Bd 2010 Internet Security
My disappointment in Bitdefender just continues to grow.
In Bitdefender 2008 you had a product that was simple to use and effective and so I chose to renew my subscription only to be told I would have to install Bitdefender Antivirus 2009. Given that 2008 had, for me anyway, performed well, I chose to install Bitdefender 2009 antivirus.
That was when the problems started. Unable to resolve the issue I had with that product, you upgraded me to Bitdefender Internet Security 2009, which you gleefully told me was a better product and that I should not experience the problems I had with Bitdefender Antivirus 2009. Fair enough I thought and went through the whole process of uninstalling one and installing the other.
I then found that some of my e-mails were disappearing on downloading to Microsoft Outlook.
Okay you said, why not try our newly released Bitdefender 2010, released last week.
I have done so.
My e-mails are disappearing again. Where is Bitdefender sending them between me seeing they are there in webmail and me discovering I can no longer action them because they do not download into Outlook. I have never had this problem before and I am disappointed you have failed to address it in my previous post, instead referring me to yet another upgrade.
Until this matter is resolved I would like Bitdefender to stop the countdown until my license renewal (Which is the only part of the product I can see that is working properly) As far as I am concerned since 2 August 2009 when I installed the Bitdefender Antivirus 2009, I have had a faulty product. I do not believe you should be charging me for the use of the product until you can prove, not just to me, but to the rest of the people on this forum that you have a product that you can categorically say is working 100% effectively before being launched on the unsuspecting market.
Can u be more specific regarding ur mail client ?
Is there any [spam] subfolder in the Deleted Items folder ?
Can u find there the lost e-mails ?0 -
Can u be more specific regarding ur mail client ?
Is there any [spam] subfolder in the Deleted Items folder ?
Can u find there the lost e-mails ?
I have junk mail filters set up on my webmail account. Just to be certain that those filters do not filter out mail I want, I check it on webmail before I download to Microsoft Outlook.
Yes there are filters set up in Microsoft Outlook to then direct my mail to the appropriate place in my inbox.
I have checked every single folder in Microsoft Outlook and the e-mails in question, that were clearly there in my webmail account, have now disppeared completely. It's not as if they have been filtered to Junk Mail, they're just not there.
Previously with Bitdefender, it used to say it was checking incoming mail and the number of emails it was checking, eg 1 of 6 etc. It no longer does that and so I cannot verifiy that the mail concerned has been received and re-directed to some unknown place by Bitdefender. It has become such a user unfriendly product compared to my previous experiences with it.0 -
Hello babyspicefan ,
We regret this sittuation and please rest assure that you have all of our attention in solving this issue . Now, let's test and see which BitDefender module is causing this issue.
Try the following steps please :
1. For start , open BitDefender and click on the Settings button . Choose Expert Mode then click on Ok .
2. Click on Antivirus and under the Shield tab please click on the Custom Level button . Uncheck Scan Incoming and Outgoing emails options and then click on Ok. After that test to see if you can receive emails properly .
3. If you have the same issue , disable the Antivirus module and look if you receive all your emails.
3. Now , click on the Antispam module and disable it . Look if the same sittuation is reproducing .
Also , we have sent you an email we are ask you for some files located on your system . Please be so kind to reply to our email so that we can provide you a proper solution .
Thank you .0 -
Hello babyspicefan ,
We regret this sittuation and please rest assure that you have all of our attention in solving this issue . Now, let's test and see which BitDefender module is causing this issue.
Try the following steps please :
1. For start , open BitDefender and click on the Settings button . Choose Expert Mode then click on Ok .
2. Click on Antivirus and under the Shield tab please click on the Custom Level button . Uncheck Scan Incoming and Outgoing emails options and then click on Ok. After that test to see if you can receive emails properly .
3. If you have the same issue , disable the Antivirus module and look if you receive all your emails.
3. Now , click on the Antispam module and disable it . Look if the same sittuation is reproducing .
Also , we have sent you an email we are ask you for some files located on your system . Please be so kind to reply to our email so that we can provide you a proper solution .
Thank you .
I am having the same issue with my emails.
Bitdefender Total Security 2010 pops up a box saying "Downloading new Email" When I check Thunderbird mail the newly downloaded email is not there.
Can you tell me where they could be!!!!!
I am starting to get really frustrated with BD TS 2010 and I only have it on my system 2 days.
Its hiding my emails, slowing down my system as its constantly doing something and has crashed twice today." />
0 -
Hello babyspicefan ,
We regret this sittuation and please rest assure that you have all of our attention in solving this issue . Now, let's test and see which BitDefender module is causing this issue.
Try the following steps please :
1. For start , open BitDefender and click on the Settings button . Choose Expert Mode then click on Ok .
2. Click on Antivirus and under the Shield tab please click on the Custom Level button . Uncheck Scan Incoming and Outgoing emails options and then click on Ok. After that test to see if you can receive emails properly .
