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Computer Problem.. Need Help Asap. Thanks!


I need your help people.

My friend's computer automatically shuts itself down whenever it is opened.

It continues to load up to the desktop but then it shuts down quickly and displays the shut down message "saving your settings..." then it turns off..

it is running on a Windows XP professional..

and has about 300 MB of RAM

it also has two hard drives with 20 Gigabytes each...

Here's what happened before this..

-The last time it ran I had a problem running BitDefender and any other antivirus / anti spy softwares because the system shuts the program down. I installed Trojan Remover and scanned for malicious files but then in the middle of scanning, the computer freezes and I restart it pressing the reset button on the CPU.

-I tried restarting in safe mode but it just freezes so I repeated restarting the computer in normal mode for about five times then finally i was able to run Bitdefender, Trojan Remover, and Ad-aware.. but there came an error message saying that "RegEdit cannot be accessed" or something like that..

-When I ran Trojan Remover there were about more or less 5 files that were detected as "internet worm" I tried choosing "disable from running by changing its reference" and it says "the policy on registry editing was reset" but then whenever i run Trojan Remover again these files are still detected.. i didn't know what to do so i left that matter

-I ran Bitdefender and almost all files that are detected to be infected by virus/spyware were marked as "disinfection failed" and "moved failed"

(i attached screenshots of those that are moved to quarantine..)

-After that I downloaded the removal tool for worm Brontok here

-I ran it and unfortunately I was not able to read the results because I left my friend's house and told her to call me up when the scanning was done. She told me that all she could remember was that it displayed a message that it found a worm and the option was only the "ok" button. she clicked the ok button and turned the computer off. After 3 days she opened the computer and it would automatically shut down after loading up to the desktop.. it displays the shutdown message "saving your settings..." then it turns off..

Please help me.. what have I done to the computer???? T_T

Need help badly.. As soon and as fast as possible.. Thank you!!!!








  • msr
    edited August 2007
    I need your help people.

    My friend's computer automatically shuts itself down whenever it is opened.

    It continues to load up to the desktop but then it shuts down quickly and displays the shut down message "saving your settings..." then it turns off..

    it is running on a Windows XP professional..

    and has about 300 MB of RAM

    it also has two hard drives with 20 Gigabytes each...

    Does it boot into safe mode?

    If not, then you might have to have a look at


  • Check and see if it boot_s into safe mode. If not, most likely, there is a system file missing. Use Ultimate Boot CD (google it) and burn the cd using an iso burner. Check the memory and check the Hard drive. It will let you know if either are not working properly.

    Also, another big issue can be the power supply. Check that as well.

  • mihai_romanian
    edited August 2007

    Reformat,clean Windowse reinstallation. :D

    BTW worm removers are very dedicated tools,usually one tool for a single class of worms,like Wom Blaster-worm blaster remover(Worm Blaster A,B,C,.........).U can't run any tool for any worm.So what's the exact name of the worm?

    Um anyways if the pc shuts down so fast your easy way out is to reinstall the OS(i'm pretty sure there are others but you would risk more).


  • AndreiASM
    edited August 2007

    Since windows doesn't BOOT up, neither in normal or safe mode, the only way to get through it is a clean windows reinstall. Having that large amount of malware on your system caused pretty much destruction, making the OS unstable, and unable to run corectly. However, you may want to try a OS repair before, that may make your Windows runnable again, to give you the change of cleaning the infected files, but I can't guarantee anything.


  • Niels
    edited August 2007

    Hello ayel07

    You could always use BitDefender rescue cd-rom. Put in your installation disc of BitDefender. Boot your pc with the cd-rom inside. You have first to change the boot sequence in your BIOS. So you must change that first will be looked at your cd-rom,hard disc. You can change that when you see the BIOS screen. To enter the BIOS try to press delete or the key that is displayed.

    When you see a screen with LinuxDefender on press on enter.Double click on install NTFS Write Drivers. Press first on BitDefender remote admin and then on update now After that rightclick on the folder you want to scan and choose send to , BitDefender scanner you can also press on configure antivirus. If the scan is finished you have to do this rightclick on the partition icons and choose for unmount and exit.

    See if you are able to boot or reboot normally.



  • The Bitdefender installation disc is not available since the copy was downloaded from the internet and it is only an evaluation version. I am planning to reformat the hard disk and reinstall the OS but not just yet because I do not know how I can back up the important files. What could be the simplest way? thanks again.

  • Since your PC was so badly attacked,backing up files would only insure future infections right after u reinstall your OS and u download your back uped files into your HDD.Sorry but the bad news is that u can't make back-ups after an infection,back-ups are made before infections to prevent losses should a infection occur.


  • Niels

    Hello ayel07

    As a last solution download and burn this rescue cd-rom image Burn it as a bootable disc. Follow my other instructions.

