

    Would appreciate any help...thanks a lot



  • Hello Manasevich

    What you must do is remove all these emails. If BitDefender blocks you to delete the mails do this rightclick on the BitDefender icon with you will find near the system clock go to antivirus,press on realtime protection (enabled). Retry to delete it. Use also afterwards the compress archive function. If available in Thunderbird. That should get rid of it.



    I did what you suggested but does NOT work. The problem seems to be located at the junk file and trash file.

    Running bitdefender for the Inbox file ( from local files) shows no problems, but I cannot run bitdefender for

    the junk and trash files.

    Any other suggestion?

    Thanks a lot


  • Hello Manasevich

    Delete these mails also in the junk and trash folder when you are in Thunderbird. That should solve your problem. Be sure that you disable realtime protection. After you done that compress your email file. If you can't find them in Thunderbird. Do this go to start,my computer,double click on the icon of your hard disc where windows is installed on,go to documents and settings,your user account,after that go to menu tools,folder options,view/display check the option show hidden files and folders confirm by pressing on apply and ok. Now you should see the folder called Application Data and navigate further to Thunderbird\Profiles\5xdm2s8h.default\Mail\Local Folders\Inbox=>(message 5264) and delete message 5264.



  • Hello Manasevich

    Delete these mails also in the junk and trash folder when you are in Thunderbird. That should solve your problem. Be sure that you disable realtime protection. After you done that compress your email file. If you can't find them in Thunderbird. Do this go to start,my computer,double click on the icon of your hard disc where windows is installed on,go to documents and settings,your user account,after that go to menu tools,folder options,view/display check the option show hidden files and folders confirm by pressing on apply and ok. Now you should see the folder called Application Data and navigate further to Thunderbird\Profiles\5xdm2s8h.default\Mail\Local Folders\Inbox=>(message 5264) and delete message 5264.




    It worked, free of viruses, thanks a lot..



  • claudiu
    edited August 2007

    i wouldnt recommend you to disable real-time protection even if it stops you from deleting infected files. Instead you should go to Antivirus - Quarantine - add the file to quarantine ... and after that delete it. It is more safe than Niels method and you don`t need to temporary disable real time protection

  • Hello Manasevich

    Glad that I could help you.



    Hello claudiu

    You are right. But if you take a look and you will see that people of BitDefender also recommend to disable temporary realtime protection.



  • claudiu
    edited August 2007

    i know but its not 100% safe :)

    if we can come up with better solutions why shouldn`t we use them?

  • i know but its not 100% safe :)

    if we can come up with better solutions why shouldn`t we use them?

    That is also true but the chance that you get infected in the few seconds you disabled realtime protection is almost impossible. Only if you are surfing unsafe websites. In the feature I will recommend using unlocker or adding it to the quarantine.



  • claudiu
    edited August 2007

    hehe, 2 years ago i was writing an email to bitdefender ###### off by the fact that i was infected in the time bitdefender antivirus 9 restarted after an update (i guess it does that even today). I was reading some emails in Outlook Express and opened the infected file in the exact moment bit restarted its engines after and update. Bam! svchost.exe Infected. disinfection not possible -> delete not possible -> system format :-/

  • Hello. I'm Teachtom. I am having a problem with the same virus/trojan. gen.Peed.Emi.. Claudiu, I liked your solution, but could you explain how to move the infected file over to the quarrentine list? Thanks. teachtom

  • Hello teachtome

    What you have to do is moving the mail from the application data folder by keep pressing your leftmousebutton now open BitDefender,antivirus,quarantine, and release your mouse button on the quarantine screen. If you want to delete it permantely select it and press on the remove button.

    For outlook and outlook express you can't do this because everything is stored in one file so you have to follow my instructions.



  • Bitdefender Antivirus Plus v10 detected "Generic.Peed.Eml" in my Outlook Express 6 deleted items folder. It was unable to disinfect it, delete it, or quarentine it. I tried the manual methods listed above, but none of them work. Any other suggestions?



  • Hello Metro Promo

    Open outlook express and delete the infected mail. Then empty your deleted items folder. After that go to file, data file management ,select the current mail archive,Setting ,Compact Now. You have to disable realtime protection first.



  • I am having the same problem, however I have no idea which of the hundreds of message I have saved is the offending message. Any thoughts on how to determine which of the e-mails has the virus? Outlook doesn't let you scan the messages individually, at least not that I have found.

  • Hello mtndivr

    Please open BitDefender go to general,events,you should doubleclick on infected file found. There you will see what the subject of that infected mail was.



  • denis
    edited August 2007

    Hello All

    I have tried to enter the:

    \Application Data\Thunderbird\Profiles\"my folder".default\Mail\Local Folders\Inbox

    but could not open it and of course could not see the bad file.

    The "Inbox" seems undefined.

    How do I open that and finaly reach my messages to delete the bad ones.



  • Hello denis

    Did you first uncheck hide folders and files in the tools,folderoptions,view menu? Because application data is a hidden folder.

    Did you first closed Thunderbird? Take also a look in taskmanager: go to start,run,type taskmgr press enter and go to the processes tab and take a look if you find an entry called thunderbird.exe select it and press on kill process. Retry. Check also if there isn't another profile.



  • denis
    edited August 2007


    Thanks Niels for your answer.

    Thunderbird is off and I can reach the profiles folder.

    My problem is how do I see the message from that level.

    I attach a picture of my screen where I am stuck.

    I hope you can see it and understand my problem.

    We can see folders like inbox.sbd or file like inbox and inbox.msf but I don't know what to do from there!



