Error Code 1007.. Updating Is Looping

Hi, I'm using bitdefender total security 2010 and just saw a issue with updating. Updating process is running normally and @ the end it is not downloading to final 100Kb. And again it is retrying. Then I traced the livesvr.exe and run the update. I got the log and saw the error 1007(download error) that always happens after downloading the nag/media/images/bg_blue.png. What is this? and please help me...


  • Hi, I'm using bitdefender total security 2010 and just saw a issue with updating. Updating process is running normally and @ the end it is not downloading to final 100Kb. And again it is retrying. Then I traced the livesvr.exe and run the update. I got the log and saw the error 1007(download error) that always happens after downloading the nag/media/images/bg_blue.png. What is this? and please help me...

    Hi udinnet,

    Give more details on your system, it will help BD technicians. XP? Vista? Seven?

    You could follow the link below to manually update BD (coming from BD's knowledgebase)

    manual update

    Maybe check somewhere else in BD's knowledgebase

    BD knowledgebase

    ... or download the soft on BD's web site, cut off the internet line, fully deinstall the old soft, install the latest downloaded... and try the update.

    According to google, error 1007 (loop action) seems to be linked with flash or some other soft.

    Check your system, windows... no software making crash issues?

    I have to leave now.

    Have a nice day



  • Hi again,

    My system is Hp Pavilion DV6 2150EE

    And windows 7 64bit environment.

    I can uninstall and check for a new BD 2010 version. But how can I backup my firewall rules. It is hard to set those firewall rules again. Please give me a way

  • Hi again,

    My system is Hp Pavilion DV6 2150EE

    And windows 7 64bit environment.

    I can uninstall and check for a new BD 2010 version. But how can I backup my firewall rules. It is hard to set those firewall rules again. Please give me a way

    Hi udinnet,

    I do not know whether firewall rules can be saved and input again, considering we choose another version, is it possible? maybe... someone will answer I hope.

    Does your brand computer have some other antimalware soft? Usually brand computers are loaded with lots of free soft that are not first rate or that we do not want.


    1 firewall per machine; 1 antivirus, 1 antispyware, nothing else. Check your machine and deinstall everything that could duplicate the antimalware

    Did the manual update work or not?

    You checked in BD knowledgebase?

    Did you check the presence of malware (fully scan..) ?

    have a nice evening



  • Hi, I'm using bitdefender total security 2010 and just saw a issue with updating. Updating process is running normally and @ the end it is not downloading to final 100Kb. And again it is retrying. Then I traced the livesvr.exe and run the update. I got the log and saw the error 1007(download error) that always happens after downloading the nag/media/images/bg_blue.png. What is this? and please help me...

    I had a similar problem on my XP where in a BD Product Update of 106 KB would continuously fail to download. Here is how i could resolve it:

    1) The installation folder (usually under C:\Program Files\) had many sub-folders. One of them was "NAG".

    2) When I tried viewing the contents of the NAG folder i would get an error message. Somehow, even the Administrator did not have read permissions to this folder.

    3) Restarted PC using Safe Mode. Opened properties of the NAG folder, clicked on "Security" tab and granted "Full Control" to all accounts that were listed there.

    4) Restarted PC in normal mode, and voila, the BD update was able to complete successfully.

    good luck.


  • I had a similar problem on my XP where in a BD Product Update of 106 KB would continuously fail to download. Here is how i could resolve it:

    1) The installation folder (usually under C:\Program Files\) had many sub-folders. One of them was "NAG".

    2) When I tried viewing the contents of the NAG folder i would get an error message. Somehow, even the Administrator did not have read permissions to this folder.

    3) Restarted PC using Safe Mode. Opened properties of the NAG folder, clicked on "Security" tab and granted "Full Control" to all accounts that were listed there.

    4) Restarted PC in normal mode, and voila, the BD update was able to complete successfully.

    good luck.


    Thanks dude it worked!!! <img class=" />

  • Glad to see the issue you contacted us about has been resolved. Feel free to contact us with any further queries you may have.

    Best regards,