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Turning Off Virus Alert

edited August 2007 in General talk

The amount of time I have used BD i Have been highly impressed. I just got a computer that was infected with few virus which led to the explorer shuting down and you would not be able to start it up again. After System restore on the infected comp, I moved the HD into my computer and had BD scan it, it found exactly what was infacting it, infact im sure I could have moved the HD before running system restore and came out with the same results but I didn't think of it. The HD is not back in the original comp and windows is running fine.

Anyways, I am now running Ad-aware at the moment, cleaning out anything it finds, it has found ONE infection in 45 minutes, (Win32.TrojanClicker). Because BD has on-access scanning, guess how many files Ad-Aware has failed to notice an infection in? Over 6200 FILES and CLIMBING!!!!!! About 15 difference virus' in addition to the 11 virus' BD found while the HD was in my comp. This means, Virus Alert has come up that many times and I need to hold ALT-O until all alerts of files it has scanned, gets an OK by me by holding ALT-O.

Ad-Aware, haha, they say it finds VIRUS'. I had an argument on a forum and some guy who is well known said I was totally wrong saying that Ad-Aware shouldn't be the ONLY scanner you use because it doesn't find even close to half of what is on the computer. He continued to make me look like a fool but the joke is on him and this only proves my point further.

I can't browse the BD program unless I hold ALT-O because virus alert keeps coming up an stays on top of everything.

Is there a way I can turn Virus Alert OFF? I unchecked the option for "Show popup (On Screen Notes)" but virus alert still comes up.

Now that im all done typing, AD-Aware has finished the system volume information directory where everything was and BD has not found other infections while performing ON-Access scanning. So the total scan time for Ad-Aware was 1 hour 13 minutes and it found ONE Virus in 6 differen't reg locations and one SFI directory file.

Im guessing the SFI folder can only be access by the operating system that uses it? Im wondering why BD didn't pick up on it when I had the HD in my comp under SLAVE and scanned it that way.

BTW, this persons computer had Norton 2003 with definition files from last year. Even though it had old definitions, it only found ONE virus and it couldn't remove it. I got rid of Norton and installed the 30day trial BD antivirus 10 so he can buy it because its such a great program!

Sorry for the long post but I thought this was amazing. Softwin, you can use this post if you want for advertising :)


  • Well I found out where I can turn virus alert off. I don't know why I didn't see it before since I was browsing the "custom" settings before.

    Thanks Softwin for BD AV 10.

  • As a suggestion for BD AV 10. Would it be possible to have multiple virus' listed in ONE virus alert notification box? Maybe as a scroll box instead of multiple boxes? This way you can have 1000 virus' listed and you only have to click OK once to get rid of the box.

    Also, when virus alert is up, you can't do anything with the main BD screen untill you clear the virus alert box out. Could you also make it so that you can still gain access to the BS main screen while Virus alert is up?