  • Hello denis

    The problem is that in this section only virus researchers can download attachments. So I can't see your picture. But you should delete the message with the number that you will find when you start BitDefender,general,events,infected file found. There you will find the location and which mail is infected. That mail you have to delete. Please post also the exact location where BitDefender found the infected mail.



  • Hello Niels

    please go on:

    I have put there:

    the printscreen wher I am stuck


    the log of bitdefender

    I hope it helps



  • Hello Denis

    You have to double click on inbox.sbd. After that you must deleting the messages with the following numbers:

    929,931,946,1269,1280. If you can't see them open Thunderbird inbox and delete the messages with the numbers I wrote before.Clear your junk folder in Thunderbird.



  • Hello Niels

    I could finaly solve my problem thanks to your hints.

    Here is how I did:

    1) I transfered all mails in Thunderbird inbox into another folder.

    2) I quited Thunderbird and went into the profile folder.

    3) I opened the inbox (without extension) file with Wordpad

    4) Eventhat I took away the appearing mails in the inbox within Thunderbird, there was a huge content inside that file (several Mb) I erase it inside Wordpad, saved it.

    5) I did the same for the junk file.

    The problem is gone now.

    And Thunderbird still works...

    Thank a lot for your help.



  • Hello denis

    Glad that I could help you.

    Also thanks for sharing how you did it.



  • Hi,

    I have done a scan and got the following message, which seems to be a similar problem to others on the thread.

    C:\... \Inbox.dbx=>(message 441) Infected: Generic.Peed.Eml.343056AE

    C:\RECYCLER\S-1-5-21-436374069-117609710-839522115-1004\Dc5.bak=>(message 443) Infected: Generic.Peed.Eml.343056AE

    I looked in the events but it doesn’t tell me the title of the message in Outlook. Any suggestions?



  • Hi,

    I found if I scanned the inbox only, the report file showed the titles. The infected mail was almost 4 years old but Bit Defender has only just noticed. It deleted with no problems.



  • hey, i also have that problem with generic.peed....

    my problem is that whenever i want to open the deleted mails it is not possible. it says not enough main memory.

    so i cant delete this e mail.

    whenever i start my outlook express i get a virus message. another thing ist that i even cant delete new incoming mails or old mails. its not possible. would be nice to get some hint

    thx andy

  • hey, i also have that problem with generic.peed....

    my problem is that whenever i want to open the deleted mails it is not possible. it says not enough main memory.

    so i cant delete this e mail.

    whenever i start my outlook express i get a virus message. another thing ist that i even cant delete new incoming mails or old mails. its not possible. would be nice to get some hint

    thx andy

    everything okay, i repaired it!!

  • robfos
    edited May 2008

    Hello Im new here I ran BitDefender as it showed that i have the following. I cant find one of these anywhere can any one help? I also ran spyware doctor with no help


    C:\Documents and Settings\Robert\Local Settings\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\qcc51j1y.default\Cache\3CF34703d01=>(message 5) Infected: Generic.Peed.Eml.1A3B4382

    C:\Documents and Settings\Robert\Local Settings\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\qcc51j1y.default\Cache\3CF34703d01=>(message 5) Disinfection failed

    C:\Documents and Settings\Robert\Local Settings\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\qcc51j1y.default\Cache\3CF34703d01=>(message 5) Move failed

    C:\Documents and Settings\Robert\Local Settings\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\qcc51j1y.default\Cache\3CF34703d01=>(message 132) Infected: Generic.Peed.Eml.C365E740

    C:\Documents and Settings\Robert\Local Settings\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\qcc51j1y.default\Cache\3CF34703d01=>(message 132) Disinfection failed

    C:\Documents and Settings\Robert\Local Settings\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\qcc51j1y.default\Cache\3CF34703d01=>(message 132) Move failed

    C:\Documents and Settings\Robert\Local Settings\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\qcc51j1y.default\Cache\3CF34703d01=>(message 191) Infected: Generic.Peed.Eml.C6A1844C

    C:\Documents and Settings\Robert\Local Settings\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\qcc51j1y.default\Cache\3CF34703d01=>(message 191) Disinfection failed

    C:\Documents and Settings\Robert\Local Settings\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\qcc51j1y.default\Cache\3CF34703d01=>(message 191) Move failed

  • Hello Manasevich

    Delete these mails also in the junk and trash folder when you are in Thunderbird. That should solve your problem. Be sure that you disable realtime protection. After you done that compress your email file. If you can't find them in Thunderbird. Do this go to start,my computer,double click on the icon of your hard disc where windows is installed on,go to documents and settings,your user account,after that go to menu tools,folder options,view/display check the option show hidden files and folders confirm by pressing on apply and ok. Now you should see the folder called Application Data and navigate further to Thunderbird\Profiles\5xdm2s8h.default\Mail\Local Folders\Inbox=>(message 5264) and delete message 5264.



    How do I open a specific message number? i.e. how do i found out which message it is? The inbox folder in local folders is empty (even with showing hidden files and folders) and the inbox.msf is one file, so how would i delete a specific email from this area. Wouldn't I have to find out which email it is and delete it through Thunderbird? and how do I do that (find out which one it is)?

  • Well I have read through these messages, and they are for PC based email systems. Now how do I get rid of this Generic.Peed problem if it is with Gmail? Do I just delete the offending email each time my BitDefender pops up. It is hard to associate the email with the BD message. Also DB flagged that the problem is with a file in the Internet Temporary folder.

    Each I have deleted the temporary files and the problem keeps coming back. I suspect it is being transferred from the Gmail system to my PC.