3. If you have the same issue , disable the Antivirus module and look if you receive all your emails.
3. Now , click on the Antispam module and disable it . Look if the same sittuation is reproducing .
Also , we have sent you an email we are ask you for some files located on your system . Please be so kind to reply to our email so that we can provide you a proper solution .
Thank you .
I have responded to the e-mail that you sent to me attaching the appropriate files.
I really do not wish to follow these instructions here until I know I am not going to lose any of my e-mails. Because you do not know what is wrong with your product, you want me to be a guinea pig and try an 'either / or' and it seems you have no concern that my e-mails could get deleted in the process. If you can tell me where to find the deleted e-mails, then I will follow the instructions. Can you tell me where they are?
I notice again you conveniently dodge the issue of renewal countdown. Why will you not answer the question? Why is my renewal continuing to countdown when I have paid you for a product that does not work and has caused me inconvenience in deleting my e-mails?0 -
Hello babyspicefan ,
It's not possible to stop a license key from being active . After we manage to solve this issue we will extend it .
The only way we can determine what is causing this sittuation is by you, following the steps from my previous post . We need to know what options,when being enabled, are blocking your emails from downloading properly .
We have received the files that you have sent us and we are currently analyzing them . Until then, please let us know if you managed to follow the steps from my last post .
Thank you .0 -
Hello babyspicefan ,
It's not possible to stop a license key from being active . After we manage to solve this issue we will extend it .
The only way we can determine what is causing this sittuation is by you, following the steps from my previous post . We need to know what options,when being enabled, are blocking your emails from downloading properly .
We have received the files that you have sent us and we are currently analyzing them . Until then, please let us know if you managed to follow the steps from my last post .
Thank you .
I will gladly follow the steps you suggest if you can give me assurance that you will be able to assist me in locating any e-mails that may get deleted in the process. Can you do that?0 -
@Neweb: Please check the screenshot attached. Everytime the antispam filters detect an e-mail as spam, it's being moved in the SPAM folder in TRASH, and, most important, it is marked as read (this may be a little misleading, as the number of spam e-mail won't appear in the paranthesis, near the folder name).
Notice that if you delete the content of trash, the content of the SPAM folder is also deleted (as well as the SPAM folder). Also, if your e-mail client is set to delete the contents of the TRASH folder on exit, the SPAM folder will be deleted too.
If any the e-mails tagged as spam are not actually spam, you can add the respective senders to the friend list. To do that, select an e-mail and click on the Add Friend button, on the Bitdefender Antispam Toolbar.
@babyspicefan: Similar behavior on MSO.
If this doesn't help, please provide us some e-mail samples (if you have access to the webmail server).0 -
I have followed the instructions provided.
I beleive the problem lies with the anti spam filter, which I have disabled. When I switched to 'Expert Mode', the program told me the number of mails received since installing and the number of spam mails. The number of Spam mails coincides with the number that have disappeared. Whilst I believe that Bitdefender has incorrectly identified items of my mail as Spam, I do not know where to find those mails. Are they retrieveable? and if so, how do I find them?
I do not trust the antispam part of your program and so will leave it disabled as my own webmail filters do a far more effective job and on the odd occasion that they do incorrectly identify mail as Spam, they don't delete them without my authority to do so.0 -
Ok, so this is going to be the last post upon this thread.
BitDefender AntiSpam Filter tags e-mails as [spam], and moves them to the Spam folder (as a subfolder of Deleted Items - SEE SPAM.PNG attached).
If you have enabled the Junk Filter from MSO, those e-mail will be moved to the Junk E-mail folder, even if BD Antispam Filder has allready tagged those e-mails as spam. You can check if the e-mails are considered spam by BD, by observing the "[spam]" added in the subject of the e-mails.
If you have this option "Empty Deleted Items upon exit" enabled (SEE SPAM2.PNG), then you have definetly lost those e-mails.
Further on, if you consider that BD AntiSpam falsely detects some of your e-mails as spam, then you can add those senders to the friends list.
BD DOES NOT DELETE any of the received e-mails. It's just moving them to the SPAM folder !0 -
I refer back to my previous post
Topic closed without resolution
I advised you that some of my e-mails had been moved to Bitdefender Spam and the contents of those had been deleted. In your last post you stated that this could not be done. I have sent two samples of such e-mails to you as requested and I have yet to receive an explanation as to why the contents have been deleted and how I can get the contents back.
If you do not know why they have been deleted say so. If I cannot get the contents back, say so.
You are now expecting me to go through the process of downloading and installing another e-mail client and doing comparisons between the two and a web based client. That does not resolve the issue of the e-mails that have already gone does it? That's what I am asking you about.
I have already expressed my view regarding your anti spam filter and advised that I have disabled it because it is flawed. I have no intention of using the anti spam filter as my webmail filters are adequate and don not delete the contents of mail incorrectly identified as spam, which your product has. Nor do I intend to use my e-mail account as guinea pigs for you.
I have forwarded you the emails you either can or can't tell me were they had originated from and you can tell me the contents are either retrievable or they are not. That's what I have asked.
On another point, I am continually getting a critical error with Bitdefender. Each time you say that information provided will help resolve whatever issue is causing such an error. Not once have you contacted me in this respect despite saying you would work with the user to identify it. Why do you ask for such information if you are not going to communicate with the user?
I apologise to other users of this Forum if I come across as rude with this post. It is borne out of frustration from the product provider not answering a simple question that I cannot explain in any simpler terms.0 -
Hello babyspicefan,
The emails that you have provided were corrupted and did not helps us in identifying the exact cause of the issue. That is why we have asked you to perform the steps from my last reply and send us back the emails, in their original form.
Our main intention is to help you in solving the issues that you encountered with our product . We are sorry for this sittuation, but since there were no other users in the same sittuation, is very hard to provide you a resolution to this issue without analyzing some specific data .
You said that you encountered a critical error. Please let us know under what circumstances you get this message and also let us know what this critical error states. You can also take a screen shot and reply to our email with it attached.
Thank you .0 -
I refer back to my previous post
Topic closed without resolution
I advised you that some of my e-mails had been moved to Bitdefender Spam and the contents of those had been deleted. In your last post you stated that this could not be done. I have sent two samples of such e-mails to you as requested and I have yet to receive an explanation as to why the contents have been deleted and how I can get the contents back.
If you do not know why they have been deleted say so. If I cannot get the contents back, say so.
You are now expecting me to go through the process of downloading and installing another e-mail client and doing comparisons between the two and a web based client. That does not resolve the issue of the e-mails that have already gone does it? That's what I am asking you about.
I have already expressed my view regarding your anti spam filter and advised that I have disabled it because it is flawed. I have no intention of using the anti spam filter as my webmail filters are adequate and don not delete the contents of mail incorrectly identified as spam, which your product has. Nor do I intend to use my e-mail account as guinea pigs for you.
I have forwarded you the emails you either can or can't tell me were they had originated from and you can tell me the contents are either retrievable or they are not. That's what I have asked.
On another point, I am continually getting a critical error with Bitdefender. Each time you say that information provided will help resolve whatever issue is causing such an error. Not once have you contacted me in this respect despite saying you would work with the user to identify it. Why do you ask for such information if you are not going to communicate with the user?
I apologise to other users of this Forum if I come across as rude with this post. It is borne out of frustration from the product provider not answering a simple question that I cannot explain in any simpler terms.
On 4 July 2010, I received an e-mail from Bitdefender advising that my subscription was about to expire. I responded to the mail pointing out the problems I had had with Bitdefender in the early stages. As noted above I have had to disable part of the product as it was not working ot my satisfaction and was in fact removing e-mails without either telling me or requesting my permission to do so.
I have not yet been given the courtesy of a response.
With reference to my previous posts, I was advised that my license key would be extended on resolution of my problem. As far as I am concerned, my problem was not resolved by Bitdefender and it is only through my own disabling of part of their product that I prevented e-mails being deleted. As far as I am concerned, I believe my license key should be extended to at least September by which time I had isolated the problem myself.
I would have posted this query on here much sooner, but it has taken 10 days (As opposed to the "immediately" stated) from an initial password request to be acknowledged.
Please confirm that my license key will be extended0 -
Please provide me via PM (private message) with your license key and the email you used to communicate with Us and I will be able to confirm that for you, as I need to pass them to my colleagues from the Sales Department.
Looking forward to your answer!0 -
Please provide me via PM (private message) with your license key and the email you used to communicate with Us and I will be able to confirm that for you, as I need to pass them to my colleagues from the Sales Department.
Looking forward to your answer!
I sent the requested private message about a week ago, but have heard nothing back from you. Please advise the position0 -
Please provide me via PM (private message) with your license key and the email you used to communicate with Us and I will be able to confirm that for you, as I need to pass them to my colleagues from the Sales Department.
Looking forward to your answer!
I have still heard nothing from you in this respect. I have done as requested.
Is there a problem?
There is for me ... my subscription is about to run out.0 -
I have still heard nothing from you in this respect. I have done as requested.
Is there a problem?
There is for me ... my subscription is about to run out.
Can you please give the courtesy of a response?0 -
I still do not have a response from Bitdefender.
Is it policy to ignore a problem that you do not have an answer to or to simply abandon resolution mid way as your customer service represenative has done previously?0 -
Could I please have a response to this enquiry0
I am truly sorry about this misunderstanding and the delay in sending you the new license key. I have checked today with my colleagues from the Sales department, the license key was sent to you via email few hours ago. Please check your email and send me a reply if you need any further assistance.
Kind regards and a great weekend!